Student Experiences at Western Governors University (WGU)



  • cyberknifecyberknife Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    @IVANJAM. Thank you such for the prompt response! Hope you do not mind if I reach out to you with questions as I start my MSISA.
  • wycked67wycked67 Registered Users Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
  • NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    So I started doing the LearnKey and VitalSource book for DFV1. I am finding that its not very obvious what the "key phrases" are for studying or taking notes successfully. They both also seem to gloss over details during the exercises without much explaination on what the code your writing really does or how you can use it outside of the examples.

    With that in mind, i am really not doing well with the LearnKey pre-assesment questions and am wondering if i missed something in how to study for this cert. Is it just how the Microsoft certs are or just me?
  • gunbunnysouljagunbunnysoulja Member Posts: 353
    I just wanted to mention that I am very excited to finally start WGU, and will be starting on April 1. :)
    WGU BSITStart Date: July 1, 2013
    In Progress: CJV1 (4 CU)
    Transfered: WFV1, TJP1, CLC1, INC1, INT1, EUP1, EUC1, BVC1, GAC1, DHV1, DIV1, CWV1, CRV1, DEV1, CTV1, DJV1, IWC1, IWT1, CVV1, RIT1, CIC1, CJC1, TBP1, TCP1, EAV1, EBV1, TJC1, AGC1 (82 CU)
    Completed: MGC1, TPV1, CUV1 (14 CU)
    Remaining: BOV1, BNC1, TXP1, TXC1, TYP1, TPC1, SBT1, QZT1 (22 CU)

  • gunbunnysouljagunbunnysoulja Member Posts: 353
    Nemo, I noticed MGC1, SBT1 and QZT1 aren't listed in your signature to be completed. I'm assuming you went off the transcript evaluation for determining classes? I didn't realize I had "more" to take until I saw the program pdf.
    WGU BSITStart Date: July 1, 2013
    In Progress: CJV1 (4 CU)
    Transfered: WFV1, TJP1, CLC1, INC1, INT1, EUP1, EUC1, BVC1, GAC1, DHV1, DIV1, CWV1, CRV1, DEV1, CTV1, DJV1, IWC1, IWT1, CVV1, RIT1, CIC1, CJC1, TBP1, TCP1, EAV1, EBV1, TJC1, AGC1 (82 CU)
    Completed: MGC1, TPV1, CUV1 (14 CU)
    Remaining: BOV1, BNC1, TXP1, TXC1, TYP1, TPC1, SBT1, QZT1 (22 CU)

  • MataviMatavi Member Posts: 27 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I wasn't sure where this would best fit, so I just threw it here. For new applicants, and possibly returning students, my overall experience has been great. Even admissions was a lot better than how it seemed from other people's experience... But there is one issue. I have to refrain myself from calling up the bursar's office and cussing them out.

    To start off, I have a pre-paid education plan through the virginia 529 that my grandmother set up for me. It's suppose to pay all the tuition and fees. Well I filled out the necessary paperwork, told WGU what to expect and then everything went to ****. They said they deal with them quite often and I thought it would be good. But every time I called WGU they would say they had nothing from VPEP and every time I called VPEP they would say that they sent the information for the all the students out. And neither would talk to each other. WGU cited federal regulations, VPEP stated that no one would pick up at WGU.

    Eventually after harassing the both of them a woman in the bursar's office stated that she would call vpep to see what they can do and call me back. After a day of nothing, I call her and she says everything has been settled. Good, that's done.

    Well here I am two months later with an e-mail stating that I've got a past due notice. It's not even for the full amount, not even a couple hundred dollars. It says to contact the bursar's office, but no one there picks up. Just goes straight to voicemail.

    I don't know if this helps anyone, it helps me to rant, but if there's anything to take from this(the tl;dr):

    1) Something is probably going to screw up while you apply.

