*TechNotes* Network+



  • bjjrickbjjrick Member Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hi, bought theem a few days ago, good stuff!
    I am currently A+, and scheduled to take the Network + test on Dec 1st
  • ChrisHaChrisHa Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Just wanted to say thanks for all of the info you have taken the time to put together, it is really appreciated!
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Thanks for the thanks :D I hope it'll help you pass and learn something at the same time.
  • 3000GT3000GT Member Posts: 212
    I would like to purchase the Net+ guide but i dont have any of the cards its asking for icon_sad.gif no paypal at all??!
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Hi RobsonGTO,

    Please PM me and I'm sure we'll be able to work something out. Paypal is an option.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I just uploaded the first updated-for-the-N10-003-objectives Network+ TechNotes:

    icon_arrow.gifMedia and Topologies

    I added the essentials for the following new exam objectives.
    - 10BASE-FL, 10GBASE-SR, 10GBASE-LR and 10GBASE-ER
    - IEEE1394 (FireWire)
    - LC (Local Connector)
    - MTRJ (Mechanical Transfer Registered Jack)
    - SMF (Single Mode Fiber) optic cable
    - MMF (Multimode Fiber) optic cable

    Although CompTIA removed 10Base2, 10Base5, BNC, AUI from the N10-003 exam objectives, I decided to leave those items in these notes for the sake of completeness and examples of the Bus topology. I may add or rearrange some sections later on when I'm updating the other notes. Wireless networking will be included in separate TechNotes (inlcuding F-type connectors).

    Apart from the additions, I rewrote and expanded several other parts and improved readability, I hope :D

    As always, feel free to post comments and/or make suggestions before this ends up in the N10-003 PDFs.

  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I updated the Network Components TechNotes to comply with the new exam objectives, and improve readability.


    It covers the following N10-003 exam objectives:

    1.6 Identify the purposes, features and functions of the following network components:
    - Hubs
    - Switches
    - Bridges
    - Routers
    - Gateways
    - CSU / DSU (Channel Service Unit / Data Service Unit)
    - NICs (Network Interface Card)
    - Modems
    - Transceivers (media converters)

    2.1 Identify a MAC (Media Access Control) address and its parts.

    2.4 Identify the OSI layers at which the following network components operate:
    - Hubs
    - Switches
    - Bridges
    - Routers
    - Network Interface Cards

    3.8 Identify the main characteristics of VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks).

    4.3 Given a network scenario, interpret visual indicators (For example: link LEDs (Light Emitting Diode) and collision LEDs (Light Emitting Diode)) to determine the nature of a stated problem.

    The exam objectives mention also ISDN adapters, which will be covered in WAN Technologies TechNotes, and Wireless Access Points, which will be covered in Wireless Networking TechNotes.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I updated the OSI model TechNotes for the N10-003 exam:

    Not much changes in the exam objectives, apart from adding WAPs (Wireless Access Points), which will be covered in more detail in other TechNotes.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I updated the TCP/IP Suite TechNotes for the N10-003 exam:

    This was another fairly major update. I rewrote almost everything to improve readability and to include the new exam objectives covering SCP, SFTP, LDAP, LPR, IGMP and much more.
  • skubyskuby Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    The tech notes are excellent!
    I was totally confused because in some places it said that 100baseFX uses only MMF but I got a practice question wrong where they were asking for SMF as the mode type for 100BaseFX.

    I searched high & low on the web (I'm doing the Network+ to make money, not to spend it!!) and only in these tech notes was the non-standard option to use SMF for distances over 2km explained.

    Thank you!
    I can't afford to fail... having this resource has given me a lot more confidence in my ability to pass

  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I just finished a major update of the "Internet Connections" TechNotes, which are now N10-003 compliant :)


    Apart from rewriting some topics including NAT, firewalls, and proxies, I added information for the exam objectives about POTS/PSTN, DSL, cable, satellite, and wireless internet access.
  • awheroawhero Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    GREAT site, found it on google. By the way, as I am going to take my network+ exam very very soon, I was wondering if there is still materials to be updated for the 003 version of the exam. If yes, can I kindly ask when do you think you will have the "whole" network+ notes updated? If not soon, may I ask for suggestions on other soures(links, website) that I can study to prepare myself for the new exam? *NOTE* I had a lot of materials books etc for the old exam... but I think I spend ENOUGH already so I try to avoid getting myself a new book for the new exam. However, really need to take it asap...

