In hospital, what to do?

jamesp1983jamesp1983 Member Posts: 2,475 ■■■■□□□□□□
So a week and a half ago i was hit over the head in an attempted mugging. I came to in an ER spitting blood. After the doctor let me go home after giving me a cat scan, I was called back in. They found bleeding on my brain and a blood clot. After they got the bleeding under control they started dosing me with a blood thinner to try and destroy the brain clot. They haven't been able to find the right dosage yet so I'm stuck here until they do. They also had to stitch up the hole i bit in my cheek when i was hit. The police have no witnesses or suspects.

I am TVed out. Should I study now or? What would you do in this position? I have to study for the CCNP ONT test, but not sure if now is the best time or if I should just not worry about it for now. I wanted to get it done before January 09.
"Check both the destination and return path when a route fails." "Switches create a network. Routers connect networks."


  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Ugh, that's terrible. I'm so sorry to hear about that icon_sad.gif

    To answer your question, I would definitely start trying to get some numbers from the hot nurses :D

    Edit: Get some headphones and catch up on your favorite shows at
  • bertiebbertieb Member Posts: 1,031 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Wow, that's awful. I hope you're OK and get well v.soon.

    Not sure what I'd do, though I think I'd just be relaxing as much as possible, though I'll give a +1 for dynamiks 'hot-nurse' suggestion.
    The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never tell if they are genuine - Abraham Lincoln
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    No. You shouldn't be doing any studying whilst in hospital.
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I would also relax and just chill. I know while being layed up in the hospital it can get extremely boring quickly, but just relax. I don't know how much actual information you could retain while being in a hospital anyways.
  • tierstentiersten Member Posts: 4,505
    Oh and +1 to dynamik's suggestion.
  • LarryDaManLarryDaMan Member Posts: 797
    You are in the hospital spitting blood on the verge of brain damage, and you are worried about studying???

    THAT my friend is the attitude that will one day make you a multiple CCIE!

    If it makes you feel better and helps you forget about things... I say study away!! :D

    I hope you feel better.
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    awefule man! I will pray for you man! I hate hate hate muggers and bad people like that
    they seem to get away for now; but in the end man I hope they get what is due them..

    but man! I would take it easy you will be fine catching up relax and get welll!
    first! icon_confused.gif
  • jibbajabbajibbajabba Member Posts: 4,317 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Aw man Get well soon !!!!

    I wish you all the best ..

    As for studying : Relax ... Once you are back home all you get is work :) So you might as well make the best of it and chill ...

    I personally wouldn't have the patience to study ... Oh and yes - get ze numbers :)
    My own knowledge base made public: :p
  • NetAdmin2436NetAdmin2436 Member Posts: 1,076
    Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope everything turns out ok. I'll echo everyone else and say to just relax. You've been through enough and don't need ANY stress, especially with a blood clot in the brain. If you absolutely feel you must study, then my hat's off to you.

    .....and if you don't get the nurses phone numbers for yourself, at least get them for me!
    WIP: CCENT/CCNA (.....probably)
  • SilentsoulSilentsoul Member Posts: 260
    I know how you feel man i was bedridden for 6 month after an accident, you can only do so much tv and movies. I recommend a hobby that you can do sitting, or reading, I wish I had taken up a good tech book. No reason to study for any certs but why not some general knowledge. Security, network infrastructure, coding. Or maybe the civil war. Trust me you will feel much more productive if you are learning/doing something constructive. Just don't push it.

    Also go for the nurses, you have the injury on your side, should be an easy sell ;)
  • itdaddyitdaddy Member Posts: 2,089 ■■■■□□□□□□
    if you are bed ridden for months i would so the cd thing for studying
    watch some CBTs if you can afford it but watch em as movies no stress with them
    watch CBTnuggets vids and just laugh when jeremey talks he is great CCIE and is really funny
    enjoy watching the CBTs and feel no stress at leaset you will be sort of studying you never now
    maybe your memory will increase that would be aswome blessing (weird)but cool! ;)
  • sprkymrksprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Wow jimmy my heart goes out to you. Do whatever you want and whatever helps you relax. Get well soon jimmmy, I wish you all the best. icon_thumright.gif

    icon_blackeye.gif <--- I now name this emoticon "jimmypizzle83" in your honor. :D
    All things are possible, only believe.
  • learningtofly22learningtofly22 Member Posts: 159
    Rest up Jimmy, maybe you can get some study cds to listen to? #1 is you getting better, I'll be saying some prayers for ya. Can't dispute your dedication, however! I hope the mugger got caught.
  • aueddonlineaueddonline Member Posts: 611 ■■□□□□□□□□
    sorry to read this, these things piss me off, you'll have to open up some Tai Chi on the next guy that tries that.

