
Student Experiences at Western Governors University (WGU)



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    NOLAJNOLAJ Member Posts: 490
    Chadius wrote: »
    I hope this is the right thread. So cliff notes version of my experience so far.

    I started January 1st, BSIT-Security. First classes use Labsim. I was using it for a week or so, but I really like to read out of books. So I bought the companion book and kept reading. Last week, I asked my mentor to move our call to a later time, because of work stuff. She couldn't. Then this week she calls, but our VOIP phones at work, were having crap time working. She emails the course mentor saying I've missed two calls, and haven't made any progress on Labsim recently (about a week). So he wants to talk with me, to come up with a way to make me excel. Jesus Christ!

    I email both of them, and tell them I cannot look at Labsim or the online book for hours at a time. My process is to read, and then do simulations if I need them. The whole point for me, she told me the simulations would not be a judgement on my progress, but that the assessment and passing the certifications would be. Just really urks me. You can't expect every persons process to be the same. And the phone thing is basically what set her off on the path of saying I am behind. I plan on taking two certs in the first part of Feb. Then my third class in march. Then I will add more classes in.

    Anyways end rant. icon_sad.gif

    Ouch hate to hear that. My experiences with mentors were never anything like that, thank goodness. She should have been more reasonable, if you explained the situation to her. Student services will change your mentor for you, with relatively little resistance, I've heard throughout the years. As far as the course mentor, I wouldn't stress it. Just study/lab it up, and knockout the cert. Put it behind you. Good luck!!icon_thumright.gif
    WGU - MBA: I.T. Management --> Graduated!!

    WGU -
    B.S. Information Technology—Network Administration --> Graduated!!

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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yea, that's what I am going to do. I plan requesting the voucher Monday or Tuesday. :)

    Thanks for calming words!
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    E_ITE_IT Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Chadius wrote: »
    I hope this is the right thread. So cliff notes version of my experience so far. I started January 1st, BSIT-Security. First classes use Labsim. I was using it for a week or so, but I really like to read out of books. So I bought the companion book and kept reading. Last week, I asked my mentor to move our call to a later time, because of work stuff. She couldn't. Then this week she calls, but our VOIP phones at work, were having crap time working. She emails the course mentor saying I've missed two calls, and haven't made any progress on Labsim recently (about a week). So he wants to talk with me, to come up with a way to make me excel. Jesus Christ! I email both of them, and tell them I cannot look at Labsim or the online book for hours at a time. My process is to read, and then do simulations if I need them. The whole point for me, she told me the simulations would not be a judgement on my progress, but that the assessment and passing the certifications would be. Just really urks me. You can't expect every persons process to be the same. And the phone thing is basically what set her off on the path of saying I am behind. I plan on taking two certs in the first part of Feb. Then my third class in march. Then I will add more classes in. Anyways end rant. icon_sad.gif
    Contact Student Services and request a new mentor. I have had 3 so far and none were like yours. I basically tell them from the get go. I go at my own pace, I don't need someone to hold my hand through the process and that I basically need someone to approve vouchers and tests when I ask for them. That being said. A little motivation is a good thing. Also it is my understanding that text messages work in place of calls now. I haven't spoken to my mentor in over a month lol. Also keep in mind that if you are in your first term they require more only because you are a new student. They will back off the deeper you get into your degree. I think I have 10 classes left right now.
    WGU - Bachelors of Science: Information Technology
    Current Course -
    Courses Left - CJC1, IWT1, BNC1, CVV1, QZT1
    Completed Courses - ORA1, WFV1, CLC1, INC1, QBT1, DHV1, INT1, CRV1, CWV1, DIV1, CTV1, TPV1, CUV1, BOV1, MGC1, DJV1, CJV1, C220, C221, C277
    Transferred - LAE1, CPV1, AGC1, AXV1, IWC1, BVC1, BBC1, LUT1, DEV1, DFV1, EUC1, EUP1, RIT1

