New Year Resolutions



  • rsuttonrsutton Member Posts: 1,029 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Non-IT goals for the upcoming year:
    Be able to jog a mile
    Walk my dog more often
    Spend more time with the wife and son
    Play more golf
    Improve my conversational skills
    Learn to play the guitar

    The real challenge is deciding what I am going to sacrifice to accomplish some of these goals.
  • petedudepetedude Member Posts: 1,510
    Finish current degree program.
    Finish getting MCSA "upgrade"/MCITP done.
    Start exercising again. Would love to be able to play soccer on weekends, but wayyy out of shape for that. . .
    Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
    --Will Rogers
  • petedudepetedude Member Posts: 1,510
    HeroPsycho wrote: »
    I kept my exercise resolution mainly, but I didn't drop any weight. Odd.

    Two words: dietary change. :)
    Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
    --Will Rogers
  • HeroPsychoHeroPsycho Inactive Imported Users Posts: 1,940
    petedude wrote: »
    Two words: dietary change. :)

    As I put in my original post, I dropped over 50 pounds by radically changing my diet without really exercising. When I plateaued, I then began exercising, but no additional weight came off. I've admittedly been a bit looser on my diet at times, but not enough that it should prevent me from dropping weight. And believe me, this diet was very very strict, and the splurges by most people's standards were perfectly fine.

    The good news is it's now been 2 years since I started the diet change, and a year and a half since I dropped the weight, and I haven't gained it back. That's more important than dropping weight.
    Good luck to all!
  • dadajidadaji Member Posts: 96 ■■□□□□□□□□
    IT Related:

    1) Try to finish MCSA (been studying on and off for a long time)
    2) Find a better paying job (I know its not a resolution)
    3) Work on more certs.

    Non-IT Related:
    1) Be a little more active
    2) I have put off smoking for about 2 years and going strong. Hope to keep that up.

    Other than that life is good.
  • arwesarwes Member Posts: 633 ■■■□□□□□□□
    IT related:

    -Finish off MCSA
    -Try to finish MCSE by mid year
    -Start saving (more) cash to attend WGU

    Non IT related:

    -Stay away from the gym all of January & most of February due to New Year's resolutioneers
    -Spend the cash I was going to use for attending WGU for getting my gall bladder removed around March. icon_sad.gif
    [size=-2]Started WGU - BS IT:NDM on 1/1/13, finished 12/31/14
    Working on: Waiting on the mailman to bring me a diploma
    What's left: Graduation![/size]
  • aquillaaquilla Member Posts: 148 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Hmm, never really did the resolutions thing before but I suppose:

    - Achieve my CCNP (before my CCNA runs out)
    - Instil more disipline into my sport (ten pin) and make the County team.
    - Continue with the gym and go at least twice a week (no excuses)
    - Stop procrastinating

    I don't drink or smoke so I can't give up those! The only major debt I have is my car which is under control and will be paid off in 2011 anyway.


  • GT-RobGT-Rob Member Posts: 1,090
    1.) Gain muscle mass.
    2.) Pursue MCSA, learn more about *nix systems.
    3.) Come back from Iraq in one piece :D
    4.) Save up for new vehicle? BMW 1 series? 370z? Chevy Aveo? ;)

    Get the 370, theres no better bang for your buck out there. (assuming you dont have kids, or the need to bring anything with you when you go anywhere ;) )

    Since everyone wants to be a big tough guy, how about some of you sign up to do the Chicago Marathon with me? You have almost a whole year to get ready for it. Its my first marathon so if I can do it, any of you guys can!
  • Bl8ckr0uterBl8ckr0uter Inactive Imported Users Posts: 5,031 ■■■■■■■■□□
    GT-Rob wrote: »
    Get the 370, theres no better bang for your buck out there. (assuming you dont have kids, or the need to bring anything with you when you go anywhere ;) )

    Since everyone wants to be a big tough guy, how about some of you sign up to do the Chicago Marathon with me? You have almost a whole year to get ready for it. Its my first marathon so if I can do it, any of you guys can!

    When is it? I am in Ohio so the Chi isn't to far. Send me some info man.

    I really want to do an ironman some time within the next 2 years but I really really need to get in shape first.
  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    & you're right, it's hard being this awesome. icon_cool.gif
    But someone's got to do it, right? icon_wink.gif

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    Let it never be said that I didn't do the very least I could do.
  • skrpuneskrpune Member Posts: 1,409
    skrpune wrote: »
    I'm not a big fan of resolutions, but if pressed, I'd have to say that my goals for 2009 are to really focus on school and do my best to do well during my first semester & beyond. Also to get a part time job to help with the bills & hopefully give me some more challenges to learn from. I've got my eye on a position with the computer lab/tech team at school, hopefully they have some openings.

