I exceeded the required score listed on CompTIA's official website, but failed?

in Server+
I have been studying for SK0-003 for the past couple of weeks keeping in mind that a score of 700 out of 900 points (approx. 78%) would be needed to be granted this certification, per the official CompTIA website.. Okay, so yeah, I barely scraped by, but I scraped by nonetheless, right? I don't want to disclose too much other than the aforementioned until I get some concrete answers from CompTIA, but I have a case don't I? Isn't the information listed on the official site supposed to be accurate? How else am I to keep up with changes about the exam??? I don't really NEED this cert, but it was paid for, so I'm kind of pissed right now to say the least..
Xyro Member Posts: 623
This appears current to me:
CompTIA Server+ Certification
Your score was at least 700? If so what did they state when you asked them this at the testing center? -
lawrence_of_arabia Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
I scored 718.. They pulled up the exact URL that you posted above and told me that I need to contact CompTIA immediately.. I could have done way better on the exam, but I did meet their requirements to to be certified per their website.. Of course with it being Saturday, I assume I won't hear anything until Monday.. I called the service number and left a voicemail, sent an email, and created a ticket with them.. I feel that I'm entitled to a retake on them at the VERY least.. -
Xyro Member Posts: 623
Something is up in Denmark. By their apparent definition, you passed. I wouldn't even re-sit for an exam. I hope you have something (paperwork - hard/soft) that clearly states your score.
I hope you get this resolved. Keep us updated. -
superjerelman Member Posts: 30 ■■■□□□□□□□
That's weird, I thought last year when I check it was 750 along with security+ to pass. It might be a typo on their website, either way I would take a screen shot just in case they change it, so you can dispute that it was on their website at that score limited.BS:IT from WGU. -
dragonshiz Member Posts: 78 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hmmmm that is odd, back when I passed it in June of last year it was 750 to pass because I remember scoring 767 and that was passing it by the slimmest of margins, but according to the CompTIA site the passing score is 700. I would definitely be contacting them about it. Could be they lowered the score but didn't update their software or something.WGU - B.S. Information Technology
Goals for 2013: Complete B.S. Information Technology from WGU (Completed! Graduated August 2013), CCNA (in progress) -
lawrence_of_arabia Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
I have a ticket open with them now, being reviewed.. I spoke with a CompTIA employee this morning who told me that the passing score for Server+ is 700, so I don't know what's going on yet.. I will definitely let you all know the verdict as soon as I find out.. -
lawrence_of_arabia Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
Well, it looks like there is a typo on their official website and they aren't going to do anything to rectify the mistake, not even a voucher.. I was going back and forth with their exam Dev dept for a while, but eventually they just started ignoring me.. CompTIA encourages you to check their official certification homepage for details, I encourage you to contact someone employed with CompTIA- oh wait, I was given false information when I did that too.. By the way, this link:
CompTIA Server+ Certification
STILL indicates a passing score of 700 for Server+ as of right now! I won't be testing for a while, because I'll be busy doing actual studying for actual certifications.. I may renew my Net+ in three years if CompTIA is even still relevant then, other than that I'm moving on. -
lawrence_of_arabia Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
Well, I just checked the above link again and it looks like they finally changed then pass score to 750 -
Xyro Member Posts: 623
This is ludicrous.
I can see why they don't wish to provide the certification itself, but they should at least provide a replacement voucher, IMO.
Also note that you're likely not the only 1 this has affected. -
lawrence_of_arabia Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
Actually Xyro, as of today they did. I'll be re-testing soon. I feel like that's fair and what I expected from CompTIA.. The website HAS been fixed as well -
KeithJagger Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
Screw that noise, and you shouldn't have to retake a goddamn thing...you did what was required to pass the exam. I'd be furious if I was you. Everyone has a bad test every now and again, but you did what was asked of you. Don't pay them another cent until you get your certification. -
Xyro Member Posts: 623
lawrence_of_arabia wrote: »Actually Xyro, as of today they did.
They provided a replacement voucher. Great! This has all worked to your advantage then. Having already seen this exam, theoretically, you should be able to achieve a higher score than you would have previously been able to. -
lawrence_of_arabia Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
Higher indeed.. Passed a few weeks ago with an 893! May have gotten one or two wrong this time around.. I underestimated the exam the first time, and didnt feel that it was as easy as some make it out to be.. MUCH more difficult than the Network+.. Alas, after being pissed off for about a week, and then eating, breathing, and sh*tting Server+ for the next month, I come out victorious! -
About7Narwhal Member Posts: 761
Congrats on the pass and the free re-take. I am glad CompTIA did the right thing for your situation. I do have 1 question though, as devil's advocate: Doesn't the exam tell you, prior to starting, the time and passing requirements? It has been 2 years but I want to say the A+ has a pre-test page that detailed the testing rules (Time, Questions, Pass/Possible, etc)
Incorrect information on the site is inexcusable, but I could also see where CompTIA might have been coming from if the pre-test information was correct. -
lawrence_of_arabia Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
In retrospect, it did.. The truth is that i didn't study enough, initially thinking that the exam would be a bit easier to pass.. My argument for CompTIA was on the lines of, 'What was I going to? Leave the testing center and go study harder?' I would have risked wasting my voucher.. Fact is, that website NEEDS to be accurate; as such, I feel that CompTIA offered a fair solution by providing the voucher to retake. I wouldn't feel right about just being awarded the cert with a score of 718 when, despite what the website indicated at the time, the intended score is 750.