Western Governors University Questions and Answers / Threads related to WGU
cablegod Member Posts: 294
Did any of you start out in the program with no college credit or associate degree? I'll just be transferring in certifications, but I'm hoping to get this finished within 3 years. Is that realistic?
I only transferred in Certs. had no prior college credit. I did only 2 or 3 cert classes and the rest were Gen Ed classes. 2 years for you would be a good, yet attainable goal I think.“Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.” -Robert LeFevre -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
Did any of you start out in the program with no college credit or associate degree? I'll just be transferring in certifications, but I'm hoping to get this finished within 3 years. Is that realistic?
Very realistic! I only had a few classes transfer in from my Associate degree. If you have most of the certifications finished for your degree plan than you should be able to blaze through your degree in than time span. Of course if you struggle in a certain area, Math or English than those might slow you down a little. -
Tato500 Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
I enrolled in LR's for S+ and ABV1 (70-680, win 7) and i got a Labsim CD for S+ and 4 MS books (outlook, power point, excel, word 2007).
Which Course do these books belong to? and do I get a S+ book? -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
You'll get a big ILT series book for the Sec+ (CompTIA Press) which if you access the skillsoft resource for Sec+ is word for word identical (no, I'm not kidding) unless they've changed that book in the last 6 months. I'd advise either buying the Sybex study guide or Darril Gibsons book, the ILT book is kind of useless. A lot of people have been using nothing but the Labsim and doing very good but I don't advise it.
You have to buy the MS book for ABV1 and you have access to Learnkey Video Training and skillsoft.
Check with your mentor about the MS books you received. Are you taking any gened classes?No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
Tato500 Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
You'll get a big ILT series book for the Sec+ (CompTIA Press) which if you access the skillsoft resource for Sec+ is word for word identical (no, I'm not kidding) unless they've changed that book in the last 6 months. I'd advise either buying the Sybex study guide or Darril Gibsons book, the ILT book is kind of useless. A lot of people have been using nothing but the Labsim and doing very good but I don't advise it.
You have to buy the MS book for ABV1 and you have access to Learnkey Video Training and skillsoft.
Check with your mentor about the MS books you received. Are you taking any gened classes?
Thanks, I didn't get any book for Sec+ yet only Labsim, and got 4 MS books really I don't know for which class. I will try to ask my mentor about them.
I'm planning to buy MS book. Yeah I think ILT books are just big for nothing. I'm done with 23 CUs of 25 my 1st term only need to submit my video for LUTI and I still have until 30th of Sept when my term is done. I still have science, math,and few more GenEd. but I'm trying to be done with math, Sec+ and 70-680 classes this term. -
wizardfish Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
Did any of you start out in the program with no college credit or associate degree? I'll just be transferring in certifications, but I'm hoping to get this finished within 3 years. Is that realistic?
I started at WGU in May 2009, and transferred in exactly one class: the first of the 3 English classes (2 credits). Nothing else, no certs, nada, and it had been almost 30 years since I was last in school.
My first term (BSIT) I did 15 classes for 55 CUs. My second term I switched to BSIT-NDM 2003 track, and only finished 7 classes for 35 CU's, but I was doing a lot of business travel.
I'm now in my third term, which I switched from the NDM2003 track to the updated NDM2008 track. (I did get all my MSCE classes done last term, so I wasn't required to switch. I decided to eat the extra couple months and take all the MCITP classes/certs since they're more relevant, IMO -- my last one, the 60-647 is scheduled for next week.)
I'm now almost halfway through the third term, and only have 4 classes and 24 CUs so far, but I'm planning on finishing 9 classes and 37 CUs this term.
That will leave me with my final 5 classes in the 4th term, which I hope to finish up in Jan or Feb 2011, which would be under 2 years total.
I work full time, travel for my job a bit, am married, have 3 kids (oldest is 28, youngest is 4), and four grandkids. So no I'm not "spending every waking moment" on school, either. I'm just too old and tired for that sort of thing anyway.
