Post Your Lab (PICS)
sexion8 Member Posts: 242
DirtySouth wrote:Embryonic, huh?
Half open. One of the other things I have to keep in mind is the restricted use of filtering at times. E.g.: advertise r6's loop0 ( only if r4's entry is absent from the the bgp table on r6 WITHOUT USING filter lists, prefix lists or distribute lists...
One that took me a while was to configure a router behind my pix to peer using md5 with another outside of the Pix... Sound simple?
Router1 via BGP (md5 hashed packet with specific sequence number) --> Pix --> Router2
What happens? Router1 --> Pix (sequence number changes) --> Router2 (what you talking about Willis)
Fix? nonrandomseq. Took me a whopping 4 books to skim through, CCO reading, and kicking my Pix to figure it out."Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius -
iproute Member Posts: 269
Built with spare company owned equip.CCNP Progress
Darthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
finally a picture... crappy camera phone one though
equipment list as shown:
2620 64/16 now yay
Couple transceivers, console cables, various crossover & v.35 dte-dce cables.
not shown:
2x 2504
what seems like a million straight throughs,
PC & Laptop
soon to come:
in the process of building a rack
eyeing another 2620 cheaply
a 2950...Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.
In Progress: 70-640, 70-685 -
iproute Member Posts: 269
NightShade1 wrote:sexion with what program you do those diagrams?
Microsoft Visio: Progress
garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
Some nice labs here. I just liquidated my lab to eBay
Cisco 3560
Cisco 3548G
Cisco IDS 4215
Cisco PIX501
Cisco 2950-24 SX
Cisco BBSM
My favorite mount for switches is the Black Box wall mount bracket. Simply the best. -
sexion8 Member Posts: 242
NightShade1 wrote:sexion with what program you do those diagrams?
As replied above, i used Visio... A neat handy little program for those who want a free one is Network Notepad
I have to really update pictures though... Ive since changed stuff around and will be ridding myself of all 25xx series... My house is starting to become a mess.. My lab now consists of....
3 2612's
1 2610
2 4500-m's (1 w/2 NP-4T's & 6 port Eth the other with w/1 ATM 1/6port Eth 1/NP-4T)
2 3620's (1 w/NM-8A/S other with NM-2E and serial wics)
3 3810v's
2 3550's (cat's)
2 1924 (cat's)
1 Cat5000 w/ATM modules...
3 7960's (mainly because of work... but I do sidebar CCVP studying too)
1 2524
1 2521
2 2501's
2 Netscouts (1 fiber, 1 eth)
1 506e Pix
I have all serials for all models and an 8port serial on one 3620... I have too many wic's to list... I think I surpassed my work lab at this point... Only difference between my work lab and home is, I have VoIP FXS and FXO wics and modules for the 3620's at work...
No more buying for me though... I just got the 2612's because the 25xx series wouldn't push the IOS version I need. I had been looking for the VPN concentrator but I keep getting outbid and I don't feel like spending 1 grand on it. I will take some updated (wired) pics next week.
Forerunner 3810 ATM Switch
2 Juniper 5XT's
1 Sonicwall Pro 2040
2 Polycom 501's
1 Snom 360
1 Netra T1 (used as my TACACS+ server)
For those looking for a rack... (I know I was) I went into a store near me called Guitar Center and bought a 20u case usually for recording equipment for 69.99 complete with pre-drilled holes. It's not enough space, but I improvised
Those looking to keep book costs down... I get most of my books here... Search Cisco... And not $0.99 for a Cisco Press book is not a misprint... Most of the 15 or so books I've gotten from them have actually been in excellent condition"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius -
sexion8 Member Posts: 242
You know... I've come to the conclusion I probably have more equipment than most SoHo companies, and little ISP's...
