
Student Experiences at Western Governors University (WGU)



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    eric281eric281 Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□
    At some point I saw a list of grad schools that accept WGU undergrad degrees. I can't find it now. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
    WGU BS IT - Network Design & Management - Start date - 01-01-2014 - As of 3-24-2014:
    X-ferred: AHV1, TBP1, EBV1, AIV1, AJV1, BVC1, COV1, CSV1, CTV1, CWV1, DEV1, DHV1, EAV1, FEC1, EYC1, EOC1, EHC1, CRV1, DPC1 (59 cu)
    Completed: CLC1, WFV1, AGC1, GNC1, CIC1, CUV1, TPV1, GAC1, BOV1, CJC1, IWC1, IWT1, UBC1 (41 cu) Skipped: EUP1, EUC1 (3cu) Current Courses: UBT1, CDC1 (4 cu) Courses Left: CDP1, TCP1, TJC1, TJP1, SBT1, RCT1 (14 cu)
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    2230622306 Member Posts: 223 ■■□□□□□□□□
    may be this WGU Alumni Community - Educational Paths ?

    *Institutions where WGU graduates have reported admission for a doctorate degree.

    Alabama University*
    Alaska Pacific University
    Amberton University
    American College of Education
    American Military University
    American Public University
    Antioch University
    Argosy University*
    Arizona State University
    Arkansas State University
    Ashford University
    Aspen University
    Baker University
    Baylor University
    Boise State University
    Boston University
    Bowling Green State University
    Brigham Young University
    SUNY Buffalo Law School
    California State University
    California InterContinental University*
    Capella University*
    Central Methodist University
    Central Michigan University
    College of Staten Island
    Charlotte School of Law
    Colorado Technical University
    Columbia University*
    Concord Law School- Kaplan University
    Cornell University
    Crown College
    Dallas Baptist University
    Devry University
    Drexel University
    Emery & Henry College
    Fairfield University*
    Fontbonne University
    Fresno Pacific University
    George Mason University
    The George Washington University
    Georgia State University*
    Georgetown University
    Gonzaga University
    Graceland University
    Grand Canyon University

    Heritage University
    Idaho State University
    Indiana Wesleyan University
    Indiana State University*
    John Hopkins University
    Kansas State University
    Keller Graduate School of Management
    Lamar University
    Lewis & Clark
    Liberty University*
    Lindenwood University
    Loyola University New Orleans
    National University
    North Central University*
    Northeastern State University
    Northeastern University
    Northern Illinois University
    Norwich University
    Nova Southeastern University
    Oklahoma State University
    Old Dominion University
    Oregon State University
    Portland State University
    Southern Utah University
    St. Norbert College
    Strayer University
    The John Marshall Law School
    The University of Alabama
    Trevecca Nazarene University
    University of Alaska Anchorage
    University of North Carolina at Charlotte
    Union Institute & University
    University of Houston
    University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    University of Michigan
    University of Minnesota
    University of New England
    University of New Mexico
    University of Northern Colorado
    University of Phoenix*
    University of Redlands
    University of St. Louis
    University of South Alabama
    University of South Dakota*
    University of Southern Mississippi
    University of the Cumberlands
    University of the Pacific - McGeorge School of Law

    University of Utah*
    University of Virginia
    University of Washington Tacoma
    Utah State University*
    Valapariso Law School
    Vanderbilt University*
    Villanova University
    Virginia Commonwealth University*
    Virginia Tech
    Walden University*
    Warner Pacific College
    Washington State University
    Weber State University
    West Virginia University
    Western Illinois University
    Western New Mexico University
    Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
    Youngstown State University

    eric281 wrote: »
    At some point I saw a list of grad schools that accept WGU undergrad degrees. I can't find it now. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
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    TheChameleonTheChameleon Member Posts: 84 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I answered this previously, the MCITP certification is not being retired. There are a few old exams that were replaced as part of the MCITP that are being retired. There is no end date for the MCITP according to the Microsoft representative I spoke with.
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    ItrimbleItrimble Member Posts: 221
    Congrats Eric. What certs did you have when you started at WGU ?
    Goals for 2015 : Finish BS Network Administration at WGU
    Become CCNA, CISSP, CEH, VCP5-10 Certified
    Possible Start Masters in Information Security
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    RIP_LeroiRIP_Leroi Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks to all the well-wishers, and I'm glad to see so many people have either finished recently, or are getting close. Good luck to you all.
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    NOLAJNOLAJ Member Posts: 490
    Anyone else notice the change on Taskstream? Shows the number your paper is in the queue. Pretty cool.
    WGU - MBA: I.T. Management --> Graduated!!

