OMG Ebay has a new meaning

Computer_Wizz_PizzaguyComputer_Wizz_Pizzaguy Member Posts: 60 ■■□□□□□□□□
I just had to post the link to this on here. The fact that is has 12 bidders is enough to make me puke, but holy crap it's funny.

Half eaten grilled cheese sandwich with the Virgin Mary's Face!!!


  • /usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768 ■■■□□□□□□□
    It's so obvious he scraped the burnt bread away to make that image. That or doctored it up with photoshop.
  • /usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Anyone here a good artist? I'll buy the bread and cheese...
  • Computer_Wizz_PizzaguyComputer_Wizz_Pizzaguy Member Posts: 60 ■■□□□□□□□□
    NO shoot! I mean I tried this the other night, and im' not a good artitst, but I got a pretty good image with just a simple paint brush and some melted butter. if he can get 2 grand for a half eaten slice. Ima go for the whole fuggin loaf!
  • TeKniquesTeKniques Member Posts: 1,262 ■■■■□□□□□□
    It's probably a fake account made by the same guy just bidding for his own item in the attempt some moron will make an actual bid. icon_confused.gif
  • mikedeekmikedeek Member Posts: 40 ■■□□□□□□□□
    lol i see alot of shady stuff sold on ebay...
  • viper75viper75 Member Posts: 726 ■■■■□□□□□□
    lol....I just got that email. This just justifies how stupid people can be, and the worst part about it is that some poor soul out there will believe it's her and buy that. (Moron if you ask me)

    Cases like this makes me want to get this item this moron is selling and beating him on the face with it a couple of times.
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  • mikedeekmikedeek Member Posts: 40 ■■□□□□□□□□
    lol up to 16k lololol
  • Computer_Wizz_PizzaguyComputer_Wizz_Pizzaguy Member Posts: 60 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Wow...I agree with umm whoever it was that the seller has most likely created other accounts and bid. Still amazes me at the stupidity of it all.

    lol up to 16k lololol

    Oh when will the madness end? :D
  • garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    Ha, this guy can't even speak English( or faking bad english) I agree VIPER, I would punch this assbag in the throat. icon_lol.gif
  • mikedeekmikedeek Member Posts: 40 ■■□□□□□□□□
    the reserve was meet at 22k lol...this is to much
  • Computer_Wizz_PizzaguyComputer_Wizz_Pizzaguy Member Posts: 60 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Wow, ebay totally deleted all references to it :)
  • garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    Wow, ebay totally deleted all references to it :)

    I noticed that. Do you think this guy really got his money or did Ebay step in?
  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
    Ebay stepped in. I heard on the radio today about Ebay shutting this down. Also, Ebay is trying to work in a clause to membership contracts in the future, a prohobitive rule about stuff like this. The problem is, what defines, "stuff like this".
    i remain, he who remains to be....
  • mikedeekmikedeek Member Posts: 40 ■■□□□□□□□□
    lol...whats next?
  • viper75viper75 Member Posts: 726 ■■■■□□□□□□
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  • nate_lewisnate_lewis Member Posts: 41 ■■□□□□□□□□
    If the first item sold for 22k, and Ebay take a cut of about 15p per £1, no wonder the item got deleted, they thought they were gonna screw him. hah stupid auction site. crash.gif
    Gotta love the people that sell they're virginity on there too. Proper class that is.
  • Computer_Wizz_PizzaguyComputer_Wizz_Pizzaguy Member Posts: 60 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Yes I give the guy props for what he did. At least this time he made it apparent that it's a joke. I still have no respect for the first auction.

    Methinks the world needs mandatory intelligence tests, and we sort people by country/state :D Course Im going to Hawaii....
  • viper75viper75 Member Posts: 726 ■■■■□□□□□□
    This is getting stupid and old now. crash.gifcrash.gifcrash.gifcrash.gifcrash.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gif
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  • Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
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