Multiple jobs at a company

DatabaseHeadDatabaseHead Member Posts: 2,761 ■■■■■■■■■■
Do you list out all your jobs with descriptions? Do you list a bullet under the title stating various positions or do you roll them up until your last job....

Here is what I do and why.

I used to list them out one by one, but after a while I realized how much space I was wasting. Then I started posting a line under the job title stating I held multiple positions, but this started getting me questioned on my experience so I started to omit that line. Since then I have had a lot better success interviewing. Instead of getting that question over and over, it's essentially been neutralized.

When the future employer calls my former HR department they only state my last title, my hire date and termination date. For the sake of ease and clarity I just roll it up now......

What do you do?


  • MooseboostMooseboost Member Posts: 778 ■■■■□□□□□□
    For me it depends on how similar the positions are. If they are similar (transitioning to different engineering positions) then I list them under one, however if there is a significant change in duties then I list them individually.
  • thomas_thomas_ Member Posts: 1,012 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I just list the last job title and for the most part list the duties and achievements of my last job title since that is most likely going to be most relevant to the position I want to get hired for next(assuming there is no drastic change in career directions.) I do try to put a statement about how long I was in that last job role because if you were at a company for 8 years and only in your last job role for one year your resume would be kind of misleading making it seem like you were in the highest position for 8 years.
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