Western Governors University Questions and Answers / Threads related to WGU



  • foofightersfoofighters Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I'm planning on starting my WGU courses in the fall.. I've been working through some courses at straighterline with the intention of transferring them to WGU. I'm finding the math to be a bit difficult, and I'm wondering if someone could send me the course syllabus for AGC1 and QLT1. Apparently the straighterline equivalent of QLT1 is precalculus, and I just want to verify that I'm not doing more difficult work than what is required. Has anyone done AGC1 and QLT1? How were they? Any chance you could send me a pdf of the course of study or syllabus?
  • Raidersfan81Raidersfan81 Member Posts: 124
    I'm planning on starting my WGU courses in the fall.. I've been working through some courses at straighterline with the intention of transferring them to WGU. I'm finding the math to be a bit difficult, and I'm wondering if someone could send me the course syllabus for AGC1 and QLT1. Apparently the straighterline equivalent of QLT1 is precalculus, and I just want to verify that I'm not doing more difficult work than what is required. Has anyone done AGC1 and QLT1? How were they? Any chance you could send me a pdf of the course of study or syllabus?

    I sent you a pm. QLT1 really isn't too bad at all. 8th-9th grade level math mostly. The thing I imagine people get stuck on the longest is the Isosceles proof.
  • foofightersfoofighters Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    briandy81 wrote: »
    I sent you a pm. QLT1 really isn't too bad at all. 8th-9th grade level math mostly. The thing I imagine people get stuck on the longest is the Isosceles proof.

    Got your message, thank you. I'll wait until I enroll at WGU to do my math courses. I've finished English Comp 1 at straighterline, and I'll probably do Western Civilization (Geography) and Biology w/ Lab. Thanks again.
  • stran2stran2 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hello Everyone!
    I was reading a post by Mark Cuban on his blog, Which I found really eye opening and I was looking for some alternatives for school and I found WGU. I have completed a large amount of general ed. lower division classes at a CC was wondering what my best options are. If I'm very computer and web savvy person with experience working online with internet business and marketing would that be a good enough start to earn a BSIT degree? I saw that it was geared towards people that were already experienced in the field, how much prior knowledge would you need to be successful? Would I even be accepted without any experience or prior coursework related to the field?
    Would a better fit for me be in BS business management in IT Management or marketing management? My passions are business, entrepreneurship, electronics, and computer technology.Also if anyone can help me out with the referral waiver fee, that would greatly be appreciated! Thanks for any of the responses!
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    just wondered for all of you that completed in 1 - 2 terms after just obtaining the associates right before does it look weird on the resume. For example A.S. graduated 2011 B.S. graduated 2012... would employers find it weird that you really completed a bachelors in a year or 6 months.
  • htebazilehtebazile Member Posts: 52 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Personally, if I had earned both an A.S. and a B.S., I think I would just list the bachelor's to save room on my resume. But maybe that's just me. (I just went straight for my B.S. - I guess if they were different subjects, you'd probably want to show both?).
    ~ elizabeth
  • DrovorDrovor Member Posts: 137
    From what I have read on TE, most have said to leave off the A.S if you have a B.S.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    just found out some great news. i just finished speaking to a enrollment counselor and found out some interesting stuff. If you have an associates already it waives almost ALL ciw courses, gen ed requirements except for the leadership courses and web programming. Regardless if you have taken any gen classes that relate to the ones required at WGU. In this situation it pays off to go in with an associates already. Have to hurry and finish my damn associates to get the ball rolling at wgu.
  • DrovorDrovor Member Posts: 137
    dmarcisco wrote: »
    just found out some great news. i just finished speaking to a enrollment counselor and found out some interesting stuff. If you have an associates already it waives almost ALL ciw courses, gen ed requirements except for the leadership courses and web programming.

    For me this was true except I still have the CIW courses to take for the BSIT degree.
  • DrovorDrovor Member Posts: 137
    How did you guys decide to take the similar courses? Together in 1 or 2 terms or spread them out? I plan to finish in 2-3 terms and how it is broken down in the Degree plan (over 4 terms) it is spaced out into each term.
  • kgbkgb Member Posts: 380
    Drovor wrote: »
    How did you guys decide to take the similar courses? Together in 1 or 2 terms or spread them out? I plan to finish in 2-3 terms and how it is broken down in the Degree plan (over 4 terms) it is spaced out into each term.

