Just purchased my book....

in Security+
Just purchased the Security + Get Started Get Ahead. Look forward to diving into it and getting started. Would folks also recommended the Comptia Exam Cram book too?
kasiechaos Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
kasiechaos wrote: »Just purchased the Security + Get Started Get Ahead. Look forward to diving into it and getting started. Would folks also recommended the Comptia Exam Cram book too?
Actually I just saw on Amazon that their are couple different Comptia Exam Cram books for Security +. Any particular one you suggest would be helpful? -
steve13ad Member Posts: 398 ■■■■□□□□□□
No, I can't recommend anything from Comptia. Have you seen the new renewal policy? -
Bl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
No, I can't recommend anything from Comptia. Have you seen the new renewal policy?
Seriously dude? Not everyone shares your opinion and this comptia-trolling has to stop.
kasiechaos wrote: »Just purchased the Security + Get Started Get Ahead. Look forward to diving into it and getting started. Would folks also recommended the Comptia Exam Cram book too?
I would say Darrils book is good, whether or not it is all you need is entirely up to you. There are some post around here that have stated that you COULD pass with only this book. I personally will probably be using this, google searches, my notes, a Preplogic final review guide (it was 1$) and transcender for the exam. -
steve13ad Member Posts: 398 ■■■■□□□□□□
Seriously dude? Not everyone shares your opinion and this comptia-trolling has to stop.
I would say Darrils book is good, whether or not it is all you need is entirely up to you. There are some post around here that have stated that you COULD pass with only this book. I personally will probably be using this, google searches, my notes, a Preplogic final review guide (it was 1$) and transcender for the exam.
Good for you knwminus. We get it, you have a hard-on for CompTIA. Too bad your in the minority on this.
kasie, have you seen that Security+ is no longer a lifetime certification? -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
Good for you knwminus. We get it, you have a hard-on for CompTIA. Too bad your in the minority on this.
@Steve:Actually Steve it is really getting old. I don't see Knwminus being blunt like that very often. I'm sure he is not trying to be a jerk. Just randomly popping into threads and slamming CompTIA is not going to make you any friends, in no ways helps this person (or anyone else), and detracts from your cause. I'm not trying to slam you here, I just think you need to slow down and think a little before you post.
kasiechaos: Good choice in a CompTIA Security+ book! I wish his book had been around when I was selecting Security+ books
The Security+ ExamCram book is a good choice. I used it as my primary study after I finished the exhaustive (in more than one wayit actually made me hate studying for it) Security+ book which was over 1,000 pages
. I don't think you will have quite the same problem with Darril's book. Just remember that the Security+ exam is more breadth in information than it is about depth.
steve13ad Member Posts: 398 ■■■■□□□□□□
Vertias, I hear ya. Even though we've seen the policy change there are still alot of people that haven't.
That's all I trying to convey. -
kasiechaos Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
No, I can't recommend anything from Comptia. Have you seen the new renewal policy?
Yeah I have heard about that, but you have to take the test and pass before you can worry about renewing. Cant renew what I dont have. -
Bl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
Good for you knwminus. We get it, you have a hard-on for CompTIA. Too bad your in the minority on this.
Very true (about me being in the minority on this, not having a hard on) . I understand that what comptia did was a "bad" thing (but apparently well within their legal rights) but my thing is some of us still need to get those "entry level", "worthless certs". Some of us have very few years of exp and need to do something to stay ahead of the other crabs in the pot. For those of you who have "matured" (career wise) beyond that point, good for you (no I am not trying to be an ass, I am serious) but all of us aren't there yet. As I also said, I am just another wanna be IT pro trying to make it, I hold no stock in Comptia, Cisco, or any corp.
That said don't purposefully go out and try to discourage someone else from getting something that (despite it not being lifetime) will help them. That isn't cool and it isn't deserved. Like I said in the other forum, so what if they change it. Get more certs or renew them, the choice is yours.kasiechaos wrote: »Yeah I have heard about that, but you have to take the test and pass before you can worry about renewing. Cant renew what I dont have.
Don't worry about that stuff man. Just do what you have to do, go balls to the walls and do what you have to do. S+ is still worth something just don't put all of you eggs into a comptia basket. I'd say no more than 3-4 of those bad boys and then move on. IMO A+, N+, S+, Linux+, and maybe (in certain situations ) Server+ are still worth something. -
kasiechaos Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
Don't worry about that stuff (wo?)man. Just do what you have to do, go balls to the walls (or whatever the acceptable equal is for a woman) and do what you have to do. S+ is still worth something just don't put all of you eggs into a comptia basket. I'd say no more than 3-4 of those bad boys and then move on. IMO A+, N+, S+, Linux+, and maybe (in certain situations ) Server+ are still worth something.
BTW, I am a male. -
sys_teck Member Posts: 130 ■■■□□□□□□□
@Kassie Darril's book is fairly good, also Exam cram book are good. But you need to use more than one source, plus download Techexans notes. They are very helpful.
@Steve dude you have to deal with it, whether you like it or not. If you don't want take test don't take it. Comptia doesn't force you to do it. It's your call.
Y.T.working on CCNA -
kasiechaos Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
Got my book from Amazon. Exciting to get started reading it. Probably schedule the test for late March. -
nebapneb Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
kasiechaos wrote: »Got my book from Amazon. Exciting to get started reading it. Probably schedule the test for late March.
got mine too in 5 days from the states!
gonna plan my exam for may as i'm doing two modules for an open university degree as well
so it'll slot nicely into a 'light' month there
opened and scanned it so far and mr G, its a fine looking book
hoping it will help me pass as i'm looking to take the SCCP late this/early next year too
apparantly Comptia have changed their stance on their certification as well
in that if you are a current +cert holder it stays a lifetime one
and if you're studying and pass this year then its again a lifetime one
but from 01/01/2011 the certs change to having a 3yr lifespan before re-certing
check out a certain authors blogspot for further info
Security Plus: Get Certified Get Ahead: CompTIA Makes it Official - No Recertification until 2011
nebKnackered from working too much, yaaaaaaaaaaaaawn! -
Todd Burrell Member Posts: 280
I've seen a lot of comments about the CompTia renewal policy. I just found this on their website:
CompTIA Certification Renewal Policy
It looks like anyone that has, or will earn, a CompTia A+, Security+, or Network+ this year (2010) will maintain the cert for life. So I guess I'm missing all the CompTia-bashing? It sounds like they listened to everyone's complaints and changed their policy? -
koolke Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Comptia has changed the initial policy they put out Jan 11th. However, I think that you would want to keep your skills relevant to today's ever changing realm of technology. If you have any of those certs you should be moving forward to bigger and better things any how. I'm just saying....