
Anybody attracted to Guild Wars 2 out there?



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    tpatt100tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Mutata wrote: »
    I wouldn't say 'forget most of what you know from traditional mmos' I don't think GW2 is exactly groundbreaking, but its very well done. I find myself probably equally as entertained as I was when I first started WoW. Its fresh, new and unknown which is pretty much whats attracting me to the game.

    I won't go into spoilers for those who intend on playing it but I would recommend this game , as for someone like me who is noticing a lot less available play time the lack of sub is nice.

    You have to forget a lot of what you know from more traditional mmos. There is no trinity for dungeons "tank-healer-dps". People are zerging the story modes though but explore mode requires team work rather than rely on a tank and healer.

    The chain skills, weapon swaps during combat and pvp is pretty different. I see a lot of players not using dodge and moving and dying all over the place. I died a ton this weekend on a part of my personal story quest chain due to game mechanics and failing to watch telegraphed attacks from mobs or using a defensive ability.

    I already see a lot of "I quit this is lame" posts online game forums and it's mainly due to players not actually learning how to play. The most common one is "You only get five abilities this is lame qq quit" and realize they never learned about weapon swaps or weapon skills.
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    MutataMutata Member Posts: 176
    I agree, the weapon swap is pretty sweet, and the lack of specific tank-heals-deeps is nice. Its different, there is no question on that one, I'm just not sure its radically different. Questing mechanics are pretty similar across most MMOs, Crafting is pretty similar (although the recipe discovery is pretty refreshing). I don't know if I would agree that there are more or less skills than other MMOs, not sure Ive played it enough to make that decision
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    tpatt100tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I think being rewarded for exploring and the down leveling to a level appropriate to the zone is my favorite so far. Since levels don't mean the same in this game as you progress and skip content you can come back and it is still fun since you get dropped to the level range.

    Another was the skill point system, 200 possible skill points achievable from the zones so if you rush to max level you only earn enough skill points for level 80 but can continue to "level" by going back to earn the other 100+ skill points.
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    MutataMutata Member Posts: 176
    I do love the zone completion aspects. Never liked WoW achievements. I think they did this much better
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,047 Admin
    Are characters still limited to level 20 in GW2? I had a bunch of level 19 chars in GW. WIll they be in GW2 or do I start over with new everything?

    And I never got any good weapons in GW, except for a bow that was vampiric and would drained HP from my R/E while she wielded it.
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    tpatt100tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
    You start over from GW1 but there is a Hall of Monuments thing that rewards you for stuff from GW1. I never got into GW1 though and I heard you had to be a moderate or hardcore player to get the good stuff.

    There are 80 levels but "80 levels" is kind of not the same thing as a traditional mmo. Since you get bumped to 80 stat wise for PVP you can do all the other stuff and level. But you get experience points from everything even crafting so it doesn't feel that bad.
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