    Along with your student mentor (~faculty adviser) you decide the order in which you take classes. What you see listed in the degree plan is only a suggestion. Myself for example, I took some web dev classes before doing my A+ (will start those 2 classes after I pass Javascript exam tomorrow). I think the only ones you probably are locked into taking at least towards the end is the Capstone as that by definition is your final project. But, even that I don't believe "has" to be taken dead last.
    dmarcisco wrote: »
    just found out some great news. i just finished speaking to a enrollment counselor and found out some interesting stuff. If you have an associates already it waives almost ALL ciw courses, gen ed requirements except for the leadership courses and web programming. Regardless if you have taken any gen classes that relate to the ones required at WGU. In this situation it pays off to go in with an associates already. Have to hurry and finish my damn associates to get the ball rolling at wgu.

    Personally, that would depend on how many more classes it would take me to complete the AS degree. If I wasn't in any time rush of wanting to complete my degree then it wouldn't matter. For myself, I couldn't imagine postponing WGU for 1-2 semesters for the sake of not having to take some extra classes at WGU.

    If you are very motivated and work hard, you can accomplish a lot at WGU in a very short amount of time.
    Bachelor of Science, Information Technology (Software) - WGU
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Well I mean it pays off enrolling with it already. I have to do the clep in humanities and ec2 and I'll be done. I thought I had to take all these other gen Ed courses at wgu but having the a.s before hand clears everything gen Ed wise and most ciw courses. That's what they had in a transfer course pdf they sent me and the woman on the phone clarified it for me.
  • boredgameladboredgamelad Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
    How do I read my transfer evaluation? There doesn't seem to be a legend or guide to what I'm seeing. Does RS by Degree or RS by IT Degree mean that class was waived by my existing AA degree? Because if I am reading this right, I only need to take 8 classes and that doesn't quite... seem right.
  • KronesKrones Member Posts: 164
    How do I read my transfer evaluation? There doesn't seem to be a legend or guide to what I'm seeing. Does RS by Degree or RS by IT Degree mean that class was waived by my existing AA degree? Because if I am reading this right, I only need to take 8 classes and that doesn't quite... seem right.

    Yes, RS by degree means the class will be waived.; however, not all the classes are listed on the transfer evaluation. Be sure to check the program guide for the complete list to see the other classes you would have to take if any.
    WGU - Security
    Current: Start date Sept 1. Remaining:
    CUV1, BOV1, CJV1, CVV1, KET1, KFT1, DFV1, TPV1, BNC1, RIT1, DHV1, CSV1, COV1, CQV1, CNV1, SBT1, RGT1 Completed:
    AXV1, CPV1, CTV1 Transferred: AGC1, BBC1, LAE1, QBT1, LUT1, GAC1/HHT1, QLT1, IWC1, IWT1, INC1, INT1, BVC1, CLC1, WFV1, DJV1
  • boredgameladboredgamelad Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Aha, that is probably where I'm missing things. Thanks for the tip.

    Apparently I wasn't missing much. If I'm reading this correctly (and I'm not 100% sure I am), I've waived 78 CUs between my degree and certs and would only need to take 10 classes and finish the Capstone project, for a total of 43 CUs. It seems unreal, and I wouldn't be surprised if I am missing something big, but on the other hand, I might be looking at a single term BS-IT! I have another call scheduled for Monday that will clear up some of the questions I have.
  • afcyungafcyung Member Posts: 212
    Some of the classes aren't waiverable like technical writing. I thought I had fewer classes than I actually did based solely on the transfer report.
  • ValsacarValsacar Member Posts: 336
    National Education Alliance and WGU - Western Governors University

    5% discount off the first years tuition (around 300USD) for new students... I think you have to pay a registration fee (95USD from what I've heard) but still saving some money overall.
    WGU MS:ISA Progress:
    Required: NOTHING!!!!!
    Current Course: NONE