So yeah... doing the complete course in under 3 years is certainly doable. If you DON'T have a life outside school, I figure you could do it in half that time if you really hammered away at it. -
Nobylspoon Member Posts: 620 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hopefully a bulk of my associates will transfer over, I have been holding off on finishing it up before I enroll at WGU. I currently have 8 classes left to finish. It is an associates in network security. I should also have my MCITP:EA along with A+ and Network+ completed by then as well.
I am really looking forward to starting at WGU. Since I work full time it is a PITA to schedule my upper level classes in a timely manner. Having all my classes online will be a lifesaver.WGU PROGRESS
MS: Information Security & Assurance
Start Date: December 2013 -
tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
Ugh I wished I would have known I would have had to take the Network+....I would have busted that out way before starting.
Guess I will knock out that class in a week. -
themagicone Member Posts: 674
Okay I'm working on A+ and I have a big question! I got like 5-6 resources and I am a lost of what to use. I got labsim, the books WGU sent me, examforce (Crap), skillsoft... I got 80% on measure up for the essentials exam. Should I just read the book? Buy a different book? What is the best source for practice tests? ThanksCourses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013 -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
themagicone wrote: »Okay I'm working on A+ and I have a big question! I got like 5-6 resources and I am a lost of what to use. I got labsim, the books WGU sent me, examforce (Crap), skillsoft... I got 80% on measure up for the essentials exam. Should I just read the book? Buy a different book? What is the best source for practice tests? Thanks
Definitely read the book, but if you are doing that well with MeasureUp than you should be ready soon. -
uhtrinity Member Posts: 138
themagicone wrote: »Okay I'm working on A+ and I have a big question! I got like 5-6 resources and I am a lost of what to use. I got labsim, the books WGU sent me, examforce (Crap), skillsoft... I got 80% on measure up for the essentials exam. Should I just read the book? Buy a different book? What is the best source for practice tests? Thanks
That is the weakness of WGU. It really takes a good mentor to pick one or two of those resources and to push you down that path. From the student side that many resources are just too over whelming.
Personally I read the Mike Meyers book and took measure up practice exams.Technology Coordinator, Computer Lab Instructor, Network Admin
BS IT Network Administration AAS Electronics / Laser Electro Optics -
petedude Member Posts: 1,510
themagicone wrote: »... I got 80% on measure up for the essentials exam. Should I just read the book? Buy a different book? What is the best source for practice tests? Thanks
Does it sound to anybody like this poster's ready to take the test? Sounds like he's ready to me.Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
--Will Rogers -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
The measure up is usually harder than the actual test. themagicone should probably just review any weak areas and take the test. 80% on measure up is very good.
As far as the resources WGU provides for the A+, the Labsim is the only REALLY good one out of the bunch. If your mentor doesn't require you to do the Examfarce just skip it, it's been a waste of my time for every exam as my mentor requires it.
Skillsoft is mainly useful as a testing/review tool. Take the course pretest and if you score 80% that course is done. If you score lower, review the section(s) you scored lower on and take the end of course test.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
themagicone Member Posts: 674
Well I just took the practice test for A+ Essentials in Labsim - got 80%, not the 95% for passing but not bad. Only things I got wrong were the questions about printer permissions and dot matrix printers. I'm going to order my voucher and try for 3 weeks - I'll get the book Friday and I'll read up on the low areas. I don't think I'll have any trouble passing.Courses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013 -
apena7 Member Posts: 351
Remember that you can always request another mentor if your current one isn't your style.Usus magister est optimus -
tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
That is the weakness of WGU. It really takes a good mentor to pick one or two of those resources and to push you down that path. From the student side that many resources are just too over whelming.
Personally I read the Mike Meyers book and took measure up practice exams.
Yeah I started my first class and I saw the resources available and went "wtf". Then I realized most of it was cert test prep stuff. I see some of the assignments make references to books that was not listed under resources also....