    WGU -
    B.S. Information Technology—Network Administration --> Graduated!!

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    SomnipotentSomnipotent Member Posts: 384
    Finished my capstone but can't submit because task stream hasn't loaded the assessment for submission... Sooooooooo close to graduation!
    Reading: Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture (D. Comer)
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    First post.

    I start at WGU on August 1st. (BSIT-Security) Transferred in an associates degree, worth 41 cu's. (some older IT classes weren't allowed because they were taken past the 5 year mark.

    Any advice from anyone on what to expect? How many cu's can I do a term, with about 15 hours a week available for studying? I have been doing labs on packet tracer and learning Python on the side. (and a few other things)
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    markulousmarkulous Member Posts: 2,394 ■■■■■■■■□□
    How long does it take for a second voucher to get released if you failed a cert? I failed it on Saturday (by ONE question) and I am really hoping I can take it again this Saturday.
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    2230622306 Member Posts: 223 ■■□□□□□□□□
    im hoping to start the same date as you with the same program

    Chadius wrote: »
    First post.

    I start at WGU on August 1st. (BSIT-Security) Transferred in an associates degree, worth 41 cu's. (some older IT classes weren't allowed because they were taken past the 5 year mark.

    Any advice from anyone on what to expect? How many cu's can I do a term, with about 15 hours a week available for studying? I have been doing labs on packet tracer and learning Python on the side. (and a few other things)
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    ShdwmageShdwmage Member Posts: 374
    I am hoping to start the BSIT - Software emphasis. Question though, has anyone transferred in the 70-680? If so what course / courses does it over ride?
    “Hey! Listen!” ~ Navi
    2013: [x] MCTS 70-680
    2014: [x] 22-801 [x] 22-802 [x] CIW Web Foundation Associate
    2015 Goals: [] 70-410
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    NOLAJNOLAJ Member Posts: 490
    Finished my capstone but can't submit because task stream hasn't loaded the assessment for submission... Sooooooooo close to graduation!
    WGU - MBA: I.T. Management --> Graduated!!

    WGU -
    B.S. Information Technology—Network Administration --> Graduated!!

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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I still need to talk to a mentor and get my class schedule setup. I'm thinking I can do 31-35 cu's the first term. Good luck on your start date!
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    aspiringsoulaspiringsoul Member Posts: 314
    I'm starting the MS:ISA at WGU soon. I'll post updates on my experience...
    Education: MS-Information Security and Assurance from Western Governors University, BS-Business Information Systems from Indiana Wesleyan University, AAS-Computer Network Systems - ITT Tech,
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    DPGDPG Member Posts: 780 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Submitted technical writing two days ago and it passed. Submitted capstone last night and it passed today.
    I literally finished within hours of my final term ending.
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    aspiringsoulaspiringsoul Member Posts: 314
    Congrats! icon_thumright.gif
    Education: MS-Information Security and Assurance from Western Governors University, BS-Business Information Systems from Indiana Wesleyan University, AAS-Computer Network Systems - ITT Tech,
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    arwesarwes Member Posts: 633 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Passed Project + last week. 5 classes and then I am DONE! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel lol.
    [size=-2]Started WGU - BS IT:NDM on 1/1/13, finished 12/31/14
    Working on: Waiting on the mailman to bring me a diploma
    What's left: Graduation![/size]
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    NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    arwes wrote: »
    Passed Project + last week. 5 classes and then I am DONE! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel lol.

