Calling all Techs - The Techexams cardio workout log

TurgonTurgon Banned Posts: 6,308 ■■■■■■■■■□
Right, here it is.

We all need to keep in shape. If anyone does any walking, running, swimming, jogging..basically any cardio type stuff on any given day can you log it on here please. Lets see if we can all get some miles logged to get rid of the lard ass :)

Oh yeah if folks want to log weights and stuff please do another thread for that sort of activity. I really like weight lifting immensely and do it regularly but this thread is for real exercise ;)

I expect you all to encourage one another in the quest for fitness.

I will probably have a run tomorrow.


  • snadamsnadam Member Posts: 2,234 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Turgon wrote:
    Right, here it is.

    We all need to keep in shape. If anyone does any walking, running, swimming, jogging..basically any cardio type stuff on any given day can you log it on here please. Lets see if we can all get some miles logged to get rid of the lard ass :)

    Oh yeah if folks want to log weights and stuff please do another thread for that sort of activity. I really like weight lifting immensely and do it regularly but this thread is for real exercise ;)

    I expect you all to encourage one another in the quest for fitness.

    I will probably have a run tomorrow.

    for cardio, I play basketball once a week for 3-4 hours. Half court and usually 2-on-2. No subs! Id say Id be running a mile or so. I also have room for my treadmill, so once thats up, Ill be doing warm-ups and cool-downs on it before and after workouts.
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  • mog27mog27 Member Posts: 302
    I do the martial arts (have since I was little) about 4 times a week. Some of those days include boxing, grappling, etc. I try to do pushups during the week, too. I jog on the track when the weather is nice.
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  • SchluepSchluep Member Posts: 346
    I think miles are a more accurate to log than time. Of course swimming 5 miles is a lot different than running 5 miles and both are very different from biking 5 miles. It will never be perfect even then because running uphill is very different from running flat. The issue with time is that one person might run or job to the best of their ability for that time outside of warm-up and cooldown while someone else might casually walk or jog far short of their best effort for the same amount of time. A benefit of time however is that you can include other cardio type activities such as sparring, boxing, and so on that aren't measured in miles. Personally I think miles would be a good count, but both have positives and negatives.

    I include cardio exercise 6 days per week in my current exercise program. Depending on what else I am doing that day it may be more or less, but it is still a consistant thing. Usually use either an elliptical with high resistance (better for my joints) or a treadmill late in the evening lately. Pretty soon I hope to have my schedule cleared up enough to include martial arts as a main part of daily activity again. Should we wait and post on a weekly basis, or post daily? Should we edit previous posts to include the new numbers or make new posts?

    It is your thread so I'm sure we will all leave it up to you, but just need some clarification so I know to how to post. I like the idea a lot though.
  • TurgonTurgon Banned Posts: 6,308 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Awesome. Well the next time ya'll do some of this exercise let us know on this thread.
  • livenliven Member Posts: 918
    I wrestle

    Mostly gators and bears.
    encrypt the encryption, never mind my brain hurts.
  • CorySCoryS Member Posts: 208
    Starting to work on my quest for a couple bicycle events.

    I typically log around 15-20 miles a day and every other day work on strength including squats/hipsled, calf workouts and core.

    When it finally warms up (-10 with a -30 windchill tonite) I will start jogging again. Hopefully I will be in much better shape compared to my last couple years.
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  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Next time I will walk (I always walk 2 miles) will probably be Sunday as it will actually be up to 50 degrees. I don't walk/run in the cold. Then Thursday after that.

    Other than that, I will do other strenuous exercises that is "real exercise". >_<
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  • TurgonTurgon Banned Posts: 6,308 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Schluep wrote:
    I think miles are a more accurate to log than time. Of course swimming 5 miles is a lot different than running 5 miles and both are very different from biking 5 miles. It will never be perfect even then because running uphill is very different from running flat. The issue with time is that one person might run or job to the best of their ability for that time outside of warm-up and cooldown while someone else might casually walk or jog far short of their best effort for the same amount of time. A benefit of time however is that you can include other cardio type activities such as sparring, boxing, and so on that aren't measured in miles. Personally I think miles would be a good count, but both have positives and negatives.

