Got Let Go Today



  • TheFORCETheFORCE Member Posts: 2,297 ■■■■■■■■□□
    First off, who said it was negative, you chose to interpret it that way. what I was said was a tool for positive reinforcement but you chose to see it as a negative comment. For some people, you can use all the pos reinf in the world and it will have no effect so for those individuals, something that falls between pos and neg might work or something that wasn't negative at all, like what I said. No two brains are alike and brains have no peers so you don't know. Just because your brain construed it as negative doesn't mean someone else's brain will interpret it the same way. Your brain has no peers and no two brains are alike.

    What I meant by someone's degrees and accolades get devalued is that this. All that education or skills got them the job but they were missing something in between knowledge and some other skill to keep the job. Now whether that was the employer or employee's fault, I am not here to discuss some hypothetical specifics for which I have no data but there was some adjustment or skill in adjusting that both sides could not come to an agreement with. Ideally, the more degrees you get, the smarter you should become but clearly, there was something missing.

    You assumed it was the company who was at fault in your final comment but again, you don't know the specifics of this hypothetical situation so why would assume anything. Remember, when you assume, you make an ass-out-of-you-and-me.

    Bottom line is you chose to think that some feedback for you is negative and apply that selfish notion and apply it for everything (again, selfish) when indeed, it is open for interpretation. You are not a psychologist, so why play an armchair one. Stay in your lane of expertise. I see you got a lot of certs listed under your name but you still took the time to partake in a thread, hijack it from the op, and lead it in a direction you have no expertise in and in a direction that wasn't productive. What I said could have gotten a pos response which is more effort but because you are selfish and completely ignorant of the subject matter, you single-handedly chose to lead it into a brick wall. How smart did your certs make you, in the end?

    You can't be serious? Or are you?

    Where have you been living the past 10 years?

    I assumed that it was the company's fault? Where in my post did I make such a statement?

    It is you who is assuming that the OP lost his job because he was lacking skill.

    You might want to check your definition of positive reinforcement.

    You also might want to ask the 100s of thousands of bankers and white collar employees that lost their job in the recent big recession. Maybe they will tell you they got fired because they all were lacking skills.
  • NetworkingStudentNetworkingStudent Member Posts: 1,407 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Well I got let go. Atleast I got my limited infosec experience.
    They let me hand over all the info that I had to the consultant.

    Hopefully I'll find something next week.

    I have been let go. It's not easy moving on. Acknowledge your job loss, deal with it, and move on. Put the majority of your energy into job search.

    You will move on though, and someone will hire you!!

    Remember you're a good person!! Also, try to get out of the house daily!

    Get your resume on DICE, and recruiters will definitely give you a ring.

    Utilize your unemployment offices for job search workshops and advice.
    When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened."

    --Alexander Graham Bell,
    American inventor
  • Masked_KingMasked_King Banned Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I have been let go. It's not easy moving on. Acknowledge your job loss, deal with it, and move on. Put the majority of your energy into job search.

    You will move on though, and someone will hire you!!

    Remember you're a good person!! Also, try to get out of the house daily!

    Get your resume on DICE, and recruiters will definitely give you a ring.

    Utilize your unemployment offices for job search workshops and advice.

    Mentally though, it's hard to start over. At anything. I've learned to be more reserved.
  • aderonaderon Member Posts: 404 ■■■■□□□□□□
    That's too bad man! Just stay positive and look for a rebound.
    2019 Certification/Degree Goals: AWS CSA Renewal (In Progress), M.S. Cybersecurity (In Progress), CCNA R&S Renewal (Not Started)
  • NissekiNisseki Member Posts: 160
    I'm sorry you were let go.

    What happened?
  • UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    Sorry to hear that mate! Let us know if we can help in any way, it's a tough situation...keep trying and keep applying to jobs

    Learn GRC! GRC Mastery : 

  • jibtechjibtech Member Posts: 424 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Mentally though, it's hard to start over. At anything. I've learned to be more reserved.

    Keep focusing on the being more reserved part. Please.

    OP, I went through it this year. Jump on the job search now. Make sure the resume is up to date, and tailor it to each and every job posting you see. Hit the local networking groups, and reach out to everyone you know. You never know where the next opportunity is going to be.

    Good luck, and we are all thinking positive thoughts!
  • cbdudekcbdudek Member Posts: 68 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Well I got let go. Atleast I got my limited infosec experience.
    They let me hand over all the info that I had to the consultant.

    Hopefully I'll find something next week.

    Sorry to hear that. Here are some easy steps you can follow to help you get back on track.

    1. Understand that you aren't the first person to be let go and you won't be the last. It happens all the time. Don't think this is a isolated incident.

    2. Analyze why you were let go. Some people blame the employer entirely, but in just about every case, there is plenty of blame to go around. What were your failings? What can you do to fix the issues you can control?

    3. "When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us." Don't dwell too much on being let go. Focus on getting another job. Dust off your resume immediately. Apply for unemployment. The biggest hiring push is coming in January after the holidays. Don't get caught enjoying the holidays and doing nothing. Start applying immediately.

    Good luck!
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