Pet Peeves

undomielundomiel Member Posts: 2,818
What are some of your biggest pet peeves amongst your peers and other professionals out there? To start it off for me one of the huge pet peeves is watching someone who really should know better (MCSE and many many years of IT experience for instance) consistently double-clicking where a single click would suffice. Most notable web page links. And then it is even worse when they get confused about it not reacting like it should. Sometimes I'll be nice and point out that it is just a single clicking and not a double, but then just a minute later they're back to double-clicking everything! It drives me batty, though probably the underlying thing is really an irritation about people not learning. I guess that's what you get coming from a family of teachers. :)

So what are some of the things that really get your goose?
Jumping on the IT blogging band wagon --


  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    When someone opens a file by right-clicking on it and choosing "open."
  • kalebkspkalebksp Member Posts: 1,033 ■■■■■□□□□□
    dynamik wrote: »
    When someone opens a file by right-clicking on it and choosing "open."

    Haha, I've never seen that one. (Except for when I forget that I can't do an "open with" on files that don't have any associations.)

    I suppose the things that get me are laziness and the unwillingness to learn, but those are pretty broad.
  • skrpuneskrpune Member Posts: 1,409
    The double-clicking thing bugs me too, I thought I was the only one! :D

    One thing I completely can't stand are know-it-all's. Especially those who don't know jack. You know, the types that know how to do a couple things and automatically think they can fix/troubleshoot/repair anything or hack the DOD.

    Another pet peeve is mixing up DOS -vs- command prompt. Got into a disagreement with my last boss on this one. He just kept insisting "but yeah, it's still DOS!" GAH!!!! crash.gif

    Slackers in general tick me off too. I understand folks wanting breaks or downtime at work - that's long as they try to actually get some work done & not slough it off on all their coworkers.
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  • msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
    One of my biggest annoyances is when other professionals immediately begin to ask others for the answer/solution or whatever it may be without showing the slightest bit of effort towards answering their own question especially when they have a ton of resources at their fingertips....

    I dunno why, but it bugs me every single time... GOOGLE IT! or in some cases with some of my co-workers they already know the answer but just didn't bother to take 10 seconds to think before asking. Maybe it annoys me more because one of the ways I learn best is by answering my own questions instead of letting others answer them for me.
  • HeroPsychoHeroPsycho Inactive Imported Users Posts: 1,940
    A. People who insist any OS doesn't need to be patched unlike Windows!
    B. People who lecture me about things they don't follow. Guy at my last job lectured me about how I needed to update my MCSE 2000 to 2003, while he had MCSE NT4, and didn't know his stuff on top of that.
    C. Managers who completely fabricate things they can criticize me for, or criticize me for things I can't help in a performance review. Ex. "Your goal this year was to help develop our storage practice at the company. You didn't really do that."
    "But you guys didn't send me to a bit of storage training that you promised, it's really hard to develop a storage practice with no training."
    "You can do better."
    D. Brown nosers and corporate BS talk that grossly spins the image of the company to something it's obviously not.
    E. Getting called after hours more because I actually do answer my phone and help out unlike others in the company. That should get me a reprieve from having to respond after hours, not more calls.
    F. People who obstruct when they pretend they're helping, when they and everyone else know they aren't.
    G. Subjectively awarded bonuses, or bonuses that you can't control (aka "team bonuses"). Just give me raises when I do a good job instead.

    Mmmm, good venting right there. I feel much better! icon_thumright.gif
    Good luck to all!
  • the_Grinchthe_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I have a couple. First, people who read over my shoulders! I hate that and not just with computers, can't stand it when family is walking behind me and then decide they will stand there for ten minutes watching what is on tv. Sit down or at least don't stand behind me! (I'm a little paranoid lol). Second, people who eat food while reading over my should/watching tv! I hate it, I can hear the chomping! Finally, I hate people who got where they were based solely on their family, aka one job I worked out the bosses son got a fulltime spot over a tech with a degree and a lot more experience.


    My boss actually changed the title of all the system administrators to that of her son's because they didn't understand how he had their title without doing any of the work. So they went from system administrators to support technicians. He also go an office and was paid an amazing salary to update/maintain the website. Website has not be secured properly and could allow anyone to make changes to it (such as when someone put **** links onto the website). Finally, even though his role was suppose to consist of webpage maintenance and field tech work (like myself and 2 or 3 other techs) he would only go to jobs that involved higher ups in the district. Since he didn't know fully what he was doing (he knew some stuff, but only enough to help those who knew nothing) we would get called in to help him and then get no credit.

