Passed 70-686 today!

Yes after months of studying after taking 70-680 (took a toll after failing 680 once). I passed the 70-686 today with a 742! Another close score...I tell you what I think they are ramping up the difficulty or making the choices you make when selecting your answer really precise into making you select their best practice methods no matter what. I didn't even know this exam had case study questions in there which through me off guard, especially when I thought I was done and it popped up..good thing I had enough time to think it through. Based on the practice questions I had been studying with they didn't have interactive simulation questions just mostly single-choice and mutli-choice questions. I used the Boson exam sim questions...the one thing I give a lot of credit for with Boson is that their answer explanations are chock full of information and external sources and if I hadn't actually studied those so keenly I probably would've failed so I am thankful for that. Honestly by the end of the exam I thought I would've had a higher score because it seems most of the scenarios were straightforward.
Anyways, I am happy now that I got my MCSA: Windows 7 cert! Not sure what I will be tackling next but I will probably shoot for the Windows 8 upgrade exam b/c of the free voucher =]
Anyways, I am happy now that I got my MCSA: Windows 7 cert! Not sure what I will be tackling next but I will probably shoot for the Windows 8 upgrade exam b/c of the free voucher =]
N2IT Inactive Imported Users Posts: 7,483 ■■■■■■■■■■
Congratz on a fine pass
That's huge MCSA for 2 exams like that.
It really makes me want to study for 680 and 686. Gratz again! -
capewalk Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Yes after months of studying after taking 70-680 (took a toll after failing 680 once). I passed the 70-686 today with a 742! Another close score...I tell you what I think they are ramping up the difficulty or making the choices you make when selecting your answer really precise into making you select their best practice methods no matter what. I didn't even know this exam had case study questions in there which through me off guard, especially when I thought I was done and it popped up..good thing I had enough time to think it through. Based on the practice questions I had been studying with they didn't have interactive simulation questions just mostly single-choice and mutli-choice questions. I used the Boson exam sim questions...the one thing I give a lot of credit for with Boson is that their answer explanations are chock full of information and external sources and if I hadn't actually studied those so keenly I probably would've failed so I am thankful for that. Honestly by the end of the exam I thought I would've had a higher score because it seems most of the scenarios were straightforward.
Anyways, I am happy now that I got my MCSA: Windows 7 cert! Not sure what I will be tackling next but I will probably shoot for the Windows 8 upgrade exam b/c of the free voucher =]
Can you tell me what study material you used? If you used more than one which ones did you find the most relevant? Thanks in advance for your reply. -
Chitownjedi Member Posts: 578 ■■■■■□□□□□
Congratulations, I take my 686 next week... hope I can replicate your success man! -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
Congratulations. The Windows 7 exams are not easy in my experience. -
N2IT Inactive Imported Users Posts: 7,483 ■■■■■■■■■■
Ver I agree
Studying for 686 is very challenging there is a lot of material.