    I include cardio exercise 6 days per week in my current exercise program. Depending on what else I am doing that day it may be more or less, but it is still a consistant thing. Usually use either an elliptical with high resistance (better for my joints) or a treadmill late in the evening lately. Pretty soon I hope to have my schedule cleared up enough to include martial arts as a main part of daily activity again. Should we wait and post on a weekly basis, or post daily? Should we edit previous posts to include the new numbers or make new posts?

    It is your thread so I'm sure we will all leave it up to you, but just need some clarification so I know to how to post. I like the idea a lot though.

    Well yes I suppose it is my thread but you folks will be doing the posting. Lets try distance logging miles or kilos or laps in the pool it's all fine so far as I can see. I thought it might be good for folks to check in and log something each time they do an activity. Sort of keeps the motivation up and keeps it interesting as well as current on the board. Everyone should feel happy to put something up it's not a competition, exercise is a personal thing.
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Honestly, if I log my distances'd take up way too much space here. I did 4 miles yesterday, 6 miles the day before, none today (today was upper body/abs workout).

    Going running tomorrow, doing a 2 mile diagnostic (for speed, to see where I stand), then 60/120's. Saturday will be a long run. Sunday I am snorkeling (go hawaii!) for cardio, kind of a "fun" workout. To those that think snorkeling isn't a workout..they've never fought the current on north shore in winter!

    If anyone is having a hard time finding the motivation to go run, just do it without thinking. Once you've done it even 3 days a week, you'll find yourself in a routine you don't want to break.
  • ilcram19-2ilcram19-2 Banned Posts: 436
    bunching bag and running a couple miles after workout
  • 147147 Member Posts: 117
    Does weightlifting count?

    45 min / 3xs a week.
    The only cardio involved is a warmup/cooldown 1 mile run on a treadmill
    Fear is the absence of Faith.
  • SchluepSchluep Member Posts: 346
    Mrock4 wrote:
    If anyone is having a hard time finding the motivation to go run, just do it without thinking. Once you've done it even 3 days a week, you'll find yourself in a routine you don't want to break.

    Very true statement. If I miss my work-out I feel much more sluggish and have trouble falling asleep. Exercising becomes something you look forward to after a while instead of a chore.

    That same concept applies to healthy eating habits as well. Once you have been eating healthy for a while you feel so sick to your stomach and your energy levels plummet from that garbage food that you have no desire for it (except there is something for me about Pumpkin Pie on Thanksgiving that always draws me in).
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    147 wrote:
    Does weightlifting count?
    Hell yes! As long as you are sweating and breathing hard from fast reps and circuit training. That's my only cardio these days (my elliptical trainer is very cold and lonely since I picked up a set of kettlebells).
  • c0d3_w0lfc0d3_w0lf Member Posts: 117
    Anyone have any advice for a guy who seriously needs to start exercising, but has only about 30 minutes of free time a day, no car, and lives in a dangerous part of town in a very tiny apartment? icon_sad.gif (basically, no way to get to a gym, and can't run outside).

    I've been thinking about picking up DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). :D
    There is nothing that cannot be acheived.
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I grew up in a small suburb of Cleveland, the part of the city we lived in, running was you have my sympathy ;)

    People really underestimate push-ups. My workout routine when I can't leave the place (which is pretty rare) usually consists of push-ups, crunches, flutterkicks, and situps. You can also do dips (leaning on a couch/table), pull-ups (depending if you have some kind of bar/support to do them on), etc..there's a lot outside of running...but I still think running is the best single exercise.