    Completed: COV2, LKT2, LOT2, FNV2, VUT2, JFT2, TFT2, JIT2, FYT2, FMV2, FXT2, FYV2, LQT2
    Started 01 May 2012, Degree awarded 29 Oct 2013
  • DrovorDrovor Member Posts: 137
    @kgb thanks for the information. Spoke with my mentor today and set up my classes. I'm glad she thought it was better to leave DFV1 for another term. :)
  • chris40228chris40228 Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I am starting the BSIT:Network Admin program on July 1st. I am scheduled to talk with my mentor tomorrow to set my schedule for the first term. After reviewing my transfer evaluation here are the classes that I have to complete:

    CUV1 Web Technologies
    BOV1 Web Programming
    CSV1 Operating Systems
    COV1 Fundamentals of Interconnecting Network Devices
    CQV1 Interconnecting Network Devices
    CTV1 Security
    BNC1 Organizational Behavoir and Leadership
    MGC1 Priniciples of Management
    TPV1 Project Managment
    AHV1 Directory Services
    AIV1 Network Design and Management
    AJV1 Server Administration
    SBT1 Technical Writing
    RBT1 Capstone Project

    I think I can finish in 2 terms regardless of what I start with, but I want to get off on a quick start to build some momentum.Any tips on which classes I should tackle first?
  • usagent27usagent27 Member Posts: 119
    so i failed my first exam today. DFV1. MTA 98-363. Has anyone had to retake an exam through WGU since they updated the policies? i'm curious if i should just get a voucher and schedule it myself. My mentor is pushing me to talk to the course mentor who more less sent an email that said " we just found out that the program we told you to use for this course was wrong and you should use this instead" it just seems like we are getting the short end of the stick when it comes to this exam. Ucertify was useless...the book has incorrect code in it and the majority of my questions were not covered in the book.

    sorry for the rant
    WGU Progress: started 03/01/12-08/31/12
    Courses transfered: AVX1, CPV1, AGC1, BBC1, CLC1, LAE1, LUT1, QBT1, INC1, INT1, BVC1, GAC1, HHT1, QLT1, IWC1, IWT1
    Courses Completed: WFV1, CWV1, MGC1,CRV1, BNC1, DEV1, CTV1, DHV1, DIV1, TPV1, RIT1, Cuv1, BOV1, KET1, CJV1, CVV1, DJV1, SBT1,QZT1, DFV1,KFT1
    Completed in one term
  • frobro989frobro989 Member Posts: 26 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hey guys, new to the forum and had a question related to WGU.

    I'm a business guy (BS in Accounting/Finance) looking to expand into information security.

    I noticed that WGU offered a Masters in Information Security and Assurance, and it looks quite appealing since it's coupled with certifications.

    I know I need a lot of foundational work first. Does anyone know if WGU allows "provisional" students? Such as taking the necessary courses in order to be qualified for the master's program?

    As lovely as the Bachelor's in IT looks, I'm trying to find the quickest route.

    Thanks guys.
  • usagent27usagent27 Member Posts: 119
    ok have a question. has anyone here ever failed an exam (cert test) and the bought a voucher take it again..pass and send in the score report? What i'm trying to avoid is the 14 day window between exams.
    WGU Progress: started 03/01/12-08/31/12
    Courses transfered: AVX1, CPV1, AGC1, BBC1, CLC1, LAE1, LUT1, QBT1, INC1, INT1, BVC1, GAC1, HHT1, QLT1, IWC1, IWT1
    Courses Completed: WFV1, CWV1, MGC1,CRV1, BNC1, DEV1, CTV1, DHV1, DIV1, TPV1, RIT1, Cuv1, BOV1, KET1, CJV1, CVV1, DJV1, SBT1,QZT1, DFV1,KFT1
    Completed in one term
  • swildswild Member Posts: 828
    I did that for my ICND2 exam. My second, third, and forth attempts were each a week apart. I asked my course mentor if I had to get my voucher through WGU and he told me no and just to submit the passing score.
  • usagent27usagent27 Member Posts: 119
    ok because my mentor is saying that retesting before the 14 day mark is against policy and if i send in my scores they may not be counted.....
    WGU Progress: started 03/01/12-08/31/12
    Courses transfered: AVX1, CPV1, AGC1, BBC1, CLC1, LAE1, LUT1, QBT1, INC1, INT1, BVC1, GAC1, HHT1, QLT1, IWC1, IWT1
    Courses Completed: WFV1, CWV1, MGC1,CRV1, BNC1, DEV1, CTV1, DHV1, DIV1, TPV1, RIT1, Cuv1, BOV1, KET1, CJV1, CVV1, DJV1, SBT1,QZT1, DFV1,KFT1
    Completed in one term
  • cvuong1984cvuong1984 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Hello Guys,

    Just curious for those that have taken a course practice exam and then the objective exam (the one where we are monitored)
    Are they the same test? I just did my first practice exam, and even tho I did pass the practice exam, it did not provide a review with answers of which i got wrong/right. So was curious if both the practice and actual exam similar or the same.

