
Student Experiences at Western Governors University (WGU)



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    j_griffithj_griffith Member Posts: 68 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Congratulations! Way to GO!icon_cheers.gif
    M.S Information Assurance and Security______ Completed: 0 CU's
    Start Date: October 2011 _ ______________________ _Remaining: 32 CU's

    Goal for term ending 3/30/12 - EWOB1
    Courses Remaining / Term 2 Goal -
    Completed this term -
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Crap! I wanted this in the Student Experiences thread. Might have been my fault....I've messaged the powers that be to put this thread in it's proper home. :D
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    themagiconethemagicone Member Posts: 674
    Courses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
    Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
    CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
    Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013
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    DevilryDevilry Member Posts: 668
    Sorry if this is a dumb question, What is in Atlanta?
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Devilry wrote: »
    Sorry if this is a dumb question, What is in Atlanta?

    That's a not a dumb question at all.

    WGU's Winter Commencement Ceremony (graduation) will be held on the East Coast for the first time in 2012--the location is in Atlanta. The alternative would be Salt Lake City and since I personally would not want to go to Utah (5-6 hours on a plane versus 2 hours to Atlanta), I'm doing all I can to get down to Atlanta...which means passing all three of my MCITP:EA exams that I have left.

    WGU Alumni Community - WGU Commencement

    I'll be in Atlanta from February 8th thru February 13th.
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    Alif_Sadida_EkinAlif_Sadida_Ekin Member Posts: 341 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Congrats! Can I ask what you wrote your capstone on? Was it something Peoplesoft related?
    AWS: Solutions Architect Associate, MCSA, MCTS, CIW Professional, A+, Network+, Security+, Project+

    BS, Information Technology
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    NobylspoonNobylspoon Member Posts: 620 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Jourdsh wrote: »
    Ok, finally done with all the management/project classes, just passed Project+ this weekend. Going to try and finish 70-642 up by October 5th, bust out SSC/SST and IWC/INT to finish up my term.

    Congrats on the Project+ pass, I took mine Saturday. Let me know how bad IWT is when you get to it, I have been procrastinating on that one. I was able to transfer the objective portion but not the performance part. I haven't read a lot of feedback on that one, most seem to have transferred it in.

    MS: Information Security & Assurance
    Start Date: December 2013
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Congrats! Can I ask what you wrote your capstone on? Was it something Peoplesoft related?

    Specifically, a PeopleSoft Implementation.

    I knew that was going to be my topic back in Aug. 2010....but I was nowhere near getting my mind right for writing that paper until this term, when I was ready to begin it.
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Nobylspoon wrote: »
    Let me know how bad IWT is when you get to it, I have been procrastinating on that one. I was able to transfer the objective portion but not the performance part. I haven't read a lot of feedback on that one, most seem to have transferred it in.

    I *might have* read something about IWsomething1 early in both of the Holy Threads. (smiles)

    Of course, that might have been some time ago....I can't see either IWC1 or IWT1 difficult...especially since I like History/Social Sciences/Humanities to begin with.

    Do post your thoughts on the class and how you passed. It will no doubt help others.
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Jourdsh wrote: »
    Ok, finally done with all the management/project classes, just passed Project+ this weekend. Going to try and finish 70-642 up by October 5th, bust out SSC/SST and IWC/INT to finish up my term.

    You da man! Keep up the pace. :)
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    snokerpokersnokerpoker Member Posts: 661 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Awesome stuff erpadmin!
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    JourdshJourdsh Member Posts: 91 ■■□□□□□□□□
    erpadmin wrote: »
    You da man! Keep up the pace. :)

    Thanks! I have 66cus done this term, hoping to get 13 more by Nov 30th.
    WGU Progress
    Transferred:AXV1, ABV1, TTV1
    Completed: EWB2, TNV1, TSV1, BAC1, BBC1, LAE1, LAT1, CLC1, INC1, WFV1, LUT1, INT1, HHT1, AHV1, ORC1, LET1, MGC1 ,GAC1, TPV1, AIV1
    Left: SSC1, SST1, BRV1, QLT1, BOV1, IWC1, IWT1, TWA1, AJV1, CPW2
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    JourdshJourdsh Member Posts: 91 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Nobylspoon wrote: »
    Congrats on the Project+ pass, I took mine Saturday. Let me know how bad IWT is when you get to it, I have been procrastinating on that one. I was able to transfer the objective portion but not the performance part. I haven't read a lot of feedback on that one, most seem to have transferred it in.

