
Student Experiences at Western Governors University (WGU)



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    NOLAJNOLAJ Member Posts: 490
    Anyone out there currently enrolled in the MBA: IT Management program?
    WGU - MBA: I.T. Management --> Graduated!!

    WGU -
    B.S. Information Technology—Network Administration --> Graduated!!

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    mokaibamokaiba Member Posts: 162 ■■■□□□□□□□
    zidian wrote: »
    Their servers crashed yesterday. I talked with them as late as 11PM EST and the servers were still down. They rescheduled my exam for tonight at 11PM EST.
    had an unexpected issue but everything is fixed now. In the event anyone ever has trouble accessing the exam through kryterion they should call 877-313-2008 or click on live help at Kryterion - Support - Test Your Equipment .
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    djfunzdjfunz Member Posts: 307
    Oh wow! This thread is dying. It needs a revival stat!

    Can anyone offer any insight on BVC1 (Geography)? Is it the standard - Exam questions are basically what's on the preassessment class?
    WGU Progress - B.S. IT - Completed
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    ratbuddyratbuddy Member Posts: 665
    Yup, the exam is very similar to the preassessment. If you passed the pre by at least 10, go ahead and schedule.
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    shawn2330shawn2330 Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    im glad i found this site.
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    Jack2Jack2 Member Posts: 153
    No more projects.. tyc1, txc1 , CUV1, CJV1

    Hoping to get done with this!! icon_cheers.gif
    WGU Courses Completed at WGU: CPW3, EWB2, WFV1, TEV1, TTV1, AKV1, TNV1| TSV1, LET1, ORC1, MGC1, TPV1, TWA1, CVV1, DHV1, DIV1, DJV1, TXP1, TYP1, CUV1, TXC1, TYC1, CJV1
    Classes Transferred: BAC1, BBC1, LAE1, LAT1, LUT1 ,1LC1, 1MC1, QLT1, IWC1, IWT1, INC1, INT1, SSC1, SST1, CLC1
    WGU Graduate - BSIT 2014
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    Flat4ForLifeFlat4ForLife Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Jack2 wrote: »
    No more projects.. tyc1, txc1 , CUV1, CJV1

    Hoping to get done with this!! icon_cheers.gif

    That's awesome, congrats!
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    eric281eric281 Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Jack2 wrote: »
    No more projects.. tyc1, txc1 , CUV1, CJV1:

    I'm about to be in the opposite situation. Taking CDC1 and TJC1 this week, and will have only performance assessments left :-\ Kind of wish I had gone the other way around, but I feel like getting so much stuff knocked out quickly was the best way to keep myself motivated.
    WGU BS IT - Network Design & Management - Start date - 01-01-2014 - As of 3-24-2014:
    X-ferred: AHV1, TBP1, EBV1, AIV1, AJV1, BVC1, COV1, CSV1, CTV1, CWV1, DEV1, DHV1, EAV1, FEC1, EYC1, EOC1, EHC1, CRV1, DPC1 (59 cu)
    Completed: CLC1, WFV1, AGC1, GNC1, CIC1, CUV1, TPV1, GAC1, BOV1, CJC1, IWC1, IWT1, UBC1 (41 cu) Skipped: EUP1, EUC1 (3cu) Current Courses: UBT1, CDC1 (4 cu) Courses Left: CDP1, TCP1, TJC1, TJP1, SBT1, RCT1 (14 cu)
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    BundimanBundiman Member Posts: 201
    Danielm7 wrote: »
    Thanks, ratbuddy, I'm down the home stretch in coursework and don't want to waste time on material that isn't all that helpful, especially considering I don't have a lot (any) use for java in my job.

    I found the first maybe 10-15 videos on newboston helpful, but not completely foreign because I had read some of that already from the wiley book. Then around video 16 or so I'm completely lost, even typing the exact same code as he is in the same editor doesn't work. Seems the youtube commenters mostly feel the same way that it was being done at an understandable pace then suddenly dropped off completely to where you can't follow unless you're already a programmer.

    Edit: Related question, since this is my first series of classes with a "project in" is there actually learning material for the test itself? Meaning if I do project in intro to programming, do I just roll right into the intro to programming course and take the test?

