Wrath of Lich King - Out on 11/13/08



  • KGhaleonKGhaleon Member Posts: 1,346 ■■■■□□□□□□
    meh, I'm having too much fun playing Requiem: Bloodymare to care for meager games like WoW.

    I just got to level 33 using my Defender. ;)
    Present goals: MCAS, MCSA, 70-680
  • kerbydoggkerbydogg Member Posts: 41 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Ok confession time.

    I had major WoW addiction problems.

    Logged over a year on all my characters. I was loved by the horde and feared by the dirty alliance scum. I would kill any alliance on sight, camp entire raid groups with my horde buddies. I lead battlegrounds continuously and we were one of the best PvP guilds ever (pre-bc) (bg9).

    It was the most fun I ever had in any video game ever. Made lots of friends. We even had chicks in our guild that would pwn noobs (and yes I met some IRL and did naughty things with them).

    But there was a serious problem. We played way too much. And our lives became nothing more that world of warcrack addicts.

    I don't regret the time I spent on that game because I really did have a good time. But I hope I never ever play that game again. Just thinking of the time I lost makes me sick. I would much rather play the "real life" game and kick ass at that.

    It's why I am working really hard now to at least finish my mcse and make up for some lost time and them move on to the good stuff (cisco linux). Some people can play WoW in moderation, but I know that I can't. So when it comes to the new expansion pack, I would rather level my IT skillz to 80. =)
    WIP: can't decide.
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I had a blast playing world of warcrack, moderation does not work for me, I do work 8 hours per day, but once I get home the real world is forgotten, this is the time where swords clashes and meat meets metal, I will finish my CCNP and will do it honestly without using **** etc. and will try my best to be an "expert" at it like I was in warcrack.

    At some point in life I need to accomplish certain things that is only done by few, and playing this much won't help, perhaps when I finish my CCNA/CCNP I can reward myself 1 month of zombie mode ;)
  • kerbydoggkerbydogg Member Posts: 41 ■■□□□□□□□□
    pwn n00bs = lmao too funny.

    If i was still playing jabello, I would say, hey lets go to Kara and with our rogues rickroll some of the scrubs trying to summon...

    ok i need to stop thinking about wow lol
    WIP: can't decide.
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I'm going to continue configuring my servers and cisco lab tonite, I'm officially back on track as of today YEAH!!!
  • GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    I have a friend just like you guys. We grew up together, and got in diablo 2 really bad (like, we both dropped out of highschool for a year bad). I deleted my characted, and moved on.

    He moved on to WoW, and playing CS competitively. He has I believe 6 or 7 lvl 70s, all with the highest gear you can get. He also does well in CS tournaments (sometimes even wins a couple hundred bucks). He told me he was even in the top 1% or something in the PVP on WoW. He has all kind of friends online all over the world, and yes, even gets together with them IRL.

    Where are we now? Well, he is almost 24 years old and trying to finish high school still (along with all his friends). Lives with his mom, has never had a job more than a week, and has to get money from his mom when I to take him to the bar.

    I travel every year, own 2 cars, live in a nice house, and make lots of money doing something I enjoy. We were the exact same until I gave up games and he didn't.

    There IS a point where it becomes more than just a game, and becomes a waste of time and life. I am sure some disagree, but I guess it depends on what you priorities are in life.
  • jbaellojbaello Member Posts: 1,191 ■■■□□□□□□□
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