    2)Get details. Even if it looks like it's been resolved, get as much detail as you can. When the woman at WGU said everything had been taken care of, I said great and moved on to other stuff. I didn't even ask what had caused the issue which would've been nice now to know where the disconnect is probably at in this situation. WGU for not billing the full amount, or VPEP for messing a couple digits or what.

    edit: Big props to my mentor. I called her a couple times and after getting voicemails I left a message and then started working on an e-mail message, halfway through typing out the message she calls me right back and starts trying to help me get things figured out.
    WGU IT - Software
    Start date: 1/1/13
  • KronesKrones Member Posts: 164
    My second semester starts in a week. I hope to do more than the bare minimum this time around. My new job has really slowed my progress and killed my motivation over the past few months.
    WGU - Security
    Current: Start date Sept 1. Remaining:
    CUV1, BOV1, CJV1, CVV1, KET1, KFT1, DFV1, TPV1, BNC1, RIT1, DHV1, CSV1, COV1, CQV1, CNV1, SBT1, RGT1 Completed:
    AXV1, CPV1, CTV1 Transferred: AGC1, BBC1, LAE1, QBT1, LUT1, GAC1/HHT1, QLT1, IWC1, IWT1, INC1, INT1, BVC1, CLC1, WFV1, DJV1
  • j23evanj23evan Member Posts: 135 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I just completed the required courses for my first semester at WGU, and am now fast tracking courses. One of the biggest learning curves for me coming from a previous tech school is that the requirements to get a voucher to schedule an exam doesn't depend on successfully passing the assessment. Though it is a good idea that you do, as long as you have taken a pre-assessment and have gauged what areas you still need to work on you are allowed to request the final assessment. - Microsoft Certified Trainer 2013-2018 - VMware vExpert 2014-2018 - Cisco Champion 2018 -
  • DPGDPG Member Posts: 780 ■■■■■□□□□□
    I'm finally going to take the Windows 7 70-680 exam next week. I am running way behind and don't think I will reach my goal of 35CU in the 1st term...
  • NOLAJNOLAJ Member Posts: 490
    DPG wrote: »
    I'm finally going to take the Windows 7 70-680 exam next week. I am running way behind and don't think I will reach my goal of 35CU in the 1st term...

    Ahhhh, the best laid plans of mice and men....

    Just keep hammering away!! Knock out the Win 7 exam!! icon_thumright.gif
    WGU - MBA: I.T. Management --> Graduated!!

    WGU -
    B.S. Information Technology—Network Administration --> Graduated!!

  • HypntickHypntick Member Posts: 1,451 ■■■■■■□□□□
    Well, talked to the mentor the other day and have the plan of attack all lined up for term 2. Been studying for the CHFI so I plan to request the voucher day one and start off running. The only thing that worries me is FYV2, I hear its a bit of a beast. However even my mentor thinks i've got this done by July at the latest so it's nice to know i'm on the right track.
    WGU BS:IT Completed June 30th 2012.
    WGU MS:ISA Completed October 30th 2013.
  • YuckTheFankeesYuckTheFankees Member Posts: 1,281 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Hey guys, I just wanted to post a little updated regarding my studies. This is my first semester at WGU (5 days away from the 4 month mark) and I have completed 47 credits as of today. I have 44 credits remaining, I hope to finish them by the end of May. I have enjoyed my experience thus far and I'm almost positive I will be going after WGU's MSISA directly after my masters.

    How is everyone liking the MSISA degree?
  • xocityxocity Member Posts: 230
    Guys....Its time, its .... WGU time. Start date 03-01-2013, this friday coming up is day 1. I was able to transfer in 25 CU leaving me with 95 to go. I chose the BS-IT Network Admin role because 1- Financial Aid is covering almost all of my tuition and 2- Ive taken CCNA/MCITP SA classes in the past and really familiar with the topics. I have A lot of free time at work and at home , about 30-35 hrs per week. Im thinking of knocking this out in about 3 semesters. Some people have told me I can get this done in 2 but we'll see.

    For the people who've already completed WGU, What would be the easiest fastest classes to take in the beginning? Im not trying to find an easy way out , but the faster I complete some classes in the beginning, my motivation will stay high and I will get a good feel of what it takes to complete some classes. Any input would be great. I've tried reading through this thread for the answer, but 200+ pages is alot to go through =\.

