Wrath of Lich King - Out on 11/13/08

jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
I just wanted to find out who will be getting this expansion pack, I play at Silverhand most kick ass server, perhaps if your new to the game or want to create a character you can rally with me and play **** Role Playing with me as well.

I will be leveling my paladin to lvl 80 he is lvl 70 named Vitalis, last time I played was May of 07, then for a good 1 month on February when I switch jobs, my goal is not to throw away my life, but to just lvl up then maybe beat some boss and get back to studying.

Some quest buddy will make this faster, I will also tell you how to quit the game when you are pretty hooked it's simple.


  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    With combined geeks easily calculating subnetting etc. WOW is a walk in the park to beat end boss etc. hopefully it will not be a 50 man content, since that's a pain in the ass, almost like a politics where you have a hierarchy.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    jbaello wrote:
    ... you can rally with me and play xxxxxxxx Role Playing with me as well.

    Um, what kind of role playing!? icon_eek.gif No thanks man, I'm married. ;)

    Speaking of marriage, I should just get a divorce. I think my wife is working on her third level 70 character. I'm ecstatic that she'll now have the opportunity to raise them all 80.
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Lol what I said is the g a y a s s roleplaying haha (no offense intended here)... I didn't knew that the server I went to is a RP, that's cause I don't read all the details, it's so awesome though I've seen so many chiks playing on that RP server I think it's at least 30 - 40 %, and it's so much drama fighting over who gets precious...

    They fight over some drops from the boss, until the GM ninjas the whole guild bank haha.
  • Tyrant1919Tyrant1919 Member Posts: 519 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I'm tired of the game already after reactivating last month after a 6 month haitus. 70 War, Mage, Hunter, Paladin, what else do I need? My funnest times were in MC and BWL, I prefered 40 man raids. I'll stay for the next patch to see what new talents are like and make my decision then.
    MCSA:03/08/12/16 MCSE:03s/EA08/Core Infra
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yeah 40 man was the best, I actually lead a 40 man raid, and run them with an ironfist haha...

    Technique is to just sign-up when new patch comes out then zombie grind to the max lvl, then raid for a bit and quit right away. It would be fun Tyrant at lvl 80 maybe you can 5 man MC/BWL, to get those leet gears for Role Playing so I can dress up haha...
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I hate to break it to you, but those aren't chicks.

    You should have read this before you started: http://www.somethingawful.com/d/art-of-warcraft/how-properly-enjoy.php
  • rbutturinirbutturini Member Posts: 123
    I got burned out as well with a 70 warlock and 70 rogue. I'm not sure I can stomach another 10 levels; unless this expansion pack has something really off the wall great in it, I'll probably continue my hiatus.
  • Tyrant1919Tyrant1919 Member Posts: 519 ■■■□□□□□□□
    It's only really about 5-10% women that I've noticed play the game. I loved tanking in MC and BWL... a blast. I'm just playing still because I've been playing for years, I've known the same people for like 3 years, same guild. I actually went through all of my old FRAPS videos last night. I made them over the years through MC to AQ40. All on my website still strangely.
    MCSA:03/08/12/16 MCSE:03s/EA08/Core Infra
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Post your character if you will play and the server your in, so we can rip off Blizzard and come up with a hardcore "ELITIST" group that can easily grind to 80 and beat the boss with accuracy.

    With all the mods out there, that's shows you paths on finishing quest easily, you can go back to your hiatus in no time hehe... icon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gificon_twisted.gif
  • jryantechjryantech Member Posts: 623
    dynamik wrote:
    I hate to break it to you, but those aren't chicks.

    You should have read this before you started: http://www.somethingawful.com/d/art-of-warcraft/how-properly-enjoy.php

    It says Player vs Everything.. isn't it Player vs Environment?

    I played from 1-60 never got Burning Crusade... I think the game is way to easy and does not take even a half of brain to be successful in. I know about 10 friends who play religiously.

    When I play a video game I'll stick to an RTS like Starcraft...
    "It's Microsoft versus mankind with Microsoft having only a slight lead."
    -Larry Ellison, CEO, Oracle

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  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I played for 1 week, at one point played for 10 hours straight like a zombie, I cannot control myself when I sat on something such as this type of video game World of Warcraft I can see problems starting to occur, to put it simply I decided that this time I will quit MMORPG for good and hope to never comeback or look back again this time, I will keep myself busy with other things such as studying/blogging, and perhaps being a member of a church soon.
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I welcome myself back to the world of the living haha...
  • GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    when someone at my work told me they had logged over 1000 hours on WoW, I was just amazed. I am sure there are some out there that have much more, but I think it is just insane. I stopped playing CoD because I had racked up almost 30hrs on it, and thought it was too much.
  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I have 4300 hours (26% of those hours is not playing, just logged in) in Sony Infantry... I've been playing since 2000.