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    hurricane1091hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
    So I sent everything in minus two transcripts, which I'll take care of tomorrow. I'm enrolled in the Security BS. Can anyone tell me what kind of doors that opens up? I liked it because it focuses on networking and I'm closest to completing that program. I know about the OSCP and things like that, but are those certifications related to the knowledge I'll gain out of this degree? I'll get some linux knowledge that I've forgotten, and databasing knowledge I simply do not have. Also some project management knowledge too, which is good. Just curious at those who have gotten this degree and what jobs they got afterwards. I have a couple 2 year degrees already and a good list of certs, plus a year of job experience (and I figure tack on another year of experience, Sec+, Linux+, Project+, plus the Bachelors) and at some point in 2016 I should be able to make a move somewhere I figure. Not sure with what yet though. I guess I'll have to pass on VCP from Stanly until I finish my degree, then I'll pick that up.

    I've read through this thread a bit but can I get some feedback? I work full time (8-5) and go to the gym four days a week, have a girlfriend I like to see on weekends and do my errands then. I don't doubt my ability to put in 10-20 hours a week still. Just curious how it works out for people in similar situations.

    What's the average amount of CUs/classes people generally take and what situation are they in? I see people taking 30-40 CUs (which I find interesting since I'm expecting to need around 40 after all my items transfer and get evaluated) but that sounds extremely difficult. One guy said he was going to take 14 classes I think. Is that realistic? Obviously I've been to school and graduated having taken 5 classes at the most I think. Just wonder if it is possible for someone working full time to accomplish this. I know you can do anything you put in the effort and time for, etc. Just looking for realistic experiences from people. Thanks!
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    NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    So I sent everything in minus two transcripts, which I'll take care of tomorrow. I'm enrolled in the Security BS. Can anyone tell me what kind of doors that opens up? I liked it because it focuses on networking and I'm closest to completing that program. I know about the OSCP and things like that, but are those certifications related to the knowledge I'll gain out of this degree? I'll get some linux knowledge that I've forgotten, and databasing knowledge I simply do not have. Also some project management knowledge too, which is good. Just curious at those who have gotten this degree and what jobs they got afterwards. I have a couple 2 year degrees already and a good list of certs, plus a year of job experience (and I figure tack on another year of experience, Sec+, Linux+, Project+, plus the Bachelors) and at some point in 2016 I should be able to make a move somewhere I figure. Not sure with what yet though. I guess I'll have to pass on VCP from Stanly until I finish my degree, then I'll pick that up.

    I've read through this thread a bit but can I get some feedback? I work full time (8-5) and go to the gym four days a week, have a girlfriend I like to see on weekends and do my errands then. I don't doubt my ability to put in 10-20 hours a week still. Just curious how it works out for people in similar situations.

    What's the average amount of CUs/classes people generally take and what situation are they in? I see people taking 30-40 CUs (which I find interesting since I'm expecting to need around 40 after all my items transfer and get evaluated) but that sounds extremely difficult. One guy said he was going to take 14 classes I think. Is that realistic? Obviously I've been to school and graduated having taken 5 classes at the most I think. Just wonder if it is possible for someone working full time to accomplish this. I know you can do anything you put in the effort and time for, etc. Just looking for realistic experiences from people. Thanks!

    I work a full time job, go to the gym 3 days a week and am a newly wed. I have my call with my mentor on Mondays and we discuss scheduling and how i would *Like* things to go during the week. By Sunday, recently more so than before, I am just starting to do some school work. Monday rolls around and I explain that life happens and stay away from details but ill try again to put in the time. Ive been on this rollercoaster before because as I am sure everyone here in this thread can attest, IT is not a dull job all the time and right now im dealing with an understaffed department and I am the only Break/Fix guy. I was getting an ear full from an exectutive when my mentor called me so i ignored the call and caught up briefly after i was done.