    Lastly, or do you think it would be good enough to just study all what you have as current version... considering with the amount of new materials that you still haven't updated at this point(a lot or minor things only)...

    THANKS a lot, excellent site!
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I'm sorry for the late reply to the above, I guess I never noticed it. I hope to have the remaining Network+ TechNotes updated and the PDFs ready before our 4th anniversary in June. I suggest using the TechNotes together with other study material, but you can always fill in the missing pieces by googling for the missing objectives.

    I just finished updating the Remote Access and Security Protocol TechNotes, which covers the following exam objectives:

    2.16 Define the function of the following remote access protocols and services:
    - RAS (Remote Access Service)
    - PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
    - SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)
    - PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)
    - PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)
    - VPN (Virtual Private Network)
    - RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)

    2.17 Identify the following security protocols and describe their purpose and function:
    - IPSec (Internet Protocol Security)
    - L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol)
    - SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
    - 802.1x

    Apart from adding the 'new' exam objectives, I rewrote pretty much all of it. The following TechNotes, "Authentication Protocols", will be a new separate TechNote. I wrote the topics for those already in more detail for the Security+ exam, so I should have the Network+ version of those same topics probably online this week.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I just uploaded new TechNotes for the N10-003 exam. 'New' because it covers topic that weren't on the previous version of Network+ exam, hence nor the previous version of my TechNotes.

    icon_arrow.gifAuthentication Protocols

    It covers the following exam objectives:

    2.18 Identify authentication protocols (For example: CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), MS-CHAP (Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service), Kerberos and EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)).

    I'll post some more updated N10-003 TechNotes soon!

  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Updated the TCP/IP Utilities TechNotes to cover the additional N10-003 exam objectives and improve readability:
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Updated the Network Services TechNotes. The 'network services'
    listed in the exam objectives but not in the this technote will be covered in other section. I'll post the updated version of the WAN Technologies TechNotes this weekend and maybe some others as well... :D
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Finished the updated version of the WAN Technologies TechNotes:

    For some vague reason CompTIA removed Frame Relay and ATM during the N10-002 -> N10-003 update, but add the older packet switching technologie X.25. I decided to leave FR and ATM as they are more current technologies than X.25 and you may still get questioned on them in regards to the "Packet switching" objective.

    I plan to finish another one later today, maybe tomorrow...
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Added new TechNotes covering a single exam objective:

    3.10 Identify the purpose, benefits and characteristics of using antivirus software.


    A bit smaller than usual, because it covers only one exam objectives, which didn't fit in somwhere else, but is still packed with some essential information for Network+, which hopefully is not that much news for anyone using a computer ;). For a more detailed overview of malware, viruses I suggest reading my Malicious Code Security TechNotes.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I still need to update/write the following Network+ TechNotes:

    - Wireless Networking - This will be a new one, although I'll reuse some bits from the Wireless Networking Security+ TechNotes.
    - Network Support - this will be an update, and I'll probably save this one for last.
    - Fault Tolerance & Disaster Recovery - I plan to finish this one within the next couple of days.
    - OS Specific Networking (not sure on the title yet...) will be a huge update/rewrite of the UNIX/Linux, Apple Mac, Microsoft, and Netware specific TechNotes combined into one chapter/TechNotes.

    After finishing the above, I'll be writing and updating hundreds of questions for the Special Edition and then release both PDFs (free and SE version) at the same time. No final ETA yet, but we're getting there :D
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Updated the Fault Tolerance and Disaster Recovery TechNotes, which is now also N10-003 compliant :D


    It covers the following exam objectives:

    3.11 Identify the purpose and characteristics of fault tolerance:
    - Power
    - Link redundancy
    - Storage
    - Services

    3.12 Identify the purpose and characteristics of disaster recovery:
    - Backup / restore
    - Offsite storage
    - Hot and cold spares

    Next in line is the Wireless Networking TechNotes, which I also hope to finish within the next couple of days.

    If you have any comments, suggestions, or notice any weird things or typos etc, please let me know so I can fix it before I create the PDFs.

  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I just added new TechNotes for Apple's Mac related exam objectives. It left most of the information about AppleTalk in it, because, somewhat unfortunate imo, CompTIA didn't remove it from the exam objectives, yet.


    In addition to a rewrite of the AppleTalk TechNotes, it covers more current networking technologies from Apple such as Appleshare, Open Directory and Bonjour.

