Revamped CCVP Lab Setup



  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Not me LOL - do you have a link? I can't find it on the page.
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Wow, what lowlife scum... I found it on the Cert page... icon_mad.gif Thanks for the heads up bud!

    *EDIT* pic has been removed from FB :)
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • tokhsstokhss Member Posts: 473
    hahaha ******* classic!
  • SteveO86SteveO86 Member Posts: 1,423
    Hey Bud, I just wanted to ask if the hardware from the beginning is still good for current version of CCNA/P:V?

    I'm looking at a decent Voice deployment and it looks like I will need to focus on my efforts on learning a bit voice over the next month or so.

    Just a few questions about the hardware you chose:

    1. With the exception of the NM modules, is there another reason you chose the 2811s over the 2801s?
    2. Out of the different IP Phone models (7941, 7960, 7965) do you recommend running all three different types or nail it down to one or two different models?
    3. I'll probably skip on the PoE switches since none of the switches from IE R/S rack are PoE capable, so I'll probably just use external power packs for the phones, outside on convenience will that cause any other issues? (I assume not)

    My Networking blog
    Latest blog post: Let's review EIGRP Named Mode
    Currently Studying: CCNP: Wireless - IUWMS
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Hi, yes, the 2800s are still more than adequate. The 2900s offer more robust SiP options (especially security), but you won’t see anything specific to the platform on an exam.

    The 2801s can be a bit finicky as to which slots accept VWICs and how many they support (not a big deal), the 2801 uses its own version of IOS, while the 2811/21/51s use the same file – but the #1 factor for me was noise. The 2801s are loud as hell – and that’s coming from someone who has no issue sitting all day with a fired up rack of equipment at ear level! For a while there the 2821s were cheaper than the 2811s – might be worth a check if you are in the market.

    As for phones, it really doesn’t matter. I would avoid the 79x0 models (too old) – look for 79x1s and above for most, and maybe a few 79x2s or better since they support the iLBC codec. The 794xs phones only have 2 line buttons which means you’ll spend a lot of time adding and removing features – the 796xs have 6 line buttons which makes life much easier.

    No problem using power bricks over PoE – you’ll miss out on using the “show power inline” command, but it’s really not that exciting! :)
    VoIP_SW02#sh power inline 
    Available:370.0(w)  Used:308.0(w)  Remaining:62.0(w)
    Interface Admin  Oper       Power   Device              Class Max
    --------- ------ ---------- ------- ------------------- ----- ----
    Fa0/1     auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/2     auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/3     auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/4     auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/5     auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/6     auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/7     auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/8     auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/9     auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/10    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/11    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/12    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/13    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/14    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/15    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/16    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/17    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/18    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/19    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/20    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/21    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/22    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/23    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/24    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/25    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/26    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/27    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/28    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/29    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/30    auto   off        0.0     n/a                 n/a   15.4 
    Fa0/31    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/32    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/33    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/34    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/35    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/36    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/37    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/38    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/39    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/40    auto   off        0.0     n/a                 n/a   15.4 
    Fa0/41    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/42    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/43    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/44    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/45    auto   off        0.0     n/a                 n/a   15.4 
    Fa0/46    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/47    auto   on         7.0     IP Phone 7931       3     15.4 
    Fa0/48    auto   off        0.0     n/a                 n/a   15.4
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • SteveO86SteveO86 Member Posts: 1,423
    Thanks man!

    The noise factor is enough for me justify the 2811 or 2821. Looks like I might have to buy a second Skeletek rack now.

    Good points on the phones models, I'll definitely be taking all that into account.

    That's good to know I won't have to worry about PoE, I can finally put my 2960's to better use.
    My Networking blog
    Latest blog post: Let's review EIGRP Named Mode
    Currently Studying: CCNP: Wireless - IUWMS
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Been doing quite a bit of lab refreshing of late. I should be good with server versions for a while at least!