    I have been taking between 13-14 CU's a term and barely making it through because my work and life schedule dont always allow for me to have enough time to get a good study session in. Some of the videos are close to an hour and i hate watching it in peices. Its all relative.
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    hurricane1091hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
    mweaver84 wrote: »
    Wait til you have to study for certifications with a full time job, your own house to take care of (maybe you do? I dont know), and a new born child. If you really want your degree you won't have to "make time to study" because it is just a priority you do over other things. (ex. working out, hang out with GF, other errands)

    People saying they don't have time to study because they workout 3-4 a week is funny to me icon_rolleyes.gif I love working out and have even put together a small gym in my basement (freeweights + treadmill). But working out comes only when I am done studying or have time for a break from studying. It's not going to be a reason that I don't have enough time to study.

    What is with the hostility? I didn't make any excuses at all. I'm not concerned that this will be a problem at all. I'm always steady on the grind in the certification game and have two Associate's degrees. Been to school, know what's up for sure. Plus I have the hardest certifications out of the way already and will only need Linux+, Security+, and Project+. Security+ is pretty easy, I just took a practice test and got 15/16 correct. Already have that knowledge fortunately. Have heard people bang out the Project+ in a weekend as well. I can imagine someone having to get the CCNAs from the very beginning while also having to do other classes, it would be very hard. I'm just looking for stories from those who are full time students with hobbies other than studying and how it works out for them.

    No I will not give up the gym. No I will not stop seeing my girlfriend. IT does not run my life. Some people here it seems like it does. I definitely like what I do and what I study, but I love so much more than just IT. I love sports, working out, beers, etc. But I do have the mindset and focus to study. I will definitely fit my degree program into the schedule and not the other way around lol. I have always done that in my life with school and it has worked out fine. And no, I don't have a kid. That definitely makes it much harder. But I know I am not ready for a kid, so we take measures to prevent it from happening.

    I am already enrolled and in the works. I'm going through with this and not worried at all about not having time. If you don't have enough time you just take less classes - simple. Fortunately I have no problem putting in 2 hours during the week each day and if need be can put it whatever else I need to on the weekend. Sundays are usually available to me.
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    hurricane1091hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Nemowolf wrote: »
    I work a full time job, go to the gym 3 days a week and am a newly wed. I have my call with my mentor on Mondays and we discuss scheduling and how i would *Like* things to go during the week. By Sunday, recently more so than before, I am just starting to do some school work. Monday rolls around and I explain that life happens and stay away from details but ill try again to put in the time. Ive been on this rollercoaster before because as I am sure everyone here in this thread can attest, IT is not a dull job all the time and right now im dealing with an understaffed department and I am the only Break/Fix guy. I was getting an ear full from an exectutive when my mentor called me so i ignored the call and caught up briefly after i was done.

    I have been taking between 13-14 CU's a term and barely making it through because my work and life schedule dont always allow for me to have enough time to get a good study session in. Some of the videos are close to an hour and i hate watching it in peices. Its all relative.

    I know what you mean. I'm not sure what people here do all day where they can study for 4 hours at work. I'm usually busy myself. I should be able to read during my lunch break or something though.
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    mweaver84mweaver84 Member Posts: 44 ■■■□□□□□□□
    What is with the hostility? I didn't make any excuses at all. I'm not concerned that this will be a problem at all. I'm always steady on the grind in the certification game and have two Associate's degrees. Been to school, know what's up for sure. Plus I have the hardest certifications out of the way already and will only need Linux+, Security+, and Project+. Security+ is pretty easy, I just took a practice test and got 15/16 correct. Already have that knowledge fortunately. Have heard people bang out the Project+ in a weekend as well. I can imagine someone having to get the CCNAs from the very beginning while also having to do other classes, it would be very hard. I'm just looking for stories from those who are full time students with hobbies other than studying and how it works out for them.

    No I will not give up the gym. No I will not stop seeing my girlfriend. IT does not run my life. Some people here it seems like it does. I definitely like what I do and what I study, but I love so much more than just IT. I love sports, working out, beers, etc. But I do have the mindset and focus to study. I will definitely fit my degree program into the schedule and not the other way around lol. I have always done that in my life with school and it has worked out fine. And no, I don't have a kid. That definitely makes it much harder. But I know I am not ready for a kid, so we take measures to prevent it from happening.