    If you only have 30 minutes, I say you start with a simple set of exercises, and just work on improving each one every day. That'll get you into the routine. Exercise is long as you do it on a regular basis.
  • phantasmphantasm Member Posts: 995
    c0d3_w0lf wrote:
    Anyone have any advice for a guy who seriously needs to start exercising, but has only about 30 minutes of free time a day, no car, and lives in a dangerous part of town in a very tiny apartment? icon_sad.gif (basically, no way to get to a gym, and can't run outside).

    I've been thinking about picking up DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). :D

    Pushups , Situps and Jumping jacks are always free.
    "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." -Heraclitus
  • btowntechbtowntech Member Posts: 198 ■■■□□□□□□□
    This feels a little weird having my athletic side of my life mingle in with the geek side. I'm a marathoner, half marathoner, and cyclist so I'll post my mileage. If you really want to keep up with running or cycling you can use a program called SportTracks which is free.
    BS - Information Technology; AAS - Electro-Mechanical Engineering
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    btowntech wrote:
    in with the geek side.

    I prefer "technical specialist"...I play guitar/lacrosse/work on my car when not playing with routers...I'm not a geek...nevvvver.
  • Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    i'm a spartan, i don't actually need to work out.
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

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  • ScotteeScottee Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I run on a cross trainer 4 nights a week, usually 6k, on top of that I walk my dogs for an hour each day (although, both are fully grown GSD's so its usually more of a work out than the gym!)

    Apart from that, I dont really 'work out' as such, just pure cardio
  • RussSRussS Member Posts: 2,068 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I ride mountainbikes. Train infrequently as I always seem to have something come up, but race regularly every Wednesday. 2 laps at 8km per lap with times between 50 and 53 minutes. I also race long distance enduro events 50 - 80km usually and try to train for them by simulating the terrain (even if it is only road miles) for a few weeks prior to an event.
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  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    I usually run or bike for at least 30 min 5-6 times a week. Also lift 3-6 times a week. When I don't get any exercise I don't feel nearly as good as I do when I get to work out. It is good for the body and the mind.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • SchluepSchluep Member Posts: 346
    c0d3_w0lf wrote:
    Anyone have any advice for a guy who seriously needs to start exercising, but has only about 30 minutes of free time a day, no car, and lives in a dangerous part of town in a very tiny apartment? icon_sad.gif (basically, no way to get to a gym, and can't run outside).

    I've been thinking about picking up DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). :D

    You have a lot of options to look at for methods of exercise when limited in space.

    There are hundreds of exercises that can be performed without any equiptment or the need for space. You could also look at picking up something small like a Stability Ball or Bosu to create many ways to work your core while exercising other parts of your body and giving you a lot more options. Elastic bands or dumbbells can be incorporated for strength training if so desired. Your ceiling likely isn't high enough and the jumping may not be good in a small apartment, but for many people that can go outside somewhere a jump rope is a great way to exercise with limited space. The DDR that you mentioned is certainly a viable option (again, the pounding could be very bad for someone above or below you in your apartment). A friend of mine needed to lose a lot of weight and wasn't staying committed to his exercise until he bought it and found it to be fun so that kept him sticking with it. Using it alone as a way to get moving he lost over 50 pounds in one year. It wasn't that there is anything special about it other than the fact that it was enjoyable enough so that he stuck with it.

    Don't just assume that push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks (for the third time, warning regarding pounding if in an apartment) are the only exercises you can do without any equiptment. There are hundreds of variations you can do alone on these activities, let alone many other exercises. If you want to get the cardio benefit out of what many people incorrectly consider strength only type exercises do not do what most at the gym do and take breaks between each set of exercises, instead keep yourself constantly going. Even when I weight lift I use an amount of weight that I can constantly lift for 1 or 1.5 minutes and then immediately move on to another activity without any break. It is much better for my heart and builds a lot more muscular endurance (more important to me than the strength and the bulk for martial arts).I could start listing exercises with no equiptment needed but would be here for hours so I would recommend doing some searches on the internet for exercises. Don't forget stretching is an important part of exercising as well.