    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Updated PSTN/Frame-Relay/Access router - Of course now I have to do a bit of rack juggling to fit this beast in which I'm not too happy about!

    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • Timber WolfTimber Wolf Member Posts: 90 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Now that is one loaded up router!
    WGU BS IT - Security
    Need to complete: CSV1 BOV1 RIT1 BNC1 KET1 TPV1 MGC1 CJV1 KFT1 CNV1 SBT1 RGT1
    Completed: CUV1 CTV1
  • jahsouljahsoul Member Posts: 453
    What are your thoughts regarding the new topology, or should I say lack of information about it? I remember Mark Snow saying that he believes that it will be 4 sites and 2 clusters. I am debating if I should use one of my older routers to come up with the 4th site or just wing it with 3 and 2 clusters.
    Reading: What ever is on my desk that day :study:
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    jahsoul wrote: »
    What are your thoughts regarding the new topology, or should I say lack of information about it? I remember Mark Snow saying that he believes that it will be 4 sites and 2 clusters. I am debating if I should use one of my older routers to come up with the 4th site or just wing it with 3 and 2 clusters.

    To be honest, I really haven't given the topology changes much thought. I'm sticking with the v3 topology until something official is released - I still have 90% of my v3 lab, some of which is integrated with the new stuff, so an extra site is no problem. A few 2900s should do - I don't see the need to upgrade all of the routers to 2900s (unless there's a good deal to be had! icon_twisted.gif ).
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • jahsouljahsoul Member Posts: 453
    LOL @ Good deal.

    I honestly wish it would stay 3 sites just because of limited space but it wouldn't kill me if they made it a 4 site topology. Honestly, it don't make me no never mind. I'm still working on my CCNP
    Reading: What ever is on my desk that day :study:
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Pretty colored RJ45s/T-1 X-overs LOL Green for data, red for voice:



    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • dentrydentry Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Hey all, I haven't posted on here in a really long time. Basically im CCNA/CCNA Voice working on CCVP. I work with CUCM 8.6.4 and Unity we support many SRST sites and I have a few site implementations under my belt. However I have never installed CUCM/unity/presence and have limited knowledge of the various IOS's. We have our standards and I have not needed to deviate from them. I currently have 2 2610 XM routers and 1 3725. My short term goal is to get a CCVP, I dont see myself ending there and will most likely pursue the CCIE sooner or later. Being the CCIE Voice will be retired soon. What would you guys recommend? Should I build a half ass CCVP lab with this little bit of equipment, or scrap it for a better CCVP lab and a future CCIE Lab ? Pit Viper I have read just about all your voice posts so far, great work man. You have an amazing lab.
  • shodownshodown Member Posts: 2,271
    it all depends. The new CCIE collaboration will use 15.2(4) M IOS. The 2800's only got up to 15.1. The key will be what features and commands are different As far as I know they haven't changed the way you do certain feautures. Below are the things the 29/39 can do that the 28/38 cant' do. Like I said above certain commands may have changed. However with the features being what they are, I"m pretty sure having 1 or 2 2800's in your lab is not a bad things and you can always get a 29/39 hundred if you find you need the features of one.

    The new IOS supports
    CME 8.6
    CME and SRST feature enhancement
    CME, SRST 9.1, 8.8
    Cube Mid Call Re-INVITE
    CUBE support for IPV6
    Call Esclation from Voice to Video
    Some new MGCP features
    Currently Reading

    CUCM SRND 9x/10, UCCX SRND 10x, QOS SRND, SIP Trunking Guide, anything contact center related
  • dentrydentry Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Well I hate to say this but, I think im going to keep reading as much as possible and wait for some official lab topologys for the CCIE Collaboration. I just dont see the point in building a lab around a design that will be outdated soon.
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    dentry wrote: »
    Pit Viper I have read just about all your voice posts so far, great work man. You have an amazing lab.