    I am already enrolled and in the works. I'm going through with this and not worried at all about not having time. If you don't have enough time you just take less classes - simple. Fortunately I have no problem putting in 2 hours during the week each day and if need be can put it whatever else I need to on the weekend. Sundays are usually available to me.

    lol, no hostility, apologize if I came across that way. I guess I just misunderstood when you said "Just curious how it works out for people in similar situations. " and you gave a bunch of other random things you did with your time. Of course you should have your time to have fun, and sounds like you also put in good enough time studying right now too :) Work to live, not live to work
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    hurricane1091hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I didn't mean to come off as someone making excuses. I just named random things to get someone to tell me about their experience who is in a current situation. If you someone does not work full time or go to the gym/have a gf/are young enough to not have to worry about doing certain errands your situation would obviously not be the same as mine, so your experience would vary.
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    iBrokeITiBrokeIT Member Posts: 1,318 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I ran into the same issue with my mentor giving me difficult call times. I informed her I work +40 hours a week which took priority over WGU and I was unavailable until after 6:00pm CST. (If she didn't have any available times I would have contacted Student Services to request a new mentor that fit my availability.)

    Two weeks later she found a time slow that worked for both of us...
    2019: GPEN | GCFE | GXPN | GICSP | CySA+ 
    2020: GCIP | GCIA 
    2021: GRID | GDSA | Pentest+ 
    2022: GMON | GDAT
    2023: GREM  | GSE | GCFA

    WGU BS IT-NA | SANS Grad Cert: PT&EH | SANS Grad Cert: ICS Security | SANS Grad Cert: Cyber Defense Ops SANS Grad Cert: Incident Response
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    JamesKurtovichJamesKurtovich Member Posts: 195
    I finally took the plunge and applied today. They called as soon as I filled out my contact information. My EC seems like a knowledgeable guy and it seems like he's on the ball -- he's even going to send me a code to waive the application fee. Let's hope my assigned Mentor is the same.

    Thanks to TE for these two massively informative threads!
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    mweaver84mweaver84 Member Posts: 44 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I didn't mean to come off as someone making excuses. I just named random things to get someone to tell me about their experience who is in a current situation. If you someone does not work full time or go to the gym/have a gf/are young enough to not have to worry about doing certain errands your situation would obviously not be the same as mine, so your experience would vary.

    Close... =P Been married 5 years, have a kid, a house, have my own gym in my basement, and pretty much am the whole IT Dept for 150 users. If working out means more then study thats fine. Different strokes for different folks. Conversion getting a little off topic, sounds like your doing just fine though. Take it easy icon_cheers.gif
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    hurricane1091hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
    mweaver84 wrote: »
    Close... =P Been married 5 years, have a kid, a house, have my own gym in my basement, and pretty much am the whole IT Dept for 150 users. If working out means more then study thats fine. Different strokes for different folks. Conversion getting a little off topic, sounds like your doing just fine though. Take it easy icon_cheers.gif

    Well getting this degree is very important to me. I guess I'm just hoping I am still able to do the other things I do - Like go to soccer games, workout, etc. I'll do whatever it takes to get my degree though.
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    My mentor (yea the same one), said that WGU has a policy of not allowing CCNA classes in the first term. Anyone know if this is true? I would like to at least knock out the CCENT one before term ends. I have Security + left and then I am open to bring in classes.
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    stryder144stryder144 Member Posts: 1,684 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I, too, was told that the CCNA classes are considered more "advanced", similar to taking 300-400 level classes in a "normal" university. Because of that, they are not allowed to be placed at the beginning of ones educational journey (except if you have most of the other technical classes finished via prior certification/classwork). Makes sense to me, I suppose.
    The easiest thing to be in the world is you. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position. ~ Leo Buscaglia

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    hurricane1091hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I really hope I can take the CCNA Security first term! I've been studying for a while.
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    JamesKurtovichJamesKurtovich Member Posts: 195
    After a two week wait, I finally got my transfer eval: 25 CUs. Not bad for three CompTIA certs and two English classes.
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    JamesKurtovichJamesKurtovich Member Posts: 195
    I just completed my intake interview. I honestly can't believe how quick and painless this whole process has been.
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    hurricane1091hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
    LordSevink wrote: »
    I just completed my intake interview. I honestly can't believe how quick and painless this whole process has been.