    <end tangent>
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  • PashPash Member Posts: 1,600 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Ill join Hero on the corporate BS, they never give it straight and there are some people who have jobs for the sake of having them. Ill also join grinch on co-workers looking over my shoulder or leaning across to see what I am browsing, "if you're doing it now guys...yup it pissed me off".

    But my biggest one, the one that irritates me more than anything. The Staller's - the people who love to stall things and monopolize peoples time, hence the reason 99% of projects aren't finished on time. I had to work several weekends before xmas because of these people.
    DevOps Engineer and Security Champion. - I am trying to find my writing style, so please bear with me.
  • Lee HLee H Member Posts: 1,135
    This is a rant about annoying IT people and I dont really have any, easy going so I dont mind who clicks what 4 times, the only thing that pisses me off and boils my blood is when I have to work around a users desk which is dirty messy and grimey, not just untidy but literaly walking alive with every bit of dirt imagineable (spl?)

    I always feel like I need a shower and a change of clothes even if I have only swapped out the base
  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□

    Bugs the crap out of me when people drive in the left hand lane and go slow.

    Bugs me when people speed.


    People who drive with emotion instead of using rules (like going fast in moods and slow in other moods)

    Not many things really get under my skin. But when I get in my g/fs car and watch her drive in the left hand lane of a 2 lane highway the whole way I feel like I'm going nutty.
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  • BeaverC32BeaverC32 Member Posts: 670 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Great topic of conversation....

    My biggest pet peeve is when people talk over others in meetings/conference calls. It is a complete lack of respect when someone has something to say, only to be cut off by someone else in mid-sentence. I often want to reach over and slap that rude SOB for not waiting their turn to speak.
    MCSE 2003, MCSA 2003, LPIC-1, MCP, MCTS: Vista Config, MCTS: SQL Server 2005, CCNA, A+, Network+, Server+, Security+, Linux+, BSCS (Information Systems)
  • blargoeblargoe Member Posts: 4,174 ■■■■■■■■■□
    This is my #1
    One of my biggest annoyances is when other professionals immediately begin to ask others for the answer/solution or whatever it may be without showing the slightest bit of effort towards answering their own question especially when they have a ton of resources at their fingertips....

    I dunno why, but it bugs me every single time... GOOGLE IT! or in some cases with some of my co-workers they already know the answer but just didn't bother to take 10 seconds to think before asking. Maybe it annoys me more because one of the ways I learn best is by answering my own questions instead of letting others answer them for me.
    IT guy since 12/00

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    Working on: RHCE/Ansible
    Future: Probably continued Red Hat Immersion, Possibly VCAP Design, or maybe a completely different path. Depends on job demands...
  • BreadfanBreadfan Member Posts: 282 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Wow...This could be a fun one to read AND vent with...

    First, the double-clicking peeve made me laugh (it's early am here). What drives me bonkers is people that talk to themselves constantly all day or play their headphones so loud I can hear the words 4 or 5 cubes down in a Cube Farm.
    Mishra hit the head on the nail with the driving pet peeve, but that's whole other thread
    Mark Twain

    “If I cannot drink Bourbon and smoke cigars in Heaven than I shall not go.

  • KaminskyKaminsky Member Posts: 1,235
    Laziness bugs me. I don't mind fag/coffee breaks and good idle banter but get the work done.

    I work in comms so people who push cables through the U space rather than around the sides or through cable management. Once it's in and live, it's there forever.

    Techies that cut corners... Gah that irritates me! If you are going to do it... do it right first time and save someone else coming back to do another time.

    Bad, rude and inconsiderate drivers. For getting to their destination a whopping 5 minutes earlier they cause so much grief to others around them. Tailgating, trying to pussh you out of lane so they can get passed... grrrr ! When they do it to me I just sit there and slow down and down until they get the hint.

    I am used to a lot of the other pet peeves above. Just develop round shoulders and let corporate crap wash over you. There is nothing you can do about it however irritating it is. Although we did put our foot down once when they tried to insist everyone in the IT department had to obtain the ECDL "European Computer Driving Licence" - very very basic quali for desk users. They backed down when they realised we control the logins and the network connections..... mwuaha.
  • cbigbrickcbigbrick Member Posts: 284
    People who like to announce an obvious problem but offer no solution. Nor can they articulate how and why the problem exists. Think outside the box, please.

    People, normally the same people, who keep telling me how smart I am. DO you want to meet the rest of the family?

    IT people who do not know cable management. Lazy!! I do it to keep up my skills.