    I also would like to be more social & get out of the house more. We've been moving so much over the last few years that it's been hard to make lasting social connections, and I'd like to make some new friends here and stop being such a hermit! icon_wink.gif
    well, 2/3 ain't so bad I guess! I've been putting most of my efforts into school and have kept a 4.0 so far (the semester's not over yet tho), and I did get a part time job (although at a different place, which has turned out pretty damn good) and I went full time there a little over a month ago. As for the being social part, if IM'ing counts, then I guess I'm being a little more social than I was at this time last year! icon_lol.gif

    I still hate resolutions, so I'll go with listing out some goals again for 2010:
    - kick butt next semester. It'll probably be my last full time semester so if I can do well and keep it up, then I'm sure I'll be ok taking a lower course load in my remaining semesters.
    - get off my butt. There's a small gym in the basement of my condo building and I've been too lazy to walk down two flights of stairs and use it.
    - get off my butt, part deux - do some more of that getting out of the house and being social thing. I've been in Chicago for over a year now and there is so much of the town I've yet to experience.
    - stop smoking butts. I picked up smoking again a couple months ago (after being quit for 2+ years, ugh, the stupid decisions you make when drinking drunken_smilie.gif )and I want to stop again either before year's end or by end of January. It's too damn cold out to be smoking anyway, it's flipping freezing here.
    Currently Studying For: Nothing (cert-wise, anyway)
    Next Up: Security+, 291?

    Enrolled in Masters program: CS 2011 expected completion
  • dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    skrpune wrote: »
    well, 2/3 ain't so bad I guess! I've been putting most of my efforts into school and have kept a 4.0 so far (the semester's not over yet tho), and I did get a part time job (although at a different place, which has turned out pretty damn good) and I went full time there a little over a month ago.

    Quit being so dramatic. You're going to keep up your perfect score and you know it. It's really ok to earn 97.5% instead of 99% for a class one semester. Congratulations on keeping all that going!
    skrpune wrote: »
    As for the being social part, if IM'ing counts, then I guess I'm being a little more social than I was at this time last year! icon_lol.gif

    Liar. You've rarely been online. Unless you blocked me. Oh, never mind, that actually makes perfect sense...
    skrpune wrote: »
    I still hate resolutions, so I'll go with listing out some goals again for 2010:
    - kick butt next semester. It'll probably be my last full time semester so if I can do well and keep it up, then I'm sure I'll be ok taking a lower course load in my remaining semesters.

    Glad to see you might being sensible. Full-time work and full-time graduate studies are insane. There's nothing wrong with extending things out another semester or two and maintaining your (little remaining) sanity.
    skrpune wrote: »
    - get off my butt. There's a small gym in the basement of my condo building and I've been too lazy to walk down two flights of stairs and use it.

    Maybe you could slowly break into it by just walking down to the room for a couple of weeks icon_lol.gif
    skrpune wrote: »
    - get off my butt, part deux - do some more of that getting out of the house and being social thing. I've been in Chicago for over a year now and there is so much of the town I've yet to experience.

    I still can't believe you guys didn't join us for Lollapalooza. Bums!
    skrpune wrote: »
    - stop smoking butts. I picked up smoking again a couple months ago (after being quit for 2+ years, ugh, the stupid decisions you make when drinking drunken_smilie.gif )and I want to stop again either before year's end or by end of January. It's too damn cold out to be smoking anyway, it's flipping freezing here.

    I'm pretty sure people have done worse things while drinking. At least you don't have an STD or are with child. I can see that as something you'd want to nip now before it becomes a serious habit again.
  • cbigbrickcbigbrick Member Posts: 284
    Silentsoul wrote: »
    Lets see the Buick!

    I'll post some pictures this weekend. I'm putting together before and after shots so that people have an idea. The car is 42 years old and my dad bought it new when I was 1.
    And in conclusion your point was.....???

    Don't get so's just ones and zeros.
  • vColevCole Member Posts: 1,573 ■■■■■■■□□□
    I have made my list on

    NikkiLav on 43 Things
  • bwcartybwcarty Member Posts: 422 ■■■□□□□□□□
    My to-do list for 2010:

    1) Complete my Bachelor's degree (currently - 1 year left for WGU)
    2) Complete the Ironman 70.3 Augusta (half-Ironman distance triathlon)
    3) Complete my second marathon (likely the Snickers Marathon Energy Bar Marathon)
    4) Get a sub-seeded qualifying time for the Peachtree Road Race (run a 10K race on a certified course in 54:59 or better)
    5) Lose the gut...I'm guessing this means dropping 15-20 pounds to get down to 165-170.
    Help eradicate blood cancers with a donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
  • PashPash Member Posts: 1,600 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Learn to put my make up on - on the train. I hear there is skill involved here to help....
    DevOps Engineer and Security Champion. - I am trying to find my writing style, so please bear with me.
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