    Thanks! icon_thumright.gif

    I honestly don’t see that many people building a full IE Collaboration lab based on the latest published hardware list on any time soon. Companies sure, but it’s too expensive for a home setup. Since the latest hardware list is more of a logical lifecycle upgrade as opposed to a complete revamp, I think a hybrid setup would be more than adequate (mostly 2800s, add a few 2900s later for the newer features).

    On a side note - the video DSP3-128s have come down a bunch in $$. Only around $700 now :) Doesn't look like I'll be picking one up anytime soon! I don't have anything higher than a 64 at work to play around with unfortunately - but maybe soon as I'm putting together a project that includes some TelePresence SX20 Quick Sets.
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • shodownshodown Member Posts: 2,271
    yeah I'm thinking that when I do get back onto doing the lab, I'm going to do 75 percent of it on 2800's and do the video and other things on rack rentals. I just got my NFR licences for 9.1 so I don't have the worry about anything expiring on me anytime soon.
    Currently Reading

    CUCM SRND 9x/10, UCCX SRND 10x, QOS SRND, SIP Trunking Guide, anything contact center related
  • dentrydentry Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Alright guys, just got some awesome news at work. We are decommisioning two 3825's and a 3845. The 3845 has 3 T1/E1 cards + DSP's the other two routers have T1/E1's as well as DSP's. The only thing I am not entirely sure on is how the server integrates. What is the reccomended server build ? Will an i7 with 16 gig of ram really run all those servers (CUCM, Unity, Presence, UCCE, LDAP, AD, and a Win XP box) ? Do I just install the free version of ESXI 5.1 on a Win 7 box then install each server on VMware ? I have been trying to find the exact reccomended build im assuming I missed it somewhere. Thanks in advance!
  • azaghulazaghul Member Posts: 569 ■■■■□□□□□□
    For CCNA:Voice running the VMs in VMware Workstation on Win 7 should be fine, not as many bells and whistles required, and only power up needed VMs.

    For CCNP/IE:Voice I'd say go with a dedicated server running the free VMware ESXi, pretty much any name brand server with enough CPU, RAM, HDD will do the trick, or on a budget an old i7 with 16GB and Intel 1000 Pro Nics did the trick (ESXi is very fussy on Nics, didn't like my Realtech at all). The i7 might struggle with everything running, but for a lab it will be fine.

    Yeah, picking up ex-work devices does help, I've picked up an APC switched PDU, a 7962 phone, 2 x 3550 PoE switches, 1 x 2801 and 1 x 2851 (E1/T1 + PVDM2-64) routers that were destined for the scrap heap. It's amazing what people want to throw out, as the say "finders, keepers" icon_lol.gif
  • dentrydentry Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I have been doing some research please correct me if im wrong. The main difference between a i7 3770 and lets say a Xeon server processor is the servers processor ability handle larger capactiy CPU and Ram and obviously much more. From my point of view all the motherboards that would house a i7 3770 can support 32GB of Ram. Now I have read in numerous posts that the max reccommended Ram is 16 GB. With all that being said I could install Win 7 Ultimate (can support 192 Gb ram) then install free ESXI 5.1 then install the various virtual servers. If I needed to I could max out the PC to 32 GB of Ram. Does anyone see any issues with this method ? Obvisoly a server would be better, but I can build this for dirt cheap. Microcenter has I7 3770 CPU/MOBO combos for $309.00 we all know how much ram and PSU's run nowadays. Thanks for all the feedback I do appreciate it.
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    ESXi is its own operating system. To run a hypervisor within Windows, you would need to use VMWare Workststion (which is not free) or another alternative.
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • dentrydentry Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Good to know, I will have to look into that, thanks Viper.
  • dentrydentry Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I was wondering if this is still similar to your current lab setup ? Also do you know of any links or discussions on how the 3640 can act as a frame relay cloud ? Thank you.
  • shodownshodown Member Posts: 2,271
    Currently Reading

    CUCM SRND 9x/10, UCCX SRND 10x, QOS SRND, SIP Trunking Guide, anything contact center related
  • dentrydentry Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Awesome video, thank you. I noticed Pitviper is using a 3640. They seem very cheap on ebay, is the 3640 still a valid choice ? Also what is the rec physical connections for a 3640 to a 3825, 3845 ? I will be imitating the V3 topology BTW. Thanks in advance!
  • dentrydentry Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    pitviper wrote: »
    It keeps evolving but I think I'm good for a while now. Would love to add a 3750 but since the NME-16ES actually runs the full 3750 EMI IOS, I’m holding off until the prices come down a tad.