    I want to thank this forum and the great people in it for motivating me to start WGU and showing us that success is possible. Maybe a year from now I will be one of the guys that graduated that is helping out the newer guys getting into WGU.
  • NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Nemo, I noticed MGC1, SBT1 and QZT1 aren't listed in your signature to be completed. I'm assuming you went off the transcript evaluation for determining classes? I didn't realize I had "more" to take until I saw the program pdf.

    Good Call. Yea, I created the signature with only my transcript eval in hand to use. I will double check classes and add any missing ones.
  • nosoup4unosoup4u Member Posts: 365
    After a month of building a new lab, reading, and work related R2 projects I passed 70-640 (AHV1) with a 870!

    Time to knock out N+, and S+ and continue my 70-642 studying
  • NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Received my official notification that my class is passed!!! Only three more to go in 4 months!
  • AmonixAmonix Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    xocity wrote: »
    Guys....Its time, its .... WGU time. Start date 03-01-2013, this friday coming up is day 1. I was able to transfer in 25 CU leaving me with 95 to go. I chose the BS-IT Network Admin role because 1- Financial Aid is covering almost all of my tuition and 2- Ive taken CCNA/MCITP SA classes in the past and really familiar with the topics. I have A lot of free time at work and at home , about 30-35 hrs per week. Im thinking of knocking this out in about 3 semesters. Some people have told me I can get this done in 2 but we'll see.

    For the people who've already completed WGU, What would be the easiest fastest classes to take in the beginning? Im not trying to find an easy way out , but the faster I complete some classes in the beginning, my motivation will stay high and I will get a good feel of what it takes to complete some classes. Any input would be great. I've tried reading through this thread for the answer, but 200+ pages is alot to go through =\.

    I want to thank this forum and the great people in it for motivating me to start WGU and showing us that success is possible. Maybe a year from now I will be one of the guys that graduated that is helping out the newer guys getting into WGU.

    I am starting a long side with you. I am doing the BS-IT Security route because I love security and how much fun it is.

    I would suggest also that you mix some tough classes in with your easy classes. In all honesty you will need to keep the warm fuzzy feelings when you only have 3 awesome easy classes and 1 challenging one. icon_smile.gif
  • foofightersfoofighters Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    My first term ends at the end of this month, and I've requested a two month break. I have a bunch of things in my personal life that need attention, and I would appreciate a break from school. I finished 10 courses this term, and am feeling pretty burned out. I have 10 courses left and would like to finish them in one term to make the most of finances.

    Does anyone have any experience with taking a break from WGU longer than 3 months? I know we can withdraw from the school, but I'm curious about the process for re-entry and what that looks like.
  • Rosco2382Rosco2382 Member Posts: 205 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Question I seen post about people talking about science and writing papers. The acronyms for these classes don't make sense so I can't tell if they are English and Science classes or whatever. I've taken English 101-102-103 at my local community college, along with Math Calculus II. Science I only took an Earth Science just to get that required Discipline out of the way. I'm working on my Computer Science associate along with studying for A+, Network+ and MS 70-680. Will all of my classes transfer or will they only take selective classes?? I've taken a few programming classes, C++, VB,, Java and HTML5.

    edit: Will my core classes and programming classes carry over? I have read enough post to know that my Certs once I pass will carry over and waive classes as long as they aren't over 5 years old.
  • MataviMatavi Member Posts: 27 ■□□□□□□□□□
    @Rosco2382: If you gain your associates, they'll accept that and clear all your general education, even if there is not a class that will directly translate to one of there's. An example would be that they weren't going to credit me with a math class, but once I proved I was being awarded an associates they waived the math class.

    As for the programming classes... I'm not sure. I know any class with a cert as a final most likely won't transfer if you don't have that cert or an equivalent. However there are two classes, KET1 - Intro to Programming and KFT1 - Object Oriented Design and Development, that don't have an associated cert just a performance final. So those classes could be covered by the programming courses. Best bet is to call up the enrollment councilor and just ask. I found them to be VERY helpful and welcoming whenever I needed them, but experiences vary.
    WGU IT - Software
    Start date: 1/1/13
  • tycar86tycar86 Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Nemowolf wrote: »
    So I started doing the LearnKey and VitalSource book for DFV1. I am finding that its not very obvious what the "key phrases" are for studying or taking notes successfully. They both also seem to gloss over details during the exercises without much explaination on what the code your writing really does or how you can use it outside of the examples.