    Creepy isn't it.
    My blog http://www.calegp.com

    You may learn something!
  • jryantechjryantech Member Posts: 623
    I tend to enjoy video games that involve some type of skill.

    Not rolling my head on a keyboard.
    "It's Microsoft versus mankind with Microsoft having only a slight lead."
    -Larry Ellison, CEO, Oracle

    Studying: SCJA
    Occupation: Information Systems Technician
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I would say I've logged about 8 - 9 months of play time on WoW, that includes day in and day out of total playtime.

    24 hours * 30 days = X

    X * 9 months = 6480 man hours

    I'm done this time...
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Rule of thumb 1 for me is to avoid internet game, and just play solo games.

    Internet game tend to change things, and it becomes more addicting and a chore rather than a past time enjoyment, it becomes a responsibility to raid and quest etc.

    Also if you've heard of the game and the addicting nature of it, is to not bother even trying, they try to have you play for free, then you get hooked.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    You have 6500 hours into WoW!?

    That means you've spent almost 20% of your life playing since it came out.
  • GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    And people wonder where some get the time to do 3 or 4 CCIEs....well there ya go ;)

    Just think, had you gone to work instead of played, you could have payed off a house by now! :P
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    let's assume I've played for 2 years this is a full 24 hours count per day and include every video games I've played since I was born this is my rough estimate since WOW is the only game that I have to given in so much hours, that would come to this computation, if my life expectancy would be 68 years until I die.

    ( 2/68 )*100 = 2.9 % of my life was wasted or was worth spending?

    Not sure where you got the 20 % dynamik!

    Even if we compute it at a full 1 year of WOW gaming since it got released, I believe I was 25 years old when it was released, with a life expectancy of 68 years until death the computation would be like this.

    68 - 25 = 43

    ( 1/43 )*100 = 2.3 % of total WOW time.
  • jryantechjryantech Member Posts: 623
    I can not believe arguments about how much time one has played a video game exist.

    If playing a video game is what you want to do with your time on earth, then more power too you.
    That is the way I look at it.
    "It's Microsoft versus mankind with Microsoft having only a slight lead."
    -Larry Ellison, CEO, Oracle

    Studying: SCJA
    Occupation: Information Systems Technician
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    jryantech wrote:
    I can not believe arguments about how much time one has played a video game exist.

    If playing a video game is what you want to do with your time on earth, then more power too you.
    That is the way I look at it.

    Who's arguing???

    I'm just trying to do my math...
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Mishra wrote:
    I have 4300 hours (26% of those hours is not playing, just logged in) in Sony Infantry... I've been playing since 2000.

    Creepy isn't it.

    Same here about 15 - 25 % of those total time was logged as idle.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    jbaello wrote:
    Not sure where you got the 20 % dynamik!

    The game has been out a little less than 4 years, which is 35040 hours.

    6500/35000 = 18.57%
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    dynamik wrote:
    jbaello wrote:
    Not sure where you got the 20 % dynamik!

    The game has been out a little less than 4 years, which is 35040 hours.

    6500/35000 = 18.57%

    I see what you did, yes it is high time to burn this game before it eats more of my time.

    Perhaps it will good idea to turn CCNP my World of Warcraft instead this time around.
  • jbrown414jbrown414 Member Posts: 230
    I play on Fridays and Saturdays only. It is my reward for studying hard the rest of the week. I'm only mid 30 so when I do play, it's questing and just BSing with my guild members. I figure by the time I hit 70 or 80 I'll be due for a studying break and can focus on raiding and end game content. After that, I can pick up studying again until the next expac comes out.
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Even if I tell myself to play once a month, I think I've already played enough and was this addicted to it period...

    Who wants a lvl 70 pally/50 shamman lol jk... I'll just burn it...
  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    I enjoyed the Warcraft series, but I stayed away from WoW for the same reason I didn't play Everquest or any other online game: I'm terrified of becoming hooked. Considering the fact that I have thousands of hours logged on my old SNES RPGs, I don't even want to think about the chunk of my life an MMORPG would consume. (This is the same reason, by the way, why I won't be playing Little Big Planet, too much of my time would be eaten away with endless configuration and level-creation.) I'll have to live vicariously through you guys and hope that some of you come back to the land of the living every once in a while. icon_lol.gif

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    Let it never be said that I didn't do the very least I could do.
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Tyrant1919 wrote:
    I'm tired of the game already after reactivating last month after a 6 month haitus. 70 War, Mage, Hunter, Paladin, what else do I need? My funnest times were in MC and BWL, I prefered 40 man raids. I'll stay for the next patch to see what new talents are like and make my decision then.

    Tyrant that's 4 lvl 70's how much time have you logged?
  • jbrown414jbrown414 Member Posts: 230
    If you know what you are doing, you can get to lvl 70 pretty quick. I'll admit, I use a lvling guide just so I can get to 70 for end game content. It tells me what quests to do to maximize exp.
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