    2811, PVDM2-32, VIC2-4FXO, VIC2-2FXS, VWIC-2MFT-T1, WIC-2T
    3550 EMI PoE

    2811, PVDM2-32, VIC2-4FXO, VIC-4FXS/DID, VWIC-2MFT-T1, WIC-2T, AIM-CUE, Inline PSU, NME-16ES-1G-P
    2x7965s (love these)

    2811, PVDM2-32, VIC2-2FXO, VIC2-2FXS, VWIC-2MFT-E1, WIC-1T
    3550 EMI PoE

    VPN Site

    PSTN Cloud
    IAD2431-16FXS (POTS cloud and E1 PRI termination)
    2821, PVDM2-32, VWIC2-2MFT-T1/E1, EVM-HD-8FXS/DID
    1x7961 w/7914
    1xAnalog Phone (911/999)

    Frame Relay Cloud / Access Server
    3640, 2xNM-4T, NM-32A

    2xDell PowerEdge servers – VMWare

    And a bunch of older stuff which was basically my CCNA lab @ one point in time!

    Are the WIC-T, and WIC-2T's what you used for your frame relay connections? Im not clear what you used.
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Depends at what snapshot in time we’re referring too :)

    I started with a 3640 w/NM-4Ts as my FR switch (only)

    Then moved to a 2821 w/WIC-2Ts and VWIC-MFTs for FR and PSTN/PRI

    Am now using a [Beast] 3845 with VWIC2-MFTs for PRI/Data to the newer gear (2911s), and WIC-2Ts for FR to the older portion of the lab (2811s).

    Which router are you considering for the FR switch, and branch offices?
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
  • dentrydentry Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I will tell you the equipment and you can make suggestions. I have two 3825's, one 3845, one 3725, and one 2811. I know only four is needed, but I do have five. And yes I thanked my boss several times :). I have plenty of VWIC-MFT's and only two Wic-2t's. I can make crossover T1's, and will need to purchase the CDE/DTE cable. BTW about a week or so ago my initial thought was to hold off, then I read Cisco's official lab requirements for the CCIE collaboration and it had frame relay. Then I thought to myself I mine as well use what I have and when some 39.. and 29.. routers get decommissioned at work I will be all set. Pit, I really appreciate the feedback, your posts and pics provided a lot of inspiration to take my studies to the next level. I have a lot of work to do, but am ready for the challenge. Thanks!

    My initial thoughts are to use the 3845 as the PSTN, then the 3825's will be branches, and the 2811 will be HQ. Is it true that VWIC-MFT cannot transport voice when used in frame relay ?
  • pitviperpitviper Member Posts: 1,376 ■■■■■■■□□□
    I would go all VWIC-MFTs if you can. You would need 2 for each branch office location, one for data (frame relay), 1 for voice (PRI) – and equally as many on the PSTN/FR router (any of the routers you have would be fine). You cannot combine both within the requirements of the certification exams (you can do flex T1s in the real world, but this isn't what’s being tested – and a different animal from a configuration standpoint).

    You can also do MFTs for the voice PRIs only, and use the 2 WIC-2Ts the data FR connections, but you would have to pick up some WIC-1Ts and DCE/DTE cables (which are pretty cheap right now).

    I can sketch something up later if that helps.
    CCNP:Collaboration, CCNP:R&S, CCNA:S, CCNA:V, CCNA, CCENT
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