I think I am going to take my time this first term until I get the hang of it. I might have to go through the TaskStream tutorial again as well. -
themagicone Member Posts: 674
Well I got 73% on the practical test. That one got me a little bit. I'll be ready for both with in 3-4 weeks at most. A+ here I come (and 30 CU in 3 months!). Next up - S+, I'm not feeling too good about that just yet.Courses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013 -
erpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
Hey guys,
Sorry it's been so long posting, but I have really gotten swamped at work and other things involving life. I am now able to focus on other things, like WGU.
I have been cleared to start on 8/1 and I have accepted my financial aid (or rather, I decided to accept federal loans for at least one year but no more than two years). I don't know if I'll finish it in 3 years, but I'd hope it wouldn't take me 5 or 6. LOL. I plan on knocking out the easy classes first, plus Sec+ (hopefully my mentor will let me). Between them, plus you guys on TE, I should have the support I'd need to finally get that sheepskin. My goal is 4 years or less. That's doable, right?
Also, I look forward to helping/getting help in particular subjects. I even used my WGU to get my free Amazon Prime (that news is all over the 'Net, it seems, saw a thread about it here too). WGU definitely works with Prime! Helpful for when I get a new TV...lol.
BTW, my A+, Network+ and a good number of my courses were accepted for transfer...the classes below are what I'd have to take to get a degree.
EWB2 Education Without Boundaries 2 1
BBC1 Communications Fundamentals 2 1
TSV1 Security I 6 6
LAE1 Language and Communication: Essay 2 1
LAT1 Language and Communication: Research 2 1
LUT1 Language and Communication: Presentation 2 2
QLC1 Quantitative Literacy: College Algebra, Measurement, and
Geometry 3 3
WFV1 IT Fundamentals I 3 1
INT1 Integrated Natural Sciences Applications 4 2
QLT1 Quantitative Literacy: Quantitative Problem Solving and
Applications 3 3
AKV1 Web Programming 3 4
LET1 Leadership Concepts and Applications 4 4
CLC1 Reasoning and Problem Solving 3 5
ABV1 Operating Systems 6 5
TPV1 Project Management 6 6
MGC1 Principles of Management 4 7
ORC1 Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior and Leadership 4 7
TWA1 Technical Writing 4 7
CPW3 IT Capstone Project 9 8
AHV1 Directory Services 6 8
AIV1 Network Design and Management 6 9
BHV1 Configuring Applications Infrastructure 6 9
BIVI Enterprise Administration 6 10 -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
I'd be surprised if it took 3 years or more. The Gen ed stuff you should fly through and the IT stuff is probably stuff you have experience with.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
jmasterj206 Member Posts: 471
I've been less than impressed with the enrollment process at WGU. My counsellor has scheduled times to chat and has never called several times. I am starting on August 1st and haven't heard a word since May. I finally called today and asked to speak to another counsellor and they can't fit me in for several days. I still have no idea what has transferred for me. Needless to say I'm not too impressed.WGU grad -
erpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
jmasterj206 wrote: »I've been less than impressed with the enrollment process at WGU. My counsellor has scheduled times to chat and has never called several times. I am starting on August 1st and haven't heard a word since May. I finally called today and asked to speak to another counsellor and they can't fit me in for several days. I still have no idea what has transferred for me. Needless to say I'm not too impressed.
If I were you, I would contact Enrollment and ask to speak to someone in charge. Did you receive a bill to start in August? There are a number of folks who seem to be pretty lazy over there, but if they know you're serious they will bend over backwards. I was forced to start this July, but I knew it wasn't going to happen because of work and personal issues. They were very easy to work with, and I only needed to just get them transcripts and such as well as get funding from the gubment (that I will have to pay back because I make too much money to get any aid...).
Seriously, give them one more call tomorrow and ask to speak to someone in charge. If you in this thread and the other one, you will even find out who...(a couple of months back).I'd be surprised if it took 3 years or more. The Gen ed stuff you should fly through and the IT stuff is probably stuff you have experience with.
