How Much Do You Sleep?



  • MonkerzMonkerz Member Posts: 842
    I sleep like a log. Very very heavy sleeper. Almost always exactly 7 hours. I am hard as hell to wake up if I haven't had 7 hours. After that a mouse sneezing could wake me up.

    My fiance actually waxed my chest while I was sleeping once. I didn't even know it till the next morning when I was in the shower. Needless to say she was giggling when I woke her to inquire as to how I lost my chest hair.

    She sometimes asks me what I am going to do when our kids, if we can have kids, needs a changing or has a nightmare in the middle of the night. To which I haven't came up with a reply.
  • TheShadowTheShadow Member Posts: 1,057 ■■■■■■□□□□
    6 hpurs max; any more and I fail to function. Up a nice jog or threadmill if it is raining for 20 to 30 mins and into the shower.

    Wake up you sleepy head. There is time enough to sleep when you're dead -- Folgers coffee extremely creepy video ad
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    If you want to be creeped out here is the video under two min.
    Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of technology?... The Shadow DO
  • effektedeffekted Member Posts: 166
    I generally get 6-7 hours of sleep during the week aside from nights we do maintenances/cutovers than it varies from 3-5 hours (Had a few fun days where a failed maintenance took us to the start of the next business day so had to start the normal workday...that was fun.

    I'm not sure if it was on this forum or another but someone mentioned polyphasic/uberman sleep cycle which you would take 6 naps a day every 4 hours (20 min naps). Here's a bit more information about it: Polyphasic sleep - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • AkaricloudAkaricloud Member Posts: 938
    4-6 hours on weekdays and 6-8 on weekends.

    I've consciously changed my sleep pattern quite a few times in the past few years. I went from 8-10 a day to ~4 when I started college, back to 6-8 in summer, ect.

    I've really found that anything above 4 works fine for me as long as I get into a semi-stable routine. Sure, I may only operate at 90-95% on 4 hours of sleep but I also have 25% more time awake than those who sleep 8 hours.
  • CodeBloxCodeBlox Member Posts: 1,363 ■■■■□□□□□□
    7 - 8 hours during the week. Weekends are fair game for as much as 12hrs or as little as 3hrs
    Currently reading: Network Warrior, Unix Network Programming by Richard Stevens
  • xenodamusxenodamus Member Posts: 758
    6-7 during the week, 8 or so on the weekends.

    I really wish I could function at 100% on a 4-5 hour sleep schedule. It would affect my performance, though. I need a decent night's sleep to be on top of my game every day.
    CISSP | CCNA:R&S/Security | MCSA 2003 | A+ S+ | VCP6-DTM | CCA-V CCP-V
  • AnonymouseAnonymouse Member Posts: 509 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Judging by this thread and my coworkers I have come to the conclusion that IT people don't get enough sleep. Why is this? I blame it on commute times coupled with personal obligations for most of the people I work with.
  • ptilsenptilsen Member Posts: 2,835 ■■■■■■■■■■
    elTorito wrote: »
    That's a lot of hours over a lifetime!

    Not if you die younger, which, according to science, you will.
    Anonymouse wrote: »
    Judging by this thread and my coworkers I have come to the conclusion that IT people don't get enough sleep. Why is this? I blame it on commute times coupled with personal obligations for most of the people I work with.
    Most IT people that I know who have this problem have a sleep disorder, usually Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome -- a horribly under-diagnosed condition that can be caused by environmental factors, such as staring at computer screens well into the night. Sometimes its genetic, and sometimes behavior leads to it, but it's actually a very common and often treatable condition.

    Of all the fellow IT people I know who've had sleeping problems, I'm the only one I know of who actually went to a sleep specialist and got diagnosed. For years, I struggled to fall asleep before 3:00am to 5:00am and get up before noon. I take 3mg of Melatonin (the hormone your body produces to induce drowsiness) at night and have a "SADlamp" that goes off at 6:30am. Without fail, I can fall asleep between 10:30 and midnight and get up at 6:30am.
    Working B.S., Computer Science
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    In progress: CLEP US GOV,
    Next up: MATH 211, ECON 352, ICS 340
  • mr_willmr_will Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I try to go to bed around 10pm, before that if I can manage it. I am up 5:15 Monday-Friday. Weekend It all depends. We don't go out as much as we used to but I will still sometimes get caught up in a project and stay up until 2am on it, but on average I am usually in the bed by midnight. But I will be up at about 8 or 9am.
    When I was younger in the military. I would get home at 2am, wake up at 5:30 for PT and then do it all over. I don't know how in the world I accomplished anything, because I would just flat out call in sick the next day of work.
  • dontstopdontstop Member Posts: 579 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Wow it must just be a new years thing. I have just recently been experimenting with my sleeping times to see how my body reacts to different amounts of hours of sleep. Since i was about 14-15 my bedtime went from 7pm right to 12-2am... it's been like that until now (23). From my experiments i found the following.