    More updated and new TechNotes very soon!

    Johan :D
  • bighornsheepbighornsheep Member Posts: 1,506
    I've been going through the technote on Network+ for a few days now, it's great material!

    Thank you so much!
    Jack of all trades, master of none
  • bighornsheepbighornsheep Member Posts: 1,506

    I just realized that the PDF version is from 2001.....doh!
    no wonder my Meyer's book seems to have more stuff!

    more printing for me...!
    Jack of all trades, master of none
  • obeedobeed Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hi All,

    I must say this is a fabulous site. It will be of great help to me as i prepare for my Network+ exams. Keep up the great work.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    I just uploaded new TechNotes for the Network+ exam:

    icon_arrow.gifWireless Networking
    It's over 10 pages of detailed information covering the wireless networking related exam objectives listed below.
    1.2 Specify the main features of 802.11 (wireless) networking technologies, including:
    - Speed
    - Access Method (CSMA / CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance))
    - Topology
    - Media

    1.4 Recognize the following media connectors and/or describe their uses:
    - F-Type

    1.6 Identify the purposes, features and functions of the following network components:
    - WAPs (Wireless Access Points)

    1.7 Specify the general characteristics (For example: carrier speed, frequency, transmission type and topology) of the following wireless technologies:
    - 802.11 (Frequency hopping spread spectrum)
    - 802.11x (Direct sequence spread spectrum)
    - Infrared
    - Bluetooth

    1.8 Identify factors that affect the range and speed of wireless service (For example: interference, antenna type and environmental factors).

    2.3 Identify the OSI (Open Systems Interconnect) layers at which the following network components operate:
    - WAPs (Wireless Access Point)

    2.17 Identify the following security protocols and describe their purpose and function:
    - WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
    - WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)

    This leaves a some updating of the OS specific and Troubleshooting TechNotes, which I'll do very soon, and then we'll release an updated PDF, finally. I will also update the online practice questions this month, to provide some better coverage of topics in updated/new TechNotes.

    Anyway, as always, let me know if you have any comments.

  • kahawalakahawala Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I did my exam today and fail. score only 534.. finally i got here this evening , thinks god. this is the place i must sit and read all the articles..

    Thanks web master
  • DiddycoonDiddycoon Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I'll be taking my Network+ exam on the 22nd of March.

    I've just finished studying the Sybex forth edition a couple of days ago and of
    the practice questions I've taken to date I've score roughly 70-75% correct.

    The OSI Model is my worst subject by far and of coarse there are a few other things I'm rusty on.
    I still have couple of weeks to soak up some more information and keep everything fresh in my mind.

    But I'm so glad I've come across this forum.
    There is alot of useful information and constructive members discussion contained within.
    Thanks for the tech notes, I'll be sure to put them to good use in the upcoming week or so.

  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Thanks for the thanks guys :D

    I just updated (and renamed) two more Network+ TechNotes:

    - The Network Support and Troubleshooting TechNotes

    - The Microsoft Networking TechNotes (formerly "NetBEUI and NETBIOS")

    Both were and still are relatively short TechNotes. I added and edited some comments in the Network Support TechNotes and the Microsoft Networking now contain some general basics about Windows networks, NetBEUI and NETBIOS (still in exam objectives), and a couple of lines about SMB/CIFS.

    Note that, like the rest of these TechNotes, they are written specifically for the current Network+ exam objectives, which typically do not the latest technologies and versions.

    This leaves two TechNotes to be updated before I can put them all together in a PDF, on which I'm currently working and will post probably this week:
    Netware OS & Protocols (IPX/SPX)

    After that I'll take about a week to edit and format it for the free PDF, so if you have any comments/suggestions etc, this would be a great time to let me know.

    There will 'not' be a Special Edition PDF, but we are working on something else 'special'... more about that later this summer.
  • 7255carl7255carl Member Posts: 1,544 ■■■□□□□□□□
    i just wanted to show my appreciation for the network+ technotes, the level of work you have put in is incredible, and they helped me lots so far and will no doubt continue to do so.

    keep up the good work

    thanks again :D
    W.I.P CCNA Cyber Ops
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Thanks Carl! :)

    I just uploaded the updated version of UNIX/Linux TechNotes:

    Together with the ones for MAC OS X, Microsoft, and Netware networking they were originally planned as a single 'chapter' in the PDF. Anyway 1 more to go... and it's almost finished :D
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