701 and 702 - Passed!
812 on the 701 exam and 760 on the 702
I used Mike Meyer's test questions study guide: Total Seminars: Mike Meyers' Total Tester A+ Premium Practice Exams
I went through every practice set with a Notepad window open next to the testing app typing out the question and answer for any questions I wasn't comfortable with. The repetition really helped lock down some concepts. The Final tests on his software were a breeze after mastering the practice tests.
I also went out and picked up ExamCram's 1,000 question practice test book and literally crammed in as much as I could from Monday until this morning. I would definitely recommend this book (nothing but good test questions and scenarios): Amazon.com: CompTIA A+ 220-701 and 220-702 Exam Cram (5th Edition) (9780789747921): David L. Prowse: Books
It's really all about learning styles. I do much better with videos (I did use a few of Professor Messer's vids) and sample test questions w/ full explanations. Do whatever works for you, but I would highly recommend studying practice tests (not the free kind, those aren't always reliable)
Good luck to everyone taking A+ in the near future! Stay calm and think simple and practical.
On to Network+ - Any advice?
I used Mike Meyer's test questions study guide: Total Seminars: Mike Meyers' Total Tester A+ Premium Practice Exams
I went through every practice set with a Notepad window open next to the testing app typing out the question and answer for any questions I wasn't comfortable with. The repetition really helped lock down some concepts. The Final tests on his software were a breeze after mastering the practice tests.
I also went out and picked up ExamCram's 1,000 question practice test book and literally crammed in as much as I could from Monday until this morning. I would definitely recommend this book (nothing but good test questions and scenarios): Amazon.com: CompTIA A+ 220-701 and 220-702 Exam Cram (5th Edition) (9780789747921): David L. Prowse: Books
It's really all about learning styles. I do much better with videos (I did use a few of Professor Messer's vids) and sample test questions w/ full explanations. Do whatever works for you, but I would highly recommend studying practice tests (not the free kind, those aren't always reliable)
Good luck to everyone taking A+ in the near future! Stay calm and think simple and practical.
On to Network+ - Any advice?
Deathgomper Member Posts: 356 ■■■□□□□□□□Congratz!!!!
The only advice I got is to keep pressing forward with the Net+ if that's what you want.
You will find an array of videos for the Net+ like the A+ so get crackin'....Well celebrate first!!!!
Good Luck!!! -
CareerChangeIT Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□I would skip the nework+ exam. I would def study for it to learn the material but spend the money on a microsoft exam. windows 7 etc... . I really don't see a lot of employers that require the network+ compared to A+ and other Microsoft certs...