Pictured... (bottom to top)
Netscout T1/E1 Probe
Fore ES-3810 (ATM)
(under the books)
Pix 506e
Not pictured are 3 26xx's since I'm waiting for more NM-8A's (I have 3) and one NM-4A, 2 35xx's (Catalyst) my Netscout Fiber tap, or my cat 5000. Besides I'm lacking space right now... And like a dozen books since I have them in my bag, @ work, in the kitchen, in the bathroom. Sad isn't it... On a side note, (different posting), its good to see I'm not the only "dinosaur" here... Anyone who remembers coinop Tron, Bezerk, Missile Command, Atari's 2600 and 5200
... (34)
Lazy man's note... I'll be running the entire lab via wireless after its wired up... So I don't have to hear all of the noise. @ Work I have about 6 routers within 1 1/2 feet of me, 4 switches including an LS1010, ISDN simulator, 4 CCM's, a Sun E450, 280r, and other stuff... ... What? ... What? ... What? Yes my hearing is getting bad..."Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius -
sexion8 Member Posts: 242
DarbyWeaver wrote:Figure - I gave away "AT LEAST" 5 racks of gear with about 6 routers or more and 2-3 switches each. That's a lot by itself.
Indeed it is a lot. Right now I've been waiting and waiting before I dish out money on the VPN concentratorsI'm eyeing two IDS' on eBay itching but waiting. Seems like the concentrators are selling like hotcakes and after speaking with someone about them kind of made sense. Since IE security is one of the hottest certs (according to experts...?), a lot of people have been snagging them up. Right now I'm see-sawing between dishing out on an ASA or the concentrators... I'm figuring by next spring I will take the written (wanted to this July but the update threw me for a loop), then plop out cash for a bootcamp along with my studies and then test my luck @ the lab.
Foundry@! Sadly we just ordered anotherversus a Cisco... I got a purchase order for:
CISCO7609 (1)
WS-CAC-2500W (2)
WS-SUP720 (2)
WS-X6408-GBIC (1)
WS-G5484 ( 8 )
WS-X6182-2 (1)
PA-T3 (1)
PA-MC-4T1 (1)
After discounts... +60k... My supervisor said ... No way. I pushed for an M60... No way... My co-worker loves Foundry so he did an equiv spec more or less and pushed it through. Its solely for redundancy... for my our SBC's ( which by the way I found I could DoS to oblivion... (another story... and not a public one) Mr. Darby... I admire most of the things you postas do I most of those taking the CCIE... Helps me look forward to the day I can call myself a certified pimp
Post those pix!
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius -
sexion8 Member Posts: 242
DarbyWeaver wrote:I'm closer to becoming a certifified stacking specialist more than even close to being a CCIE.Come on... I've posted randumb stages of my lab... Its not even close to where it needs to be... I just talked it over with the missus because I need 5 more serials, one more NM-4A, 2610 memory and 2521 memory... I'm also gonna get the concentrator to get it over with... First stop tho... 5 more serials and the NM-4A... The concentrator will be my birthday gift to myself (July) so I will hold off till full blown summer. Hopefully other CCIE candidates will be too busy with the beach to bother
... On that note... For others reading this... My favorite time for ebay buys are on holidays... E.g., XMas day I walked off of ebay w/a 3620 for 60+ shipping... Valentines... one of my 3810v's for 20+ shipping... There is some guy near me with another 4500m for $20 but I have no need for it... So for those building labs, read Darby's building your lab post, as well as do some deep searching... I was also fortunate enough to get my Cat5000 for free. There is a comp recovery ( not far from me... They had a couple of skids outside with a "grab what you can we need to make space" freebie so I snagged it. I saw a Unisphere chassis but figured the missus would make me live in it ...
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius -
mikej412 Member Posts: 10,086 ■■■■■■■■■■
DarbyWeaver wrote:Let me see what they look like when they get developed.
I'm thinking once you hit the CCIE level home labs, you get to start your own thread..... maybe a post per rack or picture. I'd include pictures of my books and coffee cup as part of my CCIE Lab.