    icon_arrow.gif 0-6 hrs of sleep = Wake up feeling confused, slight headache
    icon_arrow.gif 7-8 hrs of sleep = Wake up feeling okay, but still kind of tired
    icon_arrow.gif 8-10 hrs of sleep = Wake up feeling really good, fresh and ready to go
    icon_arrow.gif 10-12 hrs of sleep = Sleep during the night is disrupted, wake up many times for toilet breaks etc. Wake up feeling good though

    As you can see from my experiments i tend to be a 8-10 hr sleeper, which is right in the age group i'm in if you follow the table on Sleep - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I believe that everyone should follow a similar experiment and find out how long they need to sleep. I personally believe it gives me a boost in everything i do, i dont feel like a zombie at work trying to keep awake infront of the computer. I also found that my health increase during the time i was getting a good amount of sleep.

    I also blame our hobby, because we can work 24/7 we tend to work... 24/7. If i was riding my bike at 2am in the morning it would be called strange... but being on the computer is not. Go figure.
  • SteveO86SteveO86 Member Posts: 1,423
    6 hours during the week maybe 8 during the weekends if I'm lucky. Either my alarm clock or my dogs wake me up.
    My Networking blog
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    Currently Studying: CCNP: Wireless - IUWMS
  • Cpl.KlingerCpl.Klinger Member Posts: 159
    Through an average week, it's around 6.5-7 hours a night. I can usually get by on that on a daily basis with no real pain.
    "If you can't fix it, you don't own it"
    "Great things have small beginnings."

  • SteveLordSteveLord Member Posts: 1,717
    Anonymouse wrote: »
    Judging by this thread and my coworkers I have come to the conclusion that IT people don't get enough sleep. Why is this? I blame it on commute times coupled with personal obligations for most of the people I work with.

    No, I would say this most people today...regardless of profession.
    WGU B.S.IT - 9/1/2015 >>> ???
  • en2uen2u Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    usually i sleep for 4 to 5 hours, it's not easy to sleep when you have little baby around youicon_sad.gif
  • PsoasmanPsoasman Member Posts: 2,687 ■■■■■■■■■□
    7-8 hours most of the time. With kids, it's up in the air. If they are up, so am I icon_wink.gif
  • nelnel Member Posts: 2,859 ■□□□□□□□□□
    i sleep like a bag of crap :) somewhere between 3-6, usually towards the bottom end of that value!
    Xbox Live: Bring It On

    Bsc (hons) Network Computing - 1st Class
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  • gunbunnysouljagunbunnysoulja Member Posts: 353
    9 hours every night.. Another perk to working at home.
    WGU BSITStart Date: July 1, 2013
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  • nhprnhpr Member Posts: 165
    Why does everyone want to do with less sleep? I look forward to sleep! It's one of the most fun things I do. Last night while sleeping, I had a sword fight with the last Russian czar and escaped by leaping from gigantic mushroom to gigantic mushroom (which not only existed, but I happened to be sword fighting on).

    ~7-8.5 hours for me
  • alxxalxx Member Posts: 755
    6 hours on work nights or most nights during semester,8 or 9 on non work days

    Usually 23:00 - 05:00 , means I can be at work by 7/7:30 and be finished by 3 and get home and be at the beach by 5( that's the idea). Currently only working 21 hours a week( work for a un and study there)

    semester starts back last week of feb, uni summer break is beginning of dec until last week of feb

    Class time table sux:
    Mon signal theory 15:00 -18:00
    mon embedded systems 18:00 -21:00
    thurs signal theory 09:00 - 11:00
    fri embedded systems 18:00 -21:00
    plus jazz band tues 19:00 - 21:00

    May also be doing nano materials subject

    UTS: 48541 Signal Theory - Engineering, UTS Handbook

    UTS: 48434 Embedded Software - Engineering, UTS Handbook

    Lecture notes for Embedded systems Embedded Software Home Page

    At least that's the last two engineering subjects!
    Goals CCNA by dec 2013, CCNP by end of 2014
  • Member Posts: 79 ■■□□□□□□□□
    nhpr wrote: »
    Why does everyone want to do with less sleep? I look forward to sleep! It's one of the most fun things I do. Last night while sleeping, I had a sword fight with the last Russian czar and escaped by leaping from gigantic mushroom to gigantic mushroom (which not only existed, but I happened to be sword fighting on).

    ~7-8.5 hours for me

    My wife has wild dreams like this every night. I don't often dream. When I do I usually don't remember what it was about after a few seconds of being awake. When I do remember, my dreams are seem to be very... mundane. Not that I am complaining though. I really enjoy sleeping and I look forward to it. I go to sleep fast and end up in a deep sleep for the entire night (I'm not an easy person to wake up).

    I usually end up with 5.5 - 6hrs during the week and about 12hrs on Saturday and Sunday. I'm a person that needs sleep, and I know that I don't get enough. There is just so much to do. I'm convinced that a day need to be 36hrs long to fit everything in.
    Currently studying: Backup Academy, CWNA, MCSA:08, iBoss ISCP
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