    I just took the TXC1 exam last week and passed with a 67%. You need to understand the concepts and be able to pick out what is wrong with code. I still have TYP1 and TYC1 left and I am not worried about the project it this final test I need that really scares me. Read on the course forums to see the problems people are having.
    Bachelor of Science, IT - Security Emphasis (Start Date: Apr 1st, 2013)
    Bachelor of Science, IT - Security Emphasis (Completed: Apr 25t, 2014)
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    collins87collins87 Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Recently heard about WGU in Feb. I've sent all my transcripts and certifications to WGU. Currently ready to start in June. I'm in IT field and I'm undecided in between IT-Security and IT-Network Administration. Could anyone provide me some insight on these two degrees if possible?

    Also how are the courses? What should I expect and how strenuous is the course work? Any information provided is greatly appreciated.
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    jobes23jobes23 Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hey Guys. How long did the application process take from submitting the application to starting class for you? I am trying to start by June 1st for the Software Development. I am trying to see if that is possible.
    Course Taking: Start 9/1
    Courses Done: BVC1, TBP1, TCP1, C172, CRV1, IWC1, IWT1
    Courses Left: C182, EUP1, EUC1, C173, C169, TJC1, TJP1, C175, C170, TYP1, TYC1, CJC1, C191, C178, C176, CLC1, C179, EDV1, BNC1, C195, UBC1, C278, EAV1, EBV1
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    TomkoTechTomkoTech Member Posts: 438
    It varies. I started the process in the beginning of November. It wasn't until the end of January before they had everything on their end sorted. So I wasn't able to start until March 1st. However the VA then slowed me up and I started today.

    You need to file for your transcripts from other schools to be sent in as soon as possible.
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    foofightersfoofighters Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
    In the spirit of keeping this thread alive.. I will post an update. I haven't posted many on this forum, but am nearing completion of my degree in IT Security. To finish I have IWT Task 1, CIC1, and my capstone.

    CIC1 should be fine, I just need to review and relearn a bunch of the algebra equations and rules, I haven't touched that stuff in many years. I feel confident about my capstone. I've been putting IWT Task 1 off because I don't find it interesting and I find it very dry. Thankfully its just a 3-5 page paper, but I still need to sit down and do it. I have until the end of April to complete these.
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    5ekurity5ekurity Member Posts: 346 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I'm doing the BS in InfoSec; just muscled through the web development courses (I'm not big into web development) and I'm on to the Gen Ed's of Biology and Physics. After this, I have the coursework for the Linux+ which I will be taking in conjunction with studying for the GSEC, so that should be fun. Hopefully there will be some play off one another, since the GSEC covers a Linux module as well.
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    leleilelei Member Posts: 52 ■□□□□□□□□□
    NOLAJ wrote: »
    Anyone out there currently enrolled in the MBA: IT Management program?

    I'm a bit late in responding, but I am currently enrolled in this program. I can try to answer any questions you have, if you still have any :)
    WGU BS: IT Network Design & Management - Start Date: 8/1/12 Finished: 10/1/12
    WGU MBA: IT Management - Start Date: 3/1/14 Finished: 1/29/15

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    zidianzidian Member Posts: 132
    I've actually had a few questions on it as well. First, are there any certs that are completed with the program? Second, what type of work is usually used as a deliverable for classes and how many per class is there typically?

    Does the degree test on IT concepts or is it merely a passing mention and more focused on business and management?

    WGU BS-IT Software | Completed 9/30/2014
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    Clem25Clem25 Member Posts: 51 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I'm working on breaking into the IT field, I'm 29 and just decided to change careers. I've got a BS in Forest Resource Management, and a Minor in Business Administration. I'm about to take my A+ in a couple of weeks, and I've been looking at different programs at WGU. I have a big interest in IT Security, would you suggest I get another bachelors towards the BS IT Sec route, or should I look at going for the MS Sec?
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    BundimanBundiman Member Posts: 201
    Just submitted my TYP1 project. Can anyone tell me what the taskstream turn around is like for the programming classes at this time.
    Bachelor of Science, IT - Security Emphasis (Start Date: Apr 1st, 2013)
    Bachelor of Science, IT - Security Emphasis (Completed: Apr 25t, 2014)
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    Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I did TXP1 a few weeks ago, they picked it up after 3 days and graded it very quickly.
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    BundimanBundiman Member Posts: 201
    They graded it around 9:30pm last night and it passed. So TYP1 is complete and only three classes left.
    Bachelor of Science, IT - Security Emphasis (Start Date: Apr 1st, 2013)
    Bachelor of Science, IT - Security Emphasis (Completed: Apr 25t, 2014)
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    drozdroz Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I am currently on TXC1, I just got my Taskstream results from the TXP1, passing with all 4's :). To those who have taken the TXC1 exam, how hard is it? I will attempt the pre-assessment tomorrow, but I was hoping I could get some insight as to how difficult the exam is.
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    Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    droz wrote: »
    I am currently on TXC1, I just got my Taskstream results from the TXP1, passing with all 4's :). To those who have taken the TXC1 exam, how hard is it? I will attempt the pre-assessment tomorrow, but I was hoping I could get some insight as to how difficult the exam is.