  • kgbkgb Member Posts: 380
    cvuong1984 wrote: »
    Hello Guys,

    Just curious for those that have taken a course practice exam and then the objective exam (the one where we are monitored)
    Are they the same test? I just did my first practice exam, and even tho I did pass the practice exam, it did not provide a review with answers of which i got wrong/right. So was curious if both the practice and actual exam similar or the same.


    It will not be the same test. I've taken 2 so far, CLC1 and GAC1 .

    Both practice exams were extremely comparable to the actual exam. The CLC1 practice exam was explained to me like this: They had 6 exams created, they took 1 of them and made it the practice exam.

    If you barely pass the practice exam, make sure you spend some quality time studying the parts you got wrong. The coaching report explains where you went wrong. If you pass by a large amount, then maybe you don't need to study anymore. Personally, I've always studied hard up to test day. Doing that never fails:)
    Bachelor of Science, Information Technology (Software) - WGU
  • cpiercecpierce Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    chris40228 wrote: »
    I am starting the BSIT:Network Admin program on July 1st. I am scheduled to talk with my mentor tomorrow to set my schedule for the first term. After reviewing my transfer evaluation here are the classes that I have to complete:

    CUV1 Web Technologies
    BOV1 Web Programming
    CSV1 Operating Systems
    COV1 Fundamentals of Interconnecting Network Devices
    CQV1 Interconnecting Network Devices
    CTV1 Security
    BNC1 Organizational Behavoir and Leadership
    MGC1 Priniciples of Management
    TPV1 Project Managment
    AHV1 Directory Services
    AIV1 Network Design and Management
    AJV1 Server Administration
    SBT1 Technical Writing
    RBT1 Capstone Project

    I think I can finish in 2 terms regardless of what I start with, but I want to get off on a quick start to build some momentum.Any tips on which classes I should tackle first?

    I also just started the I.T- Network Admin program July 1st with the goal of 2 terms. I don't have the ability to P.M. yet but I would like to stay in touch and see how you are doing. Right now I have my exam for CUV1 Web Technologies scheduled for next Thursday. How are classes going for you?
  • dcren21dcren21 Member Posts: 71 ■■□□□□□□□□
    cpierce wrote: »
    I also just started the I.T- Network Admin program July 1st with the goal of 2 terms. I don't have the ability to P.M. yet but I would like to stay in touch and see how you are doing. Right now I have my exam for CUV1 Web Technologies scheduled for next Thursday. How are classes going for you?

    Good luck and keep us all updated with your progress.
    WGU B.S. IT - Security (Start Date 8/1/12) : Transferred | Required | In Progress | Completed
  • chris40228chris40228 Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    cpierce wrote: »
    I also just started the I.T- Network Admin program July 1st with the goal of 2 terms. I don't have the ability to P.M. yet but I would like to stay in touch and see how you are doing. Right now I have my exam for CUV1 Web Technologies scheduled for next Thursday. How are classes going for you?

    I am scheduled to set my AAV this afternoon (finally) and hope to schedule the MGC1-Principles of Management & BNC1-Organizational Behavior and Leadership exams shortly after. I passed both pre-assessments by 20%+ so I am hoping to knock out both classes fairly quick. After that I am moving on to TPV1-Project Management so I can get all the non-technical/business/management classes out of the way. I am hoping to have 13 CUs complete in the first month. Good luck on your exam next week!
  • HypntickHypntick Member Posts: 1,451 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Is anyone in the MS:ISA program currently that might be able to assist me with a head start, trying to get the tasks and rubrics for a few of the classes so I can be productive during my 2 month downtime before starting. Thanks!
    WGU BS:IT Completed June 30th 2012.
    WGU MS:ISA Completed October 30th 2013.
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