    I have that this term, how was the material and test?
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    arwesarwes Member Posts: 633 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Dry and boring. The practice tests you have to do might be a bit overkill IMO. The IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish book is vastly superior to the default text, mainly because the author tends to inject some humor in the mix. The test itself, you have to move quickly since it's 100 questions in 90 minutes. I would skim, and if I knew the answer immediately I'd mark it and go. If I was unsure, I'd pick my best guess, flag it and go. On the multiple choice, there was always two obviously wrong answers and two that you could do a coin flip on. I was a bit shocked that I ended up with a 871 (out of 900), but a lot of it you can pretty much guess. For the most part the whole test is a vocabulary test, with a very small amount of math thrown in.
    [size=-2]Started WGU - BS IT:NDM on 1/1/13, finished 12/31/14
    Working on: Waiting on the mailman to bring me a diploma
    What's left: Graduation![/size]
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    NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    arwes wrote: »
    Dry and boring. The practice tests you have to do might be a bit overkill IMO. The IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish book is vastly superior to the default text, mainly because the author tends to inject some humor in the mix. The test itself, you have to move quickly since it's 100 questions in 90 minutes. I would skim, and if I knew the answer immediately I'd mark it and go. If I was unsure, I'd pick my best guess, flag it and go. On the multiple choice, there was always two obviously wrong answers and two that you could do a coin flip on. I was a bit shocked that I ended up with a 871 (out of 900), but a lot of it you can pretty much guess. For the most part the whole test is a vocabulary test, with a very small amount of math thrown in.

    THANK YOU! I wish my mentor could give me this kind of information when i ask about the test. If it is mostly terms then i should be good, I try to memorize as much as I can for these tests.
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    TheChameleonTheChameleon Member Posts: 84 ■■□□□□□□□□
    +1 it is very dry and really painful to get through since it can be boring. Trying to steer clear of the NDA (no actual test material or test prep material being provided here, just advice), there may be concepts and not just terminology. I would say like most CompTIA exams, they may offer some responses that are not valid which you should be able to rule-out if you've studied the concepts but sometimes this is not the case. I was a little shocked that I passed (89%) since I rushed through this one after a week or so of study but I wanted to knock it out quick and not go for 100%. It did help that I had done the ITIL before this.

    Most of the difficulty is that you have to study the material and it is boring. I think 100 questions is overkill and you'll wish the exam was over when you get to 60. The tips ARWES provided would apply but make sure you have time to review the flagged questions and re-review all questions, only change your answer if you know it.

    Make sure you read the question entirely, since many could be long. You would want to review the exam objects. You probably would want to review formulas and know how/when they are used and know what roles do what. Review the official sample questions to get a sense of the type/length of questions.
    Nemowolf wrote: »
    THANK YOU! I wish my mentor could give me this kind of information when i ask about the test. If it is mostly terms then i should be good, I try to memorize as much as I can for these tests.
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    mokaibamokaiba Member Posts: 162 ■■■□□□□□□□
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    NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    We all got the email from WGU … Dig that they are leading the way, just wish they had more competition so they could start to innovate more as a school.
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    srabieesrabiee Member Posts: 1,231 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I'd like to see them add more IT Masters programs. Not enough options IMO.
    WGU Progress: Master of Science - Information Technology Management (Start Date: February 1, 2015)
    Completed: LYT2, TFT2, JIT2, MCT2, LZT2, SJT2 (17 CU's)
    Required: FXT2, MAT2, MBT2, C391, C392 (13 CU's)

    Bachelor of Science - Information Technology Network Design & Management (WGU - Completed August 2014)
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    Heracles004Heracles004 Member Posts: 50 ■■■□□□□□□□
    So it took me long enough but I am officially starting WGU on 01 SEP for the Security BS. That said I am looking for some advice on the courses left for me to take. I Had 76 transfer in and have 46 left to take. My goal is to complete all 46 in a single term. the courses I have left are:

