how hard is cissp? Need be told, eager for this SALARY!!!

We are through the hard time, real hard time, the job is no longer for all of us, but only part of us. the competition is more and more badly. What can i do, in this time? i have worked several years, and i found it is so hard keep my job without a CISSP certs. This test is a beast and it is hard to pass. I’m told many don’t pass it their first time. And one share your real exp in this. or some reliable Q&A will be appreciate. Thanks in advance, three kid father are Begging, here.
vincentcai Member Posts: 7 ■■□□□□□□□□
wahaha1986 said:Cissp is hard as you describe above even worse.. i tried three times. i work for almost ten years. First time i failed without any doubt. then i try i boot camp, in my class most people have failed one time before. i try so hard and get so closed to it. but failed again. The questions are quite different from time to time. you must have good exp in this and good homeword at Q&A. i finally get green cards with help of Q&A-****-s. It is expensive too. but it worth. the Q&A-****-s is a second key to this. it help a lot. hope this will help u. and be confident. it is not allowed to disccuss this here. good luck -
wahaha1986 Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
i not this fan, no aff either, if u need you can search in google s-p-o-t-o cissp. there are several of it. dont be fraud. -
vincentcai Member Posts: 7 ■■□□□□□□□□
wahaha1986 said:i not this fan, no aff either, if u need you can search in google s-p-o-t-o cissp. there are several of it. dont be fraud. -
LordQarlyn Member Posts: 693 ■■■■■■□□□□
I have to say it was the hardest exam I ever too. When I completed it, I was very sure I had failed. To my shock and pleasant surprise, I passed.My preparation consisted mostly of watching Larry Greenblatt videos on YouTube and taking the practice exams over and over on That was in 2016 though, and I am not sure how relevant those materials would be today. -
nathandrake Member Posts: 69 ■■■□□□□□□□
Just throwing this out there. But why do you think the lack of the CISSP is the reason why you're struggling keeping a job? I've worked with a lot of people in the security field that do not have their CISSP and have no problem finding and keeping a job. I know a handful of people that have their CISSP and I would say I don't believe their job is any safer than someone that doesn't have it.
I'm not saying the CISSP is not a valuable cert to have, but I would look at other aspects first regarding your job woes first. I don't think this is going to be the magic bullet that you're hoping it is. -
LordQarlyn Member Posts: 693 ■■■■■■□□□□
nathandrake said:Just throwing this out there. But why do you think the lack of the CISSP is the reason why you're struggling keeping a job? I've worked with a lot of people in the security field that do not have their CISSP and have no problem finding and keeping a job. I know a handful of people that have their CISSP and I would say I don't believe their job is any safer than someone that doesn't have it.
I'm not saying the CISSP is not a valuable cert to have, but I would look at other aspects first regarding your job woes first. I don't think this is going to be the magic bullet that you're hoping it is.
bigdogz Member Posts: 881 ■■■■■■■■□□
It seems like you are looking for test questions to help you. I can recommend Boson as a question bank. If you are looking for others that are 'free guaranty' we cannot help you for ethical reasons.Let me give you some assistance:-If you cannot KEEP your job then your employer has found that you do not have the knowledge to perform the tasks at your current position. You may need to learn more of the basics or other domains and how theycan help an organization protect themselves.-There is no fast and easy way to pass this exam. Just going over a bank of test questions will not help anyone.-Read the ISC2 manuals and perform research on topics you are not familiar,-ISC2 has taken a great deal of thought on preventing people trying to **** on the exam so you have to know the material more than other exams.-Read posts from other people who have passed the exam and see what may be helpful to you.-Getting the $$$ is fine, but you need a different mentality of being in information security. You have to live and breath it. Continually learning is just part of the job.Good luck!
TechGromit Member Posts: 2,156 ■■■■■■■■■□
vincentcai said:i have worked several years, and i found it is so hard keep my job without a CISSP certs.
Still searching for the corner in a round room. -
SteveLavoie Member Posts: 1,133 ■■■■■■■■■□
bigdogz said:-If you cannot KEEP your job then your employer has found that you do not have the knowledge to perform the tasks at your current position. You may need to learn more of the basics or other domains and how they -
LordQarlyn Member Posts: 693 ■■■■■■□□□□
SteveLavoie said:Exactly, certification can help you get into a new job or a promotion, pass the screening of HR, but nobody keep someone because he has a certification (except if a contract specifies a certification only has..but it is an exception).
jrisbrook Member Posts: 41 ■■■□□□□□□□
I just took a Cissp bootcamp and although I never took the exam I will say this. It covers a lot of material and unless you are comfortable in many areas it will be an uphill battle. For example I’m no software engineer but I have experience programming as a hobby. So many of the software questions I was familiar with. I have some experience with networks so the networking portion would come easy to me etc. For a person who may only deal with 1 domain on a day to day basis I can see why it would be challenging.Currently working on : BS C.S.I.A - WGU
Just trying to be better today, than I was yesterday... -
bigdogz Member Posts: 881 ■■■■■■■■□□
At the end of the day most cannot simply pass the CISSP by the bootcamp alone. People should study before the bootcamp to be more prepared. Walking in and taking the exam after the bootcamp (which includes after hours studying) is not a good formula for passing the exam. The bootcamp can just fill in the gaps of your knowledge base. -
vincentcai Member Posts: 7 ■■□□□□□□□□
i sorry to share this upset emotion, but it has become a big problem to me. i will join a bootcamp study for several month and buy a d-u-m-p. i will update the results to your guys, thanks for your advice.
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