    As for my cardio post, last I didn't get home until very late but hopped on my elliptical for 40 minutes and covered 6 miles with the resistance maxed. Tonight I should have some more time and will be going for something more involved, though I haven't decided what yet.
  • 147147 Member Posts: 117
    JDMurray wrote:
    (my elliptical trainer is very cold and lonely since I picked up a set of kettlebells).

    My entire gym is cold and lonely right now- it's in my garage. Nothing says 'Winter' like deadlifting an olympic bar at just above freezing! The cat won't even keep me company!
    c0d3_w0lf wrote:
    Anyone have any advice for a guy who seriously needs to start exercising, but has only about 30 minutes of free time a day, no car, and lives in a dangerous part of town in a very tiny apartment? icon_sad.gif (basically, no way to get to a gym, and can't run outside).

    I've been thinking about picking up DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). :D

    Sounds like you need a Wii, my friend.
    Fear is the absence of Faith.
  • 147147 Member Posts: 117
    JDMurray wrote:
    (my elliptical trainer is very cold and lonely since I picked up a set of kettlebells).

    My entire gym is cold and lonely these days- its in my garage. Nothing says 'Winter' like deadlifting an olympic bar at just above freezing! The cat won't even keep me company!
    Fear is the absence of Faith.
  • PlantwizPlantwiz Mod Posts: 5,057 Mod
    c0d3_w0lf wrote:
    Anyone have any advice for a guy who seriously needs to start exercising, but has only about 30 minutes of free time a day, no car, and lives in a dangerous part of town in a very tiny apartment? icon_sad.gif (basically, no way to get to a gym, and can't run outside).

    I've been thinking about picking up DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). :D

    If you are serious (and I only say that because I"m not certain with the DDR reference)..

    Try Tabatas.

    Seriously, these will provide you a heck of a workout, improving your cardio. Even the best athletes have recorded improved results just by how the tabatas work.

    There are many articles on-line here is one:

    With limited workout space you can do:
    pushups (pressups)
    run in place
    dumbell exericses...endless list
    Band workouts - elastic cords, etc.. all sort of things you can do with these

    4 minutes and done.

    When you are more inshape...add another exercise for 8 minutes, then 12 minutes then 16....that will wipe you out pretty take it slow at first and keep setting goals.

    AND depending on how 'out-of-shape' you are....use the above at your own risk or better yet, consult your physican before any type of exercise program (though most Dr. will encourage movement over couch-potato ;) ).
    "Grammar and spelling aren't everything, but this is a forum, not a chat room. You have plenty of time to spell out the word "you", and look just a little bit smarter." by Phaideaux

    ***I'll add you can Capitalize the word 'I' to show a little respect for yourself too.

    'i' before 'e' except after 'c'.... weird?
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Went to a beach near honolulu this morning, swam to an old ship wreck area, and dove to check it out. Was out swimming/diving for about 2 hrs..PHEW, it's time for a nap now....debating if I'll run today, I'm pretty worn now. Did get to see a white tip shark while we were out though.
  • BeaverC32BeaverC32 Member Posts: 670 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Did get to see a white tip shark while we were out though.
    Some people have all the luck...that sounds like such a nice thing to do on a Saturday afternoon. Lucky bastard ;)
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  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I actually did it at about 7am, but we're also 4 hours behind CST I guess it almost was the afternoon in the states. For what it's worth, we almost had a run in with a boat that we surely would have lost. I heard a loud motor sound, and look up, to see a large white mass..

    We were hoping to see dolphins though, but that's pretty rare (to come into contact with a wild one, that is).
  • cisco_troopercisco_trooper Member Posts: 1,441 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I ran 10 miles once, about 12 years ago. Clicked that sucker off in 58 minutes. Yeah, believe it or not I used to be a freaking machine. Now my knees hurt and I sit on my ass a lot. icon_lol.gif
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