The Next "HOT" Cisco Track?



  • IristheangelIristheangel Mod Posts: 4,133 Mod
    Agreed with Networker. I let trends and hot topics somewhat help me decide what I want to study but I don't let them completely govern it.

    Is networking the thing I love the MOST above spending time with my family, traveling, playing my PS3, etc? Naw. We'd all be a little sick if that was where our priorities were. But is there anything in the world I would rather be doing as a job to provide for all those things? Naw. I love technology and I love networking. I love my job and I love learning about networking.
    Likewise, I don't hate servers or virtualization but I don't love or enjoy them the same way. The idea of specializing with them for the next 40 years of my life just so I can get a bigger paycheck sounds boring and painful. I probably wouldn't show the same enthusiasm if I tried studying for them which would inhibit me from really being a great systems engineer, though I might be a "good" or "alright" one if I tried.
    BS, MS, and CCIE #50931
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I forget who said it, but they said something like "if you've found something you're pretty good at, don't mind doing, and make decent money, you've probably found your calling"

    That applies. I'd love to race cars fulltime but the decent money thing isn't there unless you're a NASCAR/F1 driver. So, I network :)
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