    People with “chicken little” attitudes yelling OMG all the time then there is a problem like the sky is falling.

    People, who are not my boss, that keep asking what I am doing. GGGGGGGRRRRRRR!!!

    People in the office who plug their iPod into their computer speakers so that everyone can hear their music. Hello??? EARPLUGS!!

    Other contractors that make me defend myself when they are in the wrong. They never win.

    People who want me to justify why the product that I am asked to administrate is a good product. It’s the clients product not mine!!!

    Should I continue??
    And in conclusion your point was.....???

    Don't get so's just ones and zeros.
  • snadamsnadam Member Posts: 2,234 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Being told "I'm Wrong" when I know for damn sure I am right as rain. I hate having to second-guess myself, but 9/10 I'm right. Then when you prove your point, you're made out to be the dick...

    yea, I hate that. So many other pet peeves, but that one just sticks out right now. Give me a bit, im sure I can come up with something.
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  • undomielundomiel Member Posts: 2,818
    snadam wrote: »
    Being told "I'm Wrong" when I know for damn sure I am right as rain. I hate having to second-guess myself, but 9/10 I'm right. Then when you prove your point, you're made out to be the dick...

    I'm all too familiar with that one, alas.
    Jumping on the IT blogging band wagon --
  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Driving is definitely a pet peeve because it honestly makes me freak out. But in a related tech almost considered a pet peeve.

    I hate people who blame everyone/everything else and constantly try to cover up their mistakes. They lie lie lie and try to throw you under the bus all the time... And it works somehow.

    This same guy had a router break at my old job... He fixed it and seriously said that he thinks Cisco remoted into his router unannounced, changed a setting, and he had to go in and change it back.
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  • ClaymooreClaymoore Member Posts: 1,637
    One of my biggest annoyances is when other professionals immediately begin to ask others for the answer/solution or whatever it may be without showing the slightest bit of effort towards answering their own question especially when they have a ton of resources at their fingertips....

    I dunno why, but it bugs me every single time... GOOGLE IT! or in some cases with some of my co-workers they already know the answer but just didn't bother to take 10 seconds to think before asking. Maybe it annoys me more because one of the ways I learn best is by answering my own questions instead of letting others answer them for me.

    Ahhh, brings back memories of a former co-worker....

    What I find just as annoying is people who present me with partial solutions without giving me the problem. Take the following, completely fake example:

    "If I drop a sack of oranges from the roof, will the impact be enough to smash out some juice?"
    Yeah, 12 stories should do that. Why?
    "I like orange juice but I'm tired of squeezing it by hand"
    Have you considered ust buying cartons of juice?

    It makes me really question their problem-solving skills.
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    How about when the recycling container and the garbage are right next to each other, and people still throw their cans in the trash? I just witnessed that.
  • excalibur1814excalibur1814 Member Posts: 82 ■■□□□□□□□□

    People who cc EVERYONE in just to be heard, 'My problem overides all' mentality.
    People who never listen to, 'I will be there as soon as I can'... Phone rings... "Why can't you help so and so now (I explain why not)...Ohh, ok!"
    People who never, ever, read or at least take in email. Then, two days later, ask a question explained in the mail.

    People seldom listen and as tech guys, I suppose they don't have to listen as that's 'not' their job. But, on the other hand, that's a pretty lame excuse.

    - A printer failed due to a wasp being stuck in the feeds?
    - A fax machine failed due to a stuck SD card. No idea how it managed to get where it did
  • aordalaordal Member Posts: 372
    When my coworkers eat with their mouthes open in their cubes. It drives me batshit crazy. And the worst part is they eat all day long. And not quiet food, loud food like chips, carrots, celery.

    And when people pretend to know what they're talking about and lie about it. I understand not everyone knows everything and that's ok, just say so. Don't say you know something when I ask you then when I tell you to do it you f*@k it up all up.
  • AldurAldur Member Posts: 1,460
    How about the guy who always signs up for covering ppl's shifts or for holidays and then every damn time calls in sick or doesn't show up... We had one guy who did this all the time, and if he did actually show up he wouldn't take any cases or do any work.

    Another thing would be the guy who would be interviewing for another job and then lose all interest at his current job thus "giving" all his work to his co-workers.

    Or the guy who has no problem turning you in for something trival in an attempt to look good to management and then turns around and acts like your buddy and then asks for help...
    "Bribe is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool."

  • msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I'll post some more, but from my day's when I was managing a computer store.

    People who try to haggle you down in price on EVERYTHING.

    People who try to get their way by saying another employee said it would be fine (even though you overhead the other employee tell them otherwise earlier).