    Get better soon, if I were you studying might be quite a nice thing to do to pass the time with no other distractions going on, but I wouldn't give yourself a hard time if you don't feel like it.
    What's another word for Thesaurus?
  • MonkeyBoltMonkeyBolt Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
    What a bunch of Idiots icon_spiderman.gif

    I'd just take this time to rest and then just go non-stop revision when your fully fit and ready to go! Get well soon though!
    Aston Villa FC
    Pride Of The Midlands

    "Because you can read this thank a teacher, because it's in English thank a soldier"
  • aordalaordal Member Posts: 372
    video games? That's what i would do =)
  • phantasmphantasm Member Posts: 995
    Sorry to hear it man. I'd just rest up, no need to stress out over any studying. Hope you get better soon.
    "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." -Heraclitus
  • jamesp1983jamesp1983 Member Posts: 2,475 ■■■■□□□□□□
    thanks for your concern everyone. the police haven't found anyone yet. I'm hoping they find someone. These hospital bills are mounting up and im quite angry.
    "Check both the destination and return path when a route fails." "Switches create a network. Routers connect networks."
  • LBC90805LBC90805 Member Posts: 247
    If you can sit and write a post here, then you can sit and study for certs. Its just that simple.
  • IncInc Member Posts: 184
    Don't strain your eyes :)

    Contemplate on everything learned so far.

    Try to explain some of the concepts to the nurses. If they get it - you are on the right track.

    From ones, who answer questions on aforementioned topics - certainly get a phone number ;)
  • PashPash Member Posts: 1,600 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Im sorry to hear that fella, rest up as others have said.
    DevOps Engineer and Security Champion. - I am trying to find my writing style, so please bear with me.
  • wat08wat08 Member Posts: 128
    Rubix cubes are a good way to stay sharp and kill some time. Take a break from the studying for a bit and do a little reflection on life. Keep on keeping on.
  • m.j.boylinm.j.boylin Member Posts: 36 ■■□□□□□□□□
    omg rubix cubes cause more pain lol, i would get a laptop going with some games.
  • jamesp1983jamesp1983 Member Posts: 2,475 ■■■■□□□□□□
    wat08 wrote:
    Rubix cubes are a good way to stay sharp and kill some time. Take a break from the studying for a bit and do a little reflection on life. Keep on keeping on.

    i definitely have been doing a lot of reflection on life. i think im going to propose to my girlfriend sooner than i had planned.
    "Check both the destination and return path when a route fails." "Switches create a network. Routers connect networks."
  • wat08wat08 Member Posts: 128
    wat08 wrote:
    Rubix cubes are a good way to stay sharp and kill some time. Take a break from the studying for a bit and do a little reflection on life. Keep on keeping on.

    i definitely have been doing a lot of reflection on life. i think im going to propose to my girlfriend sooner than i had planned.

    You could propose to your girlfriend via a rubix cube. When solved, each side displays a word of the sentence "Will you marry me <insert companion's name here>"
  • jamesp1983jamesp1983 Member Posts: 2,475 ■■■■□□□□□□
    that would be cool
    "Check both the destination and return path when a route fails." "Switches create a network. Routers connect networks."
  • jamesp1983jamesp1983 Member Posts: 2,475 ■■■■□□□□□□
    hey guys, i am home from the hospital after two weeks. thanks for the support!
    "Check both the destination and return path when a route fails." "Switches create a network. Routers connect networks."
  • sprkymrksprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
    hey guys, i am home from the hospital after two weeks. thanks for the support!

    Great news. :D

    Any word on the mugger? And did they give you a clean bill of health, no permanent or serious damage?
    All things are possible, only believe.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Geez, what an ordeal. Are you back to 100% or you are still recovering?

    I'm glad you're back home and seem to be doing well :D
  • jamesp1983jamesp1983 Member Posts: 2,475 ■■■■□□□□□□
    sprkymrk wrote:
    hey guys, i am home from the hospital after two weeks. thanks for the support!

    Great news. :D

    Any word on the mugger? And did they give you a clean bill of health, no permanent or serious damage?

    the police have no clue who did it. I have a blood clot in my brain that will hopefully disappear with 3 months of blood thinners.
    "Check both the destination and return path when a route fails." "Switches create a network. Routers connect networks."
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