Oh -- and Darby -- time spent taking and posting pictures is time you're not studying for the lab exam..... now if you can get your wife to take and post the pictures, then that would be okay. But if you're doing it as a study break between practice labs, than that is okay I guess.:mike: Cisco Certifications -- Collect the Entire Set! -
sexion8 Member Posts: 242
mikej412 wrote:Don't forget that the CCNP/CCIE stuff got split from this topic -- its just for CCNA Labs. Remember, we don't want to scare the CCNA hopefuls with things likeYou're right... I know I would be intimidated... In fact sometimes I get intimidated... Fred Baker @ Cisco intimidated me when he answered a question I shoot off at him regarding MPLS (RFC stuff) Completely schooled me on a theory I had... Let's see who else... Anyone with more than 3 CCIE's usually intimidates me although I have to say Scott Morris is a kick ass cool guy! ... Mike... You scare me ... Your cert count is longer then my monitor could handle
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius -
Rearden Member Posts: 222
Scare? As I say at work: "There's always a solution that required buying more hardware"sexion8 wrote:Mike... You scare me ... Your cert count is longer then my monitor could handle
Luckily, I have a widescreen monitor.More systems have been wiped out by admins than any cracker could do in a lifetime. -
sexion8 Member Posts: 242
DarbyWeaver wrote:You my friend are on THE list.
I do have a lot more L2/L3 switches.... Hah!
And even ATM Switches.
Sad I think of this as even remotely something to smile about.
Wait... Me or Mike? I only have 7 switches @ home including 1 ATM non Cisco (Fore)... Does my work lab count on this? I have an LS1010, 3 3750's, 3 3550's, and an extreme I use as a foot rest...Wait a second..... I even have like who knows how many Lunksys'! has to count for something. Alright
my Frankenstein lab is a bit out of control
"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius -
redgoblin Member Posts: 57 ■■□□□□□□□□
Out of interest guys (and for those peeps who have quite alot of equipment), how do you manage the power to these devices??? In other words, if you have say at least 10 devices, do you have some sort of surge protector or other device to make sure the equipment doesnt get overloaded? -
mikej412 Member Posts: 10,086 ■■■■■■■■■■
Equipment plugged into UPSs which are plugged into the good surge protectors.:mike: Cisco Certifications -- Collect the Entire Set! -
iproute Member Posts: 269
Some pics from my home lab (which is still in the process of being built) of my client server.
Bunch o' NICs
The 4 virtual machines running on MS Virtual Server 2005 R2CCNP Progress
Rearden Member Posts: 222
That's a really good idea. I keep vmware on this PC and I could install some clients and some extra network cards and be able to have real clients without having to take my machine's main connection offline.More systems have been wiped out by admins than any cracker could do in a lifetime. -
Darthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
nice with the virtual server and all. i might look into adding a few more network cards to my desktop and trying that. i hate having to change cables and network addresses on labs.Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.
In Progress: 70-640, 70-685 -
sarge Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
in above i see all labs picture, its nice to see, but anyone can to post all practical labs with pic , i also doing the lab progect in ccna with pic, in this reason i need help, pls post -
Darthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
eh. what?
edit: it looks like we can add a 3620 to my list of lab equipment.
3620 with 64MB Dram
will be looking for a 32MB flash card, and a 1E2W or 2E2W (with 1 or 2 1 WIC-Ts for serial)Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.
In Progress: 70-640, 70-685 -
sexion8 Member Posts: 242
Darthn3ss wrote:eh. what?
edit: it looks like we can add a 3620 to my list of lab equipment.
3620 with 64MB Dram
will be looking for a 32MB flash card, and a 1E2W or 2E2W (with 1 or 2 1 WIC-Ts for serial)
If you havent bought an 1e2 yet and are looking let me know. I bought a couple for 35.00 (each)... Depending on where you are though, you will likely have to pay shipping..."Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius -
Darthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
i picked one up but i still may take one later on to fill the other slot...Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.
In Progress: 70-640, 70-685 -
NightShade1 Member Posts: 433 ■■■□□□□□□□
Where you got that icon pack for routers and all that you got in there? for sure it doesnt come with visio...
I got some other pack but i like more those icons you got in there.... -
bighornsheep Member Posts: 1,506
NightShade1 wrote:sexion8
Where you got that icon pack for routers and all that you got in there?
send me a pm, I can email 2 files for you.Jack of all trades, master of none