Long term Goal - Suggestions?

AaronW1994AaronW1994 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
I am currently undertaking my Cyber Security placement year with a large corporation, which has so far been fantastic. I gained Security+, a few Microsoft Certs, and I am waiting on the result of PenTest+, all in the short time I have been here. I have been offered to continue with my placement in a part-time role, while I complete my degree, so 12 more months.

I will be moving into the Incident Response & Defence role, as it works almost in parallel with what I wish to pursue for a career (Pentesting/Red Teaming), and serves me well as I learn the inner workings of the business and how enterprises defend themselves.
Because of this, I want to set myself a long term goal to complete a big certification by the time I complete my final year of university. Of course, University work and job role will come first, but I would like something to study in my spare time. Thats why I am here, to get some recommendations for certs that people suggest I take a look at. Something to go hand in hand with the experience I am getting.

I was looking at OSCP and EWAPT as the long term goal, while possibly picking up CySa+ as a stop-gap to one of these two. Im open to suggestions and recommendations about what I should do!


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