    Our mentor wants me to take SSC first since I already passed the preassessment on a random bored night, so I have to take that first but I will let you know how it is.
    WGU Progress
    Transferred:AXV1, ABV1, TTV1
    Completed: EWB2, TNV1, TSV1, BAC1, BBC1, LAE1, LAT1, CLC1, INC1, WFV1, LUT1, INT1, HHT1, AHV1, ORC1, LET1, MGC1 ,GAC1, TPV1, AIV1
    Left: SSC1, SST1, BRV1, QLT1, BOV1, IWC1, IWT1, TWA1, AJV1, CPW2
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    NobylspoonNobylspoon Member Posts: 620 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Jourdsh wrote: »
    Our mentor wants me to take SSC first since I already passed the preassessment on a random bored night, so I have to take that first but I will let you know how it is.

    I am currently planning on taking it, along with LAT1, in mid to late December. However, if it ends up being something that can be knocked out quickly, I may do it during my "break" in November. I'm mainly using that time to prepare for 70-640 but I was also going to knock out QLT1 since it seems to just be a couple of graphing problems. The more I can squeeze in pre-Term 2, the better my chances of graduating that term.

    MS: Information Security & Assurance
    Start Date: December 2013
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    NobylspoonNobylspoon Member Posts: 620 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Have any of you guys taken a month off between terms? My term ends in November and I have been planning the use of that month to start the new term out strong. I am really close to being able to graduate during that term but it might be cutting it close depending on the MS exams and capstone. I have considered pushing my Term 2 start date from December to January. I understand I won't have access to learning resources during that time but I have PDFs of the COSs already saved locally. I could probably complete LAT1, QLT1, IWT1 & tech writing/capstone during Nov & December, perhaps even prepare for 70-640 (I have the MS-Press PDF and VMWare).

    Has anyone else done something similar? Was it pretty easy to arrange?

    MS: Information Security & Assurance
    Start Date: December 2013
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Nobylspoon wrote: »
    Have any of you guys taken a month off between terms? My term ends in November and I have been planning the use of that month to start the new term out strong. I am really close to being able to graduate during that term but it might be cutting it close depending on the MS exams and capstone. I have considered pushing my Term 2 start date from December to January. I understand I won't have access to learning resources during that time but I have PDFs of the COSs already saved locally. I could probably complete LAT1, QLT1, IWT1 & tech writing/capstone during Nov & December, perhaps even prepare for 70-640 (I have the MS-Press PDF and VMWare).

    Has anyone else done something similar? Was it pretty easy to arrange?

    If what you are talking about is a term break, don't do it. Even if it's different from a term break, don't do it. The only reason you would entertain it is if you had a real God-Awful emergency or if you're feeling ridiculously overwhelemed. From reading your posts, you seem to be flying by ok at a good pace.

    To answer your question about a month of dead time, I had that from Term 1 to Term 2. I spent that time working on LET1, the same way you are doing INT1....had all the tasks and what not emailed to me by memtor and Student Services. Spent a good month doing the stuff and by the time Term 2 came, had LET1, ORC1 and MGC1 done that first week of February.

    My only regret in this entire process was saving the MS exams toward the end....I should have done at least the 70-640 in Term one and the 70-642 in term 2 but I just couldn't fit a MS exam in there. However, if I am successful in finishing my term 100%, at least I've shown anything is possible with proper study. :)

    My signature (and posts) speak for themselves.

