Which is more easier: 70-640 or 70-642 ?

Based on your experience, which is more easier to pass, 70-640 or 70-642 ?
How much time should one spend on studying for each in order to pass it ?
your 2 cents will be much appreciated. Thanks.
Based on your experience, which is more easier to pass, 70-640 or 70-642 ?
How much time should one spend on studying for each in order to pass it ?
your 2 cents will be much appreciated. Thanks.
LCA Member Posts: 215
I'm currently studying both, which means lots of reading and lots of labs on virtual machines with up to 5 servers and a client running at a time. To have practical experience to my mind is critical.
I haven't sat either yet but I'm going to do 642 first. It seems to me that some of the topics like DNS and DHCP are very intertwined in both. -
techsource2005 Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
I see. Your studying both. Any idea which one is more tougher then other one ?
70-640 or 642 ?
any topics that you need more time studying for in the exams ? -
Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
If you know AD, DNS and DHCP well, then both are easy. If you dont, then 640 maybe slightly easier. Really depends on how much experience you have with servers and how good your preparation is.
Lab the material up as well as you can, makes all exams easier! -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
I just took 70-642 last week, 83-640 last month. I should have spent more actual time reading more and less labbing probably. I'd probably say the 642 is harder but thats just my opinion and some people recently have been scoring really high on the 642 on here lately.
I spent roughly a month on each. Group Policy for 640 and DNS for 642 is pretty high on the list as far as what I believe is covered quite heavily. The tests are actually quite evenly spread out as per the skills measured. DNS is on both tests but if you take the 640 first it'll be to your benefit to study the DNS chapters in the 642 book while studying DNS for the 640 as it's covered on both tests and the 642 book goes into more depth.
Several people recently took the 642 first and did quite well so the order you do them is kind of irrelevant. It depends upon your experience level of working with servers, if you have no experience then definitely do the 640 first as you need to know how to do the basics of setting up your servers before tackling the 642.
Since I took the 83-640 your test experience with the 70-640 will be different than mine as I had the Simulator and less multiple choice questions.
HTHNo longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
za3bour Member Posts: 1,062 ■■■■□□□□□□
I took 70-642 last month and it took me around 1 month to study it. For me studying was hard because there are new topics in it but the exam itself was easy i got 950.
Now I'm studying 70-640 and it's been around 2 weeks and I think I need another two weeks to study it. I'm finding it easier to study 640 but the exam itself could be harder who knows
My advice is to take 642 first (which most people do) unless you have a excellent experience with AD and GP then 640 would be easier to start with.