How much dedication and time for clearing the ASA Exam?

Hu guys, I've recently passed the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam and now I wanna clear the Architect Associate 02 exam.
I am dedicated and would like to know how much time and hours it will take me to clear the exam
itdept Registered Users Posts: 279 ■■■■■■□□□□
Too hard to tell, lots of variables and unknowns. The Linux Academy course will run you about 55 hours. Jon Bonso exams and review will take a few hours. You could do it before Jun 1 with 3 hrs a day studying. There is also Stephane Maarek course on Udemy which is very good and shorter to complete.
Bencloud Member Posts: 2 ■■□□□□□□□□
itdept said:Too hard to tell, lots of variables and unknowns. The Linux Academy course will run you about 55 hours. Jon Bonso exams and review will take a few hours. You could do it before Jun 1 with 3 hrs a day studying. There is also Stephane Maarek course on Udemy which is very good and shorter to complete.
itdept Registered Users Posts: 279 ■■■■■■□□□□
No, I have not cleared the Associate exam. I'm very busy at work and on a mini break right now. Plan to restart study next week. I should hopefully be done by June 14th
impelse Member Posts: 1,237 ■■■■□□□□□□
Yea, I think depend of previous knowledge and experience.Stop RDP Brute Force Attack with our RDP Firewall :
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