    BTW, your mentor can give you learning resources of any class you want without being enrolled. I had all the MS LRs before I enrolled in them...
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    echo465echo465 Banned Posts: 115
    erpadmin wrote: »
    To answer your question about a month of dead time, I had that from Term 1 to Term 2. I spent that time working on LET1, the same way you are doing INT1....had all the tasks and what not emailed to me by memtor and Student Services. Spent a good month doing the stuff and by the time Term 2 came, had LET1, ORC1 and MGC1 done that first week of February.

    I'm considering doing the same thing. My first term ends January 31, and I'd like to pass the CCNA Voice exam and get a jump on whatever Microsoft exam is next.
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    NobylspoonNobylspoon Member Posts: 620 ■■■□□□□□□□
    erpadmin wrote: »
    If what you are talking about is a term break, don't do it. Even if it's different from a term break, don't do it. The only reason you would entertain it is if you had a real God-Awful emergency or if you're feeling ridiculously overwhelemed. From reading your posts, you seem to be flying by ok at a good pace.

    To answer your question about a month of dead time, I had that from Term 1 to Term 2. I spent that time working on LET1, the same way you are doing INT1....had all the tasks and what not emailed to me by memtor and Student Services. Spent a good month doing the stuff and by the time Term 2 came, had LET1, ORC1 and MGC1 done that first week of February.

    My only regret in this entire process was saving the MS exams toward the end....I should have done at least the 70-640 in Term one and the 70-642 in term 2 but I just couldn't fit a MS exam in there. However, if I am successful in finishing my term 100%, at least I've shown anything is possible with proper study. :)

    My signature (and posts) speak for themselves.

    BTW, your mentor can give you learning resources of any class you want without being enrolled. I had all the MS LRs before I enrolled in them...

    Yeah, I have already planned on getting the LRs for 70-640 unlocked to work on during my November "dead-time" and I also plan on knocking out QLT1 then as well. I was just entertaining the thought of a term break to give me an additional month to ensure I can knock out all remaining classes next term but it sounds like term break = bad so I'll just go ahead and rule that out then.

    If I finish Term 2 with just 1 MS exam remaining, no big deal, I will just add a third term and get most refunded. However, if I have 2 left, then it will end up costing me the full $3,000 (12 CUs). I assume they wouldn't let me add courses for the Master's program onto that term after finishing...

    MS: Information Security & Assurance
    Start Date: December 2013
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    DevilryDevilry Member Posts: 668
    erpadmin wrote: »
    That's a not a dumb question at all.

    WGU's Winter Commencement Ceremony (graduation) will be held on the East Coast for the first time in 2012--the location is in Atlanta. The alternative would be Salt Lake City and since I personally would not want to go to Utah (5-6 hours on a plane versus 2 hours to Atlanta), I'm doing all I can to get down to Atlanta...which means passing all three of my MCITP:EA exams that I have left.

    WGU Alumni Community - WGU Commencement

    I'll be in Atlanta from February 8th thru February 13th.

    Oh nice! I live in Atlanta. Is this going to become a normal thing for their Commencements? or just a one time?
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    themagiconethemagicone Member Posts: 674
    AFAIK It will be. They are splitting everything in half due to the large number of students and faculty. There will be a commencement in Salt Lake City in the summer and one in Atlanta in the winter.
    Courses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
    Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
    CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
    Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013
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    rep21rep21 Member Posts: 51 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Every day I love WGU more and more (and I haven't even started!). I was just award a Go Further with WGU Scholarship which will cover $500 a term. Between that and finding out that I am Pell grant eligible, my first two terms are completely paid for! Now I really have no excuse to not work hard complete the program in two terms. :D
    WGU - MS in Information Security and Assurance: May 2016 Start
    WGU - BSIT: Software
    AAS - Systems Admin/Networking
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    veritas_libertasveritas_libertas Member Posts: 5,746 ■■■■■■■■■■
    rep21 wrote: »
    Every day I love WGU more and more (and I haven't even started!). I was just award a Go Further with WGU Scholarship which will cover $500 a term. Between that and finding out that I am Pell grant eligible, my first two terms are completely paid for! Now I really have no excuse to not work hard complete the program in two terms. :D

    Very nice!
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    PsoasmanPsoasman Member Posts: 2,687 ■■■■■■■■■□
    erpadmin wrote: »
    Capstone is done! 3.92/4.00

    I can now fully concentrate on my MS exams.