    People who check in a computer for service, and are told the current turn around time is X number of days and they are just fine with that. Same person will call ahead of the anticipated completion date to check on the status and ream you a new one if it's not done.

    People who you sold a computer to previously and while covered under warranty (which covers hardware and associated labor) manage to absolutely destroy the OS thanks to every piece of spyware known to man either due to their **** browsing habits, or their teen kids messing it up and yelling at me about how crappy our product is and how worthless our company is when I explained those problems were NOT covered by warranty.

    People who used to be waiting outside the store sometimes 30-40 minutes prior to open that would attempt to follow me in the store as I unlock the door.

    People who used to knock on the windows trying to get my attention as I was counting my inventory (did this once a month woo hoo! </sarcasm>) even though it was sometimes two or three hours past closing time, just so they could try to get in and have me sell them a $2 cable.

    People who would come into my store and have incredibly filthy feet such as a construction worker. They then proceed to tramp through the store leaving muddy foot prints everywhere.

    I could go on and on haha. I'm so glad I no longer work in retail!
  • snowdudesnowdude Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    My pet peeve is when people older than me think they know more just because they are older than me! Im a youngen so that happens a lot, just let me do my job, and you can do yours!

    It used to be really bad at my old job, my new job people are pretty nice and recpect what I say/know/do more. This is also the case with anybody that BSs though and thinks they know everything.

    So thats my vent/peeve. The driving thing bugs me too.
  • msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Aldur wrote: »
    Another thing would be the guy who would be interviewing for another job and then lose all interest at his current job thus "giving" all his work to his co-workers.

    I am unfortunately in somewhat of situation like this (me being the one losing interest). Though, I wasn't interviewing before losing interest in the job and slacking off a bit. The losing interest and interviewing is strictly an effect of already being well under staffed (3 in our entire IT department with 1800 users and 40 offices) and then having your hours cut back because of the weak economy on top of it. That's at least how I rationalize my behavior :)
  • AldurAldur Member Posts: 1,460
    I am unfortunately in somewhat of situation like this (me being the one losing interest). Though, I wasn't interviewing before losing interest in the job and slacking off a bit. The losing interest and interviewing is strictly an effect of already being well under staffed (3 in our entire IT department with 1800 users and 40 offices) and then having your hours cut back because of the weak economy on top of it. That's at least how I rationalize my behavior :)

    It's one thing if you lost interest in your job before you started interviewing due to different factors, I can respect that. And from the sounds of it you still do your work. I know that when I started interviewing for the resident engineer job with Juniper I sure lost interest, slacked a little, but I still got all my work done and didn't pass anything along. It's one thing to lose interest and another to stop working completely.

    In what I saw, and to tell the truth the guy is one of my best friends who I still keep in tough with today, he started interviewing, stopped working altogether and then finally moved on 3-4 months later.

    Why management let him sit there for 3 or 4 months and do nothing is beyond me...
    "Bribe is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool."

  • cbigbrickcbigbrick Member Posts: 284
    People who constantly announce that they have a lot or to much to do while walking around….STFU!!!

    People who bring their home laptops in with an aircard and play games all day long. Must be nice.
    And in conclusion your point was.....???

    Don't get so's just ones and zeros.
  • msteinhilbermsteinhilber Member Posts: 1,480 ■■■■■■■■□□
    cbigbrick wrote: »
    People who constantly announce that they have a lot or to much to do while walking around….STFU!!!

    I have a co-worker who does this often, they usually announce it while I can hear some video on Youtube or similar playing.
  • skrpuneskrpune Member Posts: 1,409
    I have a co-worker who does this often, they usually announce it while I can hear some video on Youtube or similar playing.
    Yeah, this is a common one in all lines of work. There's always at least 1-2 folks at every company/office who constantly LOUDLY announce that they are sooooo swamped, yet they're never working...hrm, maybe that long to-do list might get a little shorter if you actually DID something!! Grrr... Folks like that are either lazy (wanting to trick someone else into "helping" them and doing their work for them) or they just need to feel important. Either way, annoying as all get out.
    Currently Studying For: Nothing (cert-wise, anyway)
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    Enrolled in Masters program: CS 2011 expected completion
  • NetAdmin2436NetAdmin2436 Member Posts: 1,076
    Just 10 minutes ago a user told me "You can just double click and it will open". Apparently my way of just clicking once on the '+' sign was too slow or inefficient. I smiled and thanked them for the computer tip.
    WIP: CCENT/CCNA (.....probably)
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