Should I take/am I ready to take the Network+?

in Network+
I have about 5 years field experience working/contracting with fortune 500 companies. I have been installing routers / turning up service & doing repairs for XO communications for over a year. I also design / maintain networks for small businesses. I never got my A+ as all the places that required it let me bypass it etc. If in the future its required for employment I'll go take the A+ however I'd rather focus my time on something that will elevate myself in the market place and knowledge so I've decided to start off with the Network+, after that I'm planning on going on to Server+/Security+ & then decide if I want my CCNA or what I want my main focus to be from there.
How long do you guys suggest me studying for the Network+ before I go take the test?...are there areas that I should focus on more then others? Is the Network+ really that hard or is it just all the fundamentals of networking? I'm wondering how much prep I need before taking this. Any insight would be great, thank you.
How long do you guys suggest me studying for the Network+ before I go take the test?...are there areas that I should focus on more then others? Is the Network+ really that hard or is it just all the fundamentals of networking? I'm wondering how much prep I need before taking this. Any insight would be great, thank you.
Carl_S_901 Member Posts: 105
digitaltech wrote: »I have about 5 years field experience working/contracting with fortune 500 companies. I have been installing routers / turning up service & doing repairs for XO communications for over a year. I also design / maintain networks for small businesses. I never got my A+ as all the places that required it let me bypass it etc. If in the future its required for employment I'll go take the A+ however I'd rather focus my time on something that will elevate myself in the market place and knowledge so I've decided to start off with the Network+, after that I'm planning on going on to Server+/Security+ & then decide if I want my CCNA or what I want my main focus to be from there.
How long do you guys suggest me studying for the Network+ before I go take the test?...are there areas that I should focus on more then others? Is the Network+ really that hard or is it just all the fundamentals of networking? I'm wondering how much prep I need before taking this. Any insight would be great, thank you.
Decide whether you are going to the -004 exam (still available) or the -005 exam (new) and then buy the appropriate Todd Lammle book for the exam. If you are experienced this book won't bore you to tears or over-simplify everything to death. Network+ covers a very broad set of topics and will definitely cover topics you probably haven't dealt with in the real world. Read the book, do the end of chapter reviews questions like it tells you in the introduction of the book. Do a chapter a day and you'll be ready in 3-4 weeks to take the exam.
Carl S.
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digitaltech Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
I'm going to do the -005, as the virtualization/IPv6 stuff I'd like to up to date on personally as it seems relevant moving forward... -
quinnyfly Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□
I totally agree with Carl, but also print off the exam objectives for the 005 to be certain you have a good depth of topic coverage. I would take the Security+ about a month or so after, as it does cover some Net+ topics in its objectives. Becasue of your experience, perhaps two weeks to one month may be more than sufficient, the objectives will let you know what areas you do or don not know.
Net+ Eaxm Objectives:Exam ObjectivesThe Wings of Technology