    As promised, I'm buying my tickets to Atlanta sometime today.

    Awww yeah!! What a splendid way to start the day.

    Congrats! Good for you and good luck finishing up those M$ exams. You guys are getting me all pumped up for WGU next year.
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    erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Psoasman wrote: »
    Congrats! Good for you and good luck finishing up those M$ exams. You guys are getting me all pumped up for WGU next year.

    Well, you got a lot of your certs out of the way! What IT emphasis are you looking at?

    You will have fun as a WGU student....I seriously would have found this journey more difficult with the support of the TE members who were also WGU students/alumni. You will be in good company.
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    PsoasmanPsoasman Member Posts: 2,687 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I am deciding between the Network Admin or Security emphasis, but leaning more towards the Network Admin side.
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    NobylspoonNobylspoon Member Posts: 620 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Psoasman wrote: »
    I am deciding between the Network Admin or Security emphasis, but leaning more towards the Network Admin side.

    I had a tough time deciding so I picked Network Dsgn & Mgmt for Bachelors and Security for Masters. I get my MCITP:EA from one and CCNA from the other :)

    MS: Information Security & Assurance
    Start Date: December 2013
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    never2latenever2late Member Posts: 122
    erpadmin wrote: »
    Capstone is done! 3.92/4.00

    I can now fully concentrate on my MS exams.

    As promised, I'm buying my tickets to Atlanta sometime today.

    Awww yeah!! What a splendid way to start the day.

    Congrats! Knew you would do it on the first try. Good luck with the MS certs.
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    PsoasmanPsoasman Member Posts: 2,687 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Nobylspoon wrote: »
    I had a tough time deciding so I picked Network Dsgn & Mgmt for Bachelors and Security for Masters. I get my MCITP:EA from one and CCNA from the other :)

    That sounds like a solid plan for you. I will probably do the Network admin and work on some more advanced security certifications later on.
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    NobylspoonNobylspoon Member Posts: 620 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Psoasman wrote: »
    That sounds like a solid plan for you. I will probably do the Network admin and work on some more advanced security certifications later on.

    Have you had your transcripts reviewed? I'm curious if they would wave the MCITP:SA courses for you b/c of your MCSE & MCSA:Security. If not, you could take the upgrade exam before enrollment, then you would only have the 70-646 exam to deal with.

    With your AAS and those certs, you could probably finish in one term. Best of luck to you!

    MS: Information Security & Assurance
    Start Date: December 2013
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    NobylspoonNobylspoon Member Posts: 620 ■■■□□□□□□□
    My mentor finally added ORC1 and MGC1 to my AAV and approved my Sun/Mon scheduling requests for the exams. I skimmed over the material for domains I missed the most pre-assessment questions on. Hopefully that's sufficient preparation.

    I have already started studying the INC1 material. Soooo many chapters to cover. I have been taking the pre-quiz for each module and just focusing on ones I get less than 70% on right now. Tasks 1 & 2 for INT1 are sitting in a folder waiting to be submitted. I ordered some petri dishes from Amazon for my INT1 project. Pre-project part of my paper is finished and I will have the rest finished a week after my petri dishes arrive.

    If I can wrap INC1/INT1 up by mid-Oct, I might go ahead and squeeze in QLT1 and IWT1. IWT1 doesn't seem as intimidating after reading the two tasks. I thought they were both papers but the second one is powerpoint. I just need to decide on my topics.

    MS: Information Security & Assurance
    Start Date: December 2013
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