    AGC1-Foundations of College Mathematics
    CLC1-Reasoning and Problem Solving
    CJC1-Introduction to probability and Statistics
    C132-Elements of Effective Communication
    C277- Finite Mathematics
    C278-College Algebra
    INC1-Integrated Natural Sciences
    C164-Introduction to Physics
    IWC1-Literature,Arts and the Humanities
    IWC2-Literature,Arts and the Humanities:analysis and interpretation
    DJV1-Software Development Fundamentals
    BNC1-Organizational Behavior and leadership
    SBT1-Technical Writing
    RGT1-IT-Security Capstone Written Project

    Any information on study material (as far as whats good and whats not) or important focus points for each class would be appreciated. Also any guidance on recommended order or level of relative difficulty that I could use as a reference point would be a huge help.
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    parttimetechieparttimetechie Member Posts: 156
    Can someone describe how this helps in getting a job? I am looking to start the BSIT track in October, but want to make sure the college is legit and well accredited, as well as make sure I won't get laughed out of an interview because I have a degree from this school. Read some online reviews which said it wasn't a very good school, but you guys seem to think that the classes are ok? Are the classes study and take a test or is there a lot of busy work thrown in? I've got my A+, Net+, Sec+ and 70-680 done
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    srabieesrabiee Member Posts: 1,231 ■■■■■■■■□□
    It's regionally accredited, which is the highest accreditation obtainable.

    There are plenty of people on these forums who graduated from WGU and are making $70k+ per year. Some are even making $100k+.

    If anyone in an interview asks about WGU, you only need to tell them it's a state school in Utah. I doubt they will grill you on the intricacies of the degree, but the bottom line is it's regionally accredited. It's a good school. The White House recently released a press statement talking about a lot of positive things about WGU.

    WGU Progress: Master of Science - Information Technology Management (Start Date: February 1, 2015)
    Completed: LYT2, TFT2, JIT2, MCT2, LZT2, SJT2 (17 CU's)
    Required: FXT2, MAT2, MBT2, C391, C392 (13 CU's)

    Bachelor of Science - Information Technology Network Design & Management (WGU - Completed August 2014)
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    TheChameleonTheChameleon Member Posts: 84 ■■□□□□□□□□
    +1, just say it is a regionally accredited Private college. There are literally thousands of no-name schools that are fully accredited and thousands that are not accredited. Not everyone goes to a known State or Private University or even an accredited one. Different states make up different accreditation regions. WGU is part of the NorthWest region:

    Here is WGU's confirmation of NorthWest Accreditation.
    NWCCU Institutions W - Z

    Northwest Commission on Colleges & Universities – accredits institutions in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington. http://www.nwccu.org

    srabiee wrote: »
    It's regionally accredited, which is the highest accreditation obtainable.
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    NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    q1.Can someone describe how this helps in getting a job?

    q2.I am looking to start the BSIT track in October, but want to make sure the college is legit and well accredited, as well as make sure I won't get laughed out of an interview because I have a degree from this school. Read some online reviews which said it wasn't a very good school, but you guys seem to think that the classes are ok?

    q3.Are the classes study and take a test or is there a lot of busy work thrown in? I've got my A+, Net+, Sec+ and 70-680 done

    Okay, so i broke out your post into three distinct questions.

    q1. Having a bachelors degree can open MANY doors as employers will look for this as a minimum entry point for many jobs, especially ones in highly competitive areas like Silicon Valley. Specifically with WGU, your going to be earning MANY industry certifications in addition to the bachelors degree and that can really separate you from the crowd.

    q2. They already answered that its accredited and the article about the White House saying its legit and an example school of how higher education should be done. MANY threads here back up folks pushing through and getting their education AND then getting jobs as already mentioned as well.

    q3. Your classes are industry material specifically tailored to the class; for instance you will get an eletronic copy of a book and then lab simulators to get you the functional experience needed to understand and pass the certification test, which is your final. So your essentially on your own to absorb the material but as you already have certs under your belt, you know what you needed to do to pass those already. This is just a constant stream of additional coursework, not really busy work unless you need it to learn the material.

    Does that help?
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    parttimetechieparttimetechie Member Posts: 156
    Yes, very much so. Nice to know its legit and the degree will help. So basically sounds like I can take these certs and get the BS or take the certs on my own and get credit towards the BS..Is 15 hours / week really required?
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