    With that in mind, i am really not doing well with the LearnKey pre-assesment questions and am wondering if i missed something in how to study for this cert. Is it just how the Microsoft certs are or just me?

    I just passed the exam tonight with an 82%. Not great, but it still counts haha. I struggled with LearnKey and VitalSource, too. I would suggest to do your best to get through them at least once. Also, check out the Pluralsight videos. I followed those much better than the other 2 resources. After you get through those, then go through the MeasureUp tests. If you can go through each one of the questions and answer why the wrong choices are wrong and the right choice is the right, I think you will do fine on the test.

    As far as key terms, read through the flash cards under the additional resources link. I will say that I didn't come across any surprises on the test. The provided material is tough to go through, but it is enough to pass the test.

    Good luck!
  • NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    tycar86 wrote: »
    I just passed the exam tonight with an 82%. Not great, but it still counts haha. I struggled with LearnKey and VitalSource, too. I would suggest to do your best to get through them at least once. Also, check out the Pluralsight videos. I followed those much better than the other 2 resources. After you get through those, then go through the MeasureUp tests. If you can go through each one of the questions and answer why the wrong choices are wrong and the right choice is the right, I think you will do fine on the test.

    As far as key terms, read through the flash cards under the additional resources link. I will say that I didn't come across any surprises on the test. The provided material is tough to go through, but it is enough to pass the test.

    Good luck!

    I typically retain information better if i have to write it down then copy it somewhere else. I am going through and copying the definitions from the instructors material. I am also writing down the certification ready questions and answering them as best a completely as i can. When i am done i will probably end up typing it up so i can seal the information and make sure i understand it all.

    I just finished Lesson 6 and started on Lesson 7 but hit a snag while working on a build at work today. I am going to pick up where i left off and hopefully figure out what i broke. I have some RL things picking up this weekend but im hoping to cram through the 4 LearnKey videos on sunday then take the first crack at the measure up. Unlike WFV1, i don't feel as confident in the material since it is all new to me.
  • PurpleITPurpleIT Member Posts: 327
    Nemowolf wrote: »
    So I started doing the LearnKey and VitalSource book for DFV1. I am finding that its not very obvious what the "key phrases" are for studying or taking notes successfully. They both also seem to gloss over details during the exercises without much explaination on what the code your writing really does or how you can use it outside of the examples.

    With that in mind, i am really not doing well with the LearnKey pre-assesment questions and am wondering if i missed something in how to study for this cert. Is it just how the Microsoft certs are or just me?

    I have to say, I really hated that class; partly because of what you pointed out, but mostly because to me there was no point to it. I wasn't learning to code, I wasn't learning the ins and outs of .Net, I was just staring blankly at the screen. The Pluralsight videos tycar86 mentioned are quite good and I wish I had started with them. For me, the best study aide was MeasureUp. Because there were very good explanations that helped me learn why the right answer was right and the wrong answers were wrong I was able to get more of a conceptual understanding that I was able to apply to the exam.

    Good luck - that is one class I am very glad is now in my rear-view mirror.
    WGU - BS IT: ND&M | Start Date: 12/1/12, End Date 5/7/2013
    What next, what next...
  • N2ITN2IT Inactive Imported Users Posts: 7,483 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Semester is officially over but I am working on the next course financial analysis. There are 5 task and 3 are completed without task stream review. 2 more then the capstone!

    I almost have my MBA, excited!
  • HauntHaunt Member Posts: 62 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Hi guys, new student here, just started March 1st enrolled in the IT - Network Design & Management program. I have an AS in IT so I got 60 CU transferred in so I have only 60 left to finish.