    That's awesome. I haven't really had the same success as you unfortunately. I started this process a month ago and it's still on going. I've been told April 1 this entire time and called yesterday and was told the date entered in the computer was January 1 which is impossible because I just started applying at the end of that month. So that is why they have not been moving forward with financial aid stuff. Kind of a crappy entrance process. I called my entrance counselor and left a message begging her to enter April 1 in the computer so I can get started, but she didn't answer. Never answers e-mails either. We'll see what happens I guess.
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    TR4V1STYTR4V1STY Member Posts: 62 ■■■□□□□□□□
    That's awesome. I haven't really had the same success as you unfortunately. I started this process a month ago and it's still on going. I've been told April 1 this entire time and called yesterday and was told the date entered in the computer was January 1 which is impossible because I just started applying at the end of that month. So that is why they have not been moving forward with financial aid stuff. Kind of a crappy entrance process. I called my entrance counselor and left a message begging her to enter April 1 in the computer so I can get started, but she didn't answer. Never answers e-mails either. We'll see what happens I guess.

    I've been reading your postings hurricane, and I just cant see how you are having so much trouble.

    You honestly remind me of one of my customers that just throws their hands up when something goes wrong.

    I also started this process a month ago, 1 month exactly actually, see my posting here: http://www.techexams.net/forums/jobs-degrees/108022-just-applied-wgu-excited.html

    I have had a couple hiccups, but nothing crazy. I have never needed to call my counselor for a question. I either found my answer here on these forums via the search feature, or I found documentation on the my.wgu.edu portal.
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    ElegyxElegyx Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
    TR4V1STY wrote: »
    I've been reading your postings hurricane, and I just cant see how you are having so much trouble.

    You honestly remind me of one of my customers that just throws their hands up when something goes wrong.

    I also started this process a month ago, 1 month exactly actually, see my posting here: http://www.techexams.net/forums/jobs-degrees/108022-just-applied-wgu-excited.html

    I have had a couple hiccups, but nothing crazy. I have never needed to call my counselor for a question. I either found my answer here on these forums via the search feature, or I found documentation on the my.wgu.edu portal.

    I'm in the same boat as you. The process is about as easy as they come by.
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    hurricane1091hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
    TR4V1STY wrote: »
    I've been reading your postings hurricane, and I just cant see how you are having so much trouble.

    You honestly remind me of one of my customers that just throws their hands up when something goes wrong.

    I also started this process a month ago, 1 month exactly actually, see my posting here: http://www.techexams.net/forums/jobs-degrees/108022-just-applied-wgu-excited.html

    I have had a couple hiccups, but nothing crazy. I have never needed to call my counselor for a question. I either found my answer here on these forums via the search feature, or I found documentation on the my.wgu.edu portal.

    Disagree. I've graduated from 2 colleges and been to a third, so I'm familiar with the process. When you get them on the phone, I would agree that they are helpful for the most part. Just finding out that they are sitting on my transcripts because of incorrect start date is one of the few frustrating things I've come across. You can't find that answer here or online, you have to call and get them to fix it, but it's hard to get in contact with her until we have a meeting. Have asked about what would happen if program changed when I first applied and was told it would not affect me, so seeing people get affected concerns me as well.
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    TR4V1STYTR4V1STY Member Posts: 62 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Disagree. I've graduated from 2 colleges and been to a third, so I'm familiar with the process. When you get them on the phone, I would agree that they are helpful for the most part. Just finding out that they are sitting on my transcripts because of incorrect start date is one of the few frustrating things I've come across. You can't find that answer here or online, you have to call and get them to fix it, but it's hard to get in contact with her until we have a meeting. Have asked about what would happen if program changed when I first applied and was told it would not affect me, so seeing people get affected concerns me as well.

