Splunk Power User Certification Exam - Passed

Hi everyone,
Today I followed up on the Splunk Core User certification with the Power User certification, and passed. I haven’t seen a lot of recent reviews on this exam, but honestly, there’s not really much to say about it – you need to have completed the Core User certification and the Fundamentals 2 course. Fundamentals 2 is free for veterans through their WorkPlus program: https://workplus.splunk.com/veterans.
If you have the Fundamentals 2 course, then you have all the materials you need – nothing external required. All of the questions came from the downloadable student guide, labs, and videos. I would say that the student guide is way more valuable than the videos. I studied for about 10 days (give or take a couple for New Year’s and Christmas). The exam is 1 hour long, is not terribly difficult.
It was exactly like the Core User exam, just with material out of the Fundamentals 2 course. The questions were very straightforward, but the answers were very tricky – paying attention to small details in syntax, case, constraints for things like calculated fields, etc. pays off.
If you don’t have access to Fundamentals 2, then I would recommend some of the cheaper courses on Udemy and by building in your homelab following Youtube tutorials. Great supplemental materials there, and definitely a fun time building at home 😊
roninkai Member Posts: 307 ■■■■□□□□□□
I'd like to go thru Splunk certifications, but lost access to their free courses. They are so damn expensive otherwise. I've met some Splunk employees though at a company training, and they said that to teach/present, each employee was required to obtain all certifications (on their dime), through Splunk Architect. That looks pretty good on a resume.浪人 MSISA:WGU
2020 Level Up Goals: (1) DevSecOps Learning Path (2) OSCP -
riccardosl Member Posts: 6 ■■■□□□□□□□
bigdogz said:thanks!I think I will start hitting the Splunk certifications.
Hello thank you for your useful advice! In order to prepare for the Power user exam, would be the data set from fundamentals 1 still enough?
bigdogz Member Posts: 881 ■■■■■■■■□□
riccardosl said:
Hello thank you for your useful advice! In order to prepare for the Power user exam, would be the data set from fundamentals 1 still enough?I am sorry that I did not respond in time.I think that you should lab up as much as you can to learn the application.