    I want to know your guys' thoughts on some stuff. So I don't know if you guys are aware but Microsoft is retiring the MS 70-643 Applications Infrastructure exam and the MS 70-647 Enterprise Administrator exams on July 31, 2013. So after that date, you won't be able to take the exam and get a certification for it, but you'll still be able to go through all the coursework, you just won't be able to take the certification exam. Instead, WGU will have their own assessment for it.

    So anyway, what I'm wondering is, do you guys think/know if they will let me take the Windows 7 course, and the other 4 MCITP courses in my first term so I can get the full MCITP: Enterprise Administrator certification before those two exams expire? Am I forced to follow the program outline and start with the simpler classes first or can I pick and choose which ones I want to take first? Have any of you done this?

    Oh, and the whole reason I chose the ND&M emphasis instead of the Network Administration one was because I actually want to take and learn the material taught in the Applications Infrastructure course and the Enterprise Administrator course. Plus I'm not really interested in getting into Cisco (which is what I would have to take if I did the Network Admin program) and learning the CCNA material.

    I'm going to ask my Mentor on Monday but I want to hear from you guys and see if any of you done something like this.
  • hiddenknight821hiddenknight821 Member Posts: 1,209 ■■■■■■□□□□
    So WGU is not planning to move to the next iteration for the MS exams after July?? Man, this is awful. I'm glad you brought this to our attentions. I'd definitely switch over to the regular IT track if I were you just to save money and time. It makes no difference if you want to learn the MCITP stuff at WGU rather than on your own if you're not going to take the exams on their dimes. Sure you can take full advantage of the learning resources, but from what I read here, many people prefer using outside resources that WGU doesn't offer. Beside, who'd want to learn the "obsolete" material. You're better off preparing for the MCSA/MCSE 2012 certs.
  • DPGDPG Member Posts: 780 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Passed CSV1 (Windows 7, Configuring) today. The Wiley Plus material provided by WGU didn't help much. The Microsoft Labs Online were good. Professor Messer and CBT Nuggets videos helped.

    Next up is MGC1 (Principles of Management).
  • DPGDPG Member Posts: 780 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Haunt wrote: »
    Am I forced to follow the program outline and start with the simpler classes first or can I pick and choose which ones I want to take first? Have any of you done this?

    You can pick and choose what courses you want to take.
  • HauntHaunt Member Posts: 62 ■■□□□□□□□□
    So WGU is not planning to move to the next iteration for the MS exams after July?? Man, this is awful. I'm glad you brought this to our attentions. I'd definitely switch over to the regular IT track if I were you just to save money and time. It makes no difference if you want to learn the MCITP stuff at WGU rather than on your own if you're not going to take the exams on their dimes. Sure you can take full advantage of the learning resources, but from what I read here, many people prefer using outside resources that WGU doesn't offer. Beside, who'd want to learn the "obsolete" material. You're better off preparing for the MCSA/MCSE 2012 certs.
    Well, I don't know that for a fact, they might be switching to the Server 2012 material later in the year or next year. I'll ask my mentor and see what he knows.

    I wouldn't go so far to call the MCITP Server 2008 material obsolete. It's still going to be valuable to know for years to come, think about it. How many companies do you think will make the jump to Server 2012 anytime soon? Very few, in fact there are still a lot of companies that are just now upgrading to Server 2008 R2 from Server 2003 (my old company moved to Server 2008 in 2012). Taking these courses, even if the exams do expire, will still benefit me in the workplace. I would just need to take the regular 70-646 Server Admin exam on my own to get the new MCSA: Server 2008 certification. Then I can get into the Server 2012 material later when it becomes more relevant in the workplace.

    That's at least how I look at it. Do you guys think this is a smart move or should I really consider moving to the Network Admin emphasis?
  • PsoasmanPsoasman Member Posts: 2,687 ■■■■■■■■■□
    DPG wrote: »
    Passed CSV1 (Windows 7, Configuring) today. The Wiley Plus material provided by WGU didn't help much. The Microsoft Labs Online were good. Professor Messer and CBT Nuggets videos helped.

    Next up is MGC1 (Principles of Management).

    Congrats on the pass! MGC1 was pretty easy, very similar to BNC1
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