    That's pretty frustrating, I bet. I've also been through the enrollment process in various local community colleges. WGU has been a pleasant surprise for me.

    I saw on the homepage of WGU you can chat live with someone. I haven't tried that yet, but maybe you could give it a shot.
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    ElegyxElegyx Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
    TR4V1STY wrote: »
    That's pretty frustrating, I bet. I've also been through the enrollment process in various local community colleges. WGU has been a pleasant surprise for me.

    I saw on the homepage of WGU you can chat live with someone. I haven't tried that yet, but maybe you could give it a shot.

    Am I just missing the link to Live Chat with someone on there homepage because I don't see it in Chrome or IE 11? That'd be SWEET if they had Live Chat. Sometimes doing live chat is just ten times better than calling and listening to prompts/talking.
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    hurricane1091hurricane1091 Member Posts: 919 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Live chat just pops up if you'd wondered randomly long enough on the site.
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    ajmatsonajmatson Member Posts: 289
    Well finished my BS Information Technnology - Security today and I can say it was a long but fulfilling road with WGU. This has been the best experience and school I have attended (and I have been to a lot). Anyone looking to get a good solid degree with certs this is a no brainer. Congrats to those starting.
    Working on currently:
    Masters Degree Information Security and Assurance (WGU) / Estimated 06/01/2016
    Next Up: CCNP Routing Exam | Certified Ethical Hacker Exam
    Cisco Lab: ASA 5506-X, GNS3, 1x 2801 Router, 1x 2650XM, 1x 3750-48TS-E switch, 2x 3550 EMI Switches and 1x 2950T swtich.
    Juniper Lab: 1x SRX100H2, 1x J2320 (1GB Flash/1GB RAM, JunOS 11.4R7.5), and 4 JunOS Firefly vSRX Routers in VMWare ESXi 5.1
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    srabieesrabiee Member Posts: 1,231 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Congrats! Awesome achievement!
    WGU Progress: Master of Science - Information Technology Management (Start Date: February 1, 2015)
    Completed: LYT2, TFT2, JIT2, MCT2, LZT2, SJT2 (17 CU's)
    Required: FXT2, MAT2, MBT2, C391, C392 (13 CU's)

    Bachelor of Science - Information Technology Network Design & Management (WGU - Completed August 2014)
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    ajmatsonajmatson Member Posts: 289
    Thank you, its a great feeling :)
    Working on currently:
    Masters Degree Information Security and Assurance (WGU) / Estimated 06/01/2016
    Next Up: CCNP Routing Exam | Certified Ethical Hacker Exam
    Cisco Lab: ASA 5506-X, GNS3, 1x 2801 Router, 1x 2650XM, 1x 3750-48TS-E switch, 2x 3550 EMI Switches and 1x 2950T swtich.
    Juniper Lab: 1x SRX100H2, 1x J2320 (1GB Flash/1GB RAM, JunOS 11.4R7.5), and 4 JunOS Firefly vSRX Routers in VMWare ESXi 5.1
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    JamesKurtovichJamesKurtovich Member Posts: 195
    ajmatson wrote: »
    Well finished my BS Information Technnology - Security today and I can say it was a long but fulfilling road with WGU. This has been the best experience and school I have attended (and I have been to a lot). Anyone looking to get a good solid degree with certs this is a no brainer. Congrats to those starting.

    Nice! I can't wait to start.
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    Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    ajmatson wrote: »
    Well finished my BS Information Technnology - Security today and I can say it was a long but fulfilling road with WGU.

    Congrats! Are you going to the commencement? If you can go I'd say go! Going to the commencement gave me the closure that I needed graduating did not feel real until the actual ceremony. Also, if you are friendly you can network with all types of people from IT.
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