The 2008 MCITP is something I should be able to handle since we do have an '08 domain at work. I will also have a PC/laptop that I'll be able to have a couple of VMs so that I can also create a PeopleSoft environment as well on top of that. But I am guessing I'll have time before I need one because of the GE stuff. The hardest part will be QLC1 and QLT1, but I'm hoping that some hardcore reading will get me through it. I barely remember Algebra (quadratic equations I remember liking...lol). I want to get those out of the way as early as possible. The INT1 should be cake (I like science, though I'm wondering how the lab part is going to work).
I'm actually very excited to start. From what I'm reading and your assessment, I might be done in 2 years if things go just so (and that's not killing myself either...).
themagicone Member Posts: 674
The INT1 should be cake (I like science, though I'm wondering how the lab part is going to work).
I'm actually very excited to start. From what I'm reading and your assessment, I might be done in 2 years if things go just so (and that's not killing myself either...).
I just finished INC1/INT1, I think earweed did also (sorry if I'm mistaken). INT1 just involves 2 power point slide presentations + a final report - one on a scientific discovery that changed the world (or something like that) and one on a ecosystem. The final is a science experiment you design, do and then report. There is a really good outline for that on the science community page. Good luck.Courses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013 -
erpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
themagicone wrote: »I just finished INC1/INT1, I think earweed did also (sorry if I'm mistaken). INT1 just involves 2 power point slide presentations + a final report - one on a scientific discovery that changed the world (or something like that) and one on a ecosystem. The final is a science experiment you design, do and then report. There is a really good outline for that on the science community page. Good luck.
Really?! LOL, thank you so much for that, now I'm definitely not worried. I won't take it lightly, but I was worried I would have to do lab work. One class I took counted for INC1, so I only have to do INT1. If all I have to do is a couple powerpoints and a report, then I'm putting my energies toward my math.
Man I can't wait! -
jmasterj206 Member Posts: 471
How bad are LAT1 and LUT1? I just received my transfer evaluation I really think I should have gotten credit for those. I just wonder if it is worth pushing for it or if I can just knock those classes out quickly?WGU grad -
themagicone Member Posts: 674
LAT1 is a 10 to 15 page research paper, and is quite a bit of work. LUT1 on the other hand will take 2 to 4 hours if you did LAT1, may be twice that if you didn't. LUT1 is just a 5 min video talking about your research paper.Courses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013 -
jmasterj206 Member Posts: 471
themagicone wrote: »LAT1 is a 10 to 15 page research paper, and is quite a bit of work. LUT1 on the other hand will take 2 to 4 hours if you did LAT1, may be twice that if you didn't. LUT1 is just a 5 min video talking about your research paper.
My transfer eval has me shaking my head. I got more credit from a previous junior college that I spend a year at versus my A.A.S. in Information Technology.WGU grad -
veritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
jmasterj206 wrote: »My transfer eval has me shaking my head. I got more credit from a previous junior college that I spend a year at versus my A.A.S. in Information Technology.
AAS degrees never transfer to anywhere near as much as say an AA or AS degree. -
earweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
jmasterj206 wrote: »Hmmm, maybe it is worth trying to push more on transfer. Anybody have any luck getting them to look more at transfer credits?
My transfer eval has me shaking my head. I got more credit from a previous junior college that I spend a year at versus my A.A.S. in Information Technology.No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives. -
themagicone Member Posts: 674
When I transferred my credits they didn't even transfer partial for the language credits so you got lucky. Those 2 courses used to be just one course when I took it. The big thing with the research paper is following the Rubric as far as content and your formatting. The presentation can be done using a webcam and having a couple friends present and visible on camera.
The "audience" doesn't need to be seen on the video now, just heard. And all they have to do is ask 2 questions that you give them. I was nervous about it at first but it wasn't bad at all in the end.Courses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013 -
erpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
The presentation can be done using a webcam and having a couple friends present and visible on camera.
Does "couple" = 2? Or is the minimum three for this audience?
If I can get away with 2, then I know who they will be. Three will be a bit rough, as those two don't jibe with my friends.