    I took it a few weeks ago, I'm coming from zero programming experience, it wasn't easy, but it wasn't impossible. Take the preassessment, and use the practice questions from the Wiley book, I think they are called Horst picks or something like that, they were really helpful in narrowing down what you need work on.
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    leleilelei Member Posts: 52 ■□□□□□□□□□
    No certifications, and it is focused thus far on business aspects. So far I've done a project management class, a leadership class, ethics and a class where you develop a web-plan for a business that doesn't have a website yet. None of it has been very technical at all. It seems to be purely the business side of things, which has made it a bit more interesting for me. I've already done high level certs and stuff, so its been a new perspective on things for me.
    WGU BS: IT Network Design & Management - Start Date: 8/1/12 Finished: 10/1/12
    WGU MBA: IT Management - Start Date: 3/1/14 Finished: 1/29/15

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    drozdroz Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Great, thanks for the information, I'll do that. Do you think the pre-assessment was an accurate indication of the level of the exam?
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    BundimanBundiman Member Posts: 201
    I took the TXC1 exam about three weeks ago as well. I would say it is close to the practice exams. I scored a 78% on my final preassessment exam and score a 67% on the actual exam. But I made the mistake of not having a whiteboard or calculator. Make sure you have both before your start.
    Bachelor of Science, IT - Security Emphasis (Start Date: Apr 1st, 2013)
    Bachelor of Science, IT - Security Emphasis (Completed: Apr 25t, 2014)
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    ratbuddyratbuddy Member Posts: 665
    Yeah, whiteboard for sure, it's very useful for situations where you can write down variable states while they have you iterating through nested loops.
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    MagnumOpusMagnumOpus Member Posts: 107
    Just past the CIW-610 (Score:97) with flying colors today and believe it or not, I'm disappointed! I spent a couple of weeks leaning the OSI model and there wasn't a single question about it on the test! Heck, the pre-assessment questions were harder icon_lol.gif. Save yourselves and test out if you haven't already.
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    stryder144stryder144 Member Posts: 1,684 ■■■■■■■■□□
    So, I got my transcript eval back and it said that I would receive 29 CUs. Essentially a year of school waived. Well, last night, when I was finishing up the orientation I noticed that I now have 32 CUs. I'm guessing that the recent changes to the IT Sec program have trickled down to me. My eval was finished before the new changes took affect. I'm pretty pleased with that. Now, I need to compare my transcript eval and my degree plan to see what changed.

    The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position. ~ Leo Buscaglia

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    zidianzidian Member Posts: 132
    stryder144 wrote: »
    Now, I need to compare my transcript eval and my degree plan to see what changed.

    Definitely pay close attention to that. I didn't review mine eval thoroughly and during my second term found a class my eval gave me credit for, but was still on my degree plan. I was lucky that I hadn't started the class yet, but could have easily taken a class I didn't need.
    WGU BS-IT Software | Completed 9/30/2014
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    bladematthewslpbladematthewslp Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hello, all.

    I am 25 years old and a junior at a University now. However, I am not a fan of student loan debt and the instruction received at my school is poor. The availability of classes is low, which means I have to wait longer for classes to become available, which lengthens my stay at the university, which means I rack up more student loan debt. So staying where I am now is not ideal.

    I was recently introduced to the idea of competency-based learning and became attracted to WGU. At first I was kinda led away from it because it didn't have a Computer Science program that taught application development, but a week after hearing about it, they roll out a Software Development program! So I'm looking more into it.

    So far, they haven't finished the guidelines of the program, so no one at WGU could tell me what type of courses I am expected to take after transferring the credits I already have into WGU's program. I am currently working in IT (though not in software development) and I have an A+ Certification.

    For those who are enrolled or have completed an IT program at WGU, how do you receive instruction? Are there videos of teachers to watch, do you have to read a book for everything and take a test, or is there another method of receiving the needed instruction to pass the course?

    Thanks you all.
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