Recieved my Psycho-analysis email!!



  • mtbjaminmtbjamin Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I don't think enough people in the industry know about this incident. These quiet private apologies need to be made public. CISSP is supposed to be the "Industry Standard". This is pretty much the only forum I've seen discussing this issue?!? The damage is done. These damage control emails aren't working for me. As one already said... Some of our jobs depend on this.
    Passed: CISSP, Security+, Network+, A+Working on: CCNA, C|EH
  • CorrantCorrant Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I can't even put into words my displeasure with this entire situation. 4/29 is when I took my damn exam. Understanding and hoping I'd have a quick 4 week turn around for results. I figured if I failed it'd be a nice little break, get back to studying and test again late June. If I passed, potentially be endorsed by late June.

    Now we have to wait on results from a company in ISC2 that has NO IDEA when or why they haven't received the results from PV. So all isc2 can do is shrug their shoulders and say, maybe Friday, maybe next week, who knows?

    Wow. People's jobs may depend heavily on these results. There are test takers that are responsible for reimbursing their employer if they failed having to come out of pocket for training and the cost of the test.

    This is absolutely ridiculous.
  • randomusernamerandomusername Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I need something to break right now, I am trying to hold my temper, but this is just so absolutely frustrating. Once I get my results 7 weeks late I can begin the attestation and endorsement which will take another 7 weeks. I have a facial tick that won't stop now, and I just want to move on, but I am just so angry.

    To see my manager every morning and have to answer the question "have you passed yet?" with "No, they still haven't release the results". It's getting to the point that he seems to not believe me any more. My job depends on this, and in the unlikely event that i failed, I needed to retake the exam already. But nope, I'm just stuck here in limbo, spinning my wheels, my manager losing faith in me that I am not as skilled and competent as I have said I am.

    I don't know whether to go to a bar get drunk and beat someone up, check myself into a mental hospital, or just curl up and cry until the results come out.

    This. This is how I feel. So incredibly frustrating. I really hope ISC2 will help expedite the certification process for all of us who have had to not only wait, but sit through email after email of misinformation and missed deadlines. I'm losing faith in the confidence of ISC2 and this certification.
  • CorrantCorrant Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I sent an email to ISC2 expressing my displeasure.
    I hope everyone else affected does the same.
  • reaganhalfreaganhalf Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Since the pattern here is starting to look like Pearson lost or corrupted our exam results and we'll all have to retest, I mentioned it over coffee this morning to a friend of mine who is a corporate attorney. She couldn't give me a lot of recommendations because she needed a lot more information than I had with me. But she did suggest that we all start collecting every communications we've received and keep them in a folder - this includes from scheduling and paying for the exam, to the paper we received at the exam site after completing the exam to the emails we've received the past couple weeks to even the postings in this forum. She couldn't say whether we should sue as a class or sue individually, but said that it sounded like each of us may have a unique set of circumstances which in turn results in quite a variable set of damages (time spent studying, current and future wages, pain and suffering, etc.) that it may turn out to be best if we each sued individually, if it came to that. She also said we probably cannot sue Pearson directly and would have to sue ISC2 - then they in turn, depending on the structure of their contract with Pearson, would sue Pearson. In fairness, we don't yet know for sure if our test data was lost or corrupted so now isn't the time to start bringing in attorneys, but since I was meeting with her anyway this morning, I thought I'd just ask. So for now, we just need to start assembling all the information and maybe start to think about documenting the amount of time we spent studying and preparing for the exam (time not spent with our families, work, etc.) and estimating the impact this may have on our jobs and wages. And, of course, we all should hope for the best and that sometime within the next week we'll have our actual test results and ISC2/Pearson will do something to really make amends for us.

    My friend just called and she had been thinking of larger individual damages, which is what she normally handles, and wondered if for most of us if the average individual damages were on the smaller side, i.e. under $10K. If that is the case then it would be better to sue as a class.
  • renacidorenacido Member Posts: 387 ■■■■□□□□□□
    At this point it does seem likely there was a loss of CIA of our exam data. What that means for us none of us knows. If it were simply a matter of scoring our input against the newly established baseline, we all should have had our results 24 hours later.

    I imagine Pearson Vue has some digital forensics consultants in their datacenter trying to put humpty dumpty back together. But that's just my own speculation based on the length of the delay. Like I said none of us knows yet.
  • reaganhalfreaganhalf Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    For those who want to 'go out and get drunk and beat someone up' or 'curl up under a desk and cry' maybe you should have the honors of contacting the trade mags to tip them off on what may be going on here - it may help encourage ISC2 and Pearson to work a little harder at this rather than take the weekend off (do any of us get to take the weekend off during sev1's?):

    SC Magazine - Danielle Walker - Senior Reporter - 646-638-6034 -
    Computer World - Patrick Thibodeau - Reporter - 202-333-2448 -
    Certification Magazine -

    For me, if they lost our test results, I'm not sure if I am going to retake the exam. ISC2 and its certifications' integrity and prestige may take a hit and increase the value of competing certifications. I was planning to move forward with several ISACA certs anyway and I think I'm just going to stay that course and recover whatever damages I can from ISC2.
  • vurohegevurohege Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
    It's good to see that I am not alone in this boat. 7 weeks to the day into this and I'm hoping that the end is near. Hopefully PV is doing all they can over the weekend and we get some kind of word on Monday.

    It would be nice to receive some special treatment during the Endorsement Phase (i.e. not having to have to wait another 2 months for this part). A copy of the new CBK and a waiver of a year of maintenance fees would go a long way to ease some of the pain some of us have felt during this process.
  • mtbjaminmtbjamin Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    You guys are thinking too small...I say a Lifetime of no maintenance!! Just keep up with the CEs.
    Passed: CISSP, Security+, Network+, A+Working on: CCNA, C|EH
  • ClockcrawlerClockcrawler Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I really thought ISC2 and PV would have provided us with a better response by now. The day-by-day trickle of erroneous communication is not helping. Where is PV communications in all this. I think as the test provider they have a responsibility and liable. I think all of us IT folks know that something is seriously wrong here. There are only around 100,000 CISSP's world-wide since the cert was started. How many exams could be in this post 4/15 pool? Hundreds maybe? I think they could have hand scored the results of our exams in the nearly a month since they started giving immediate results. I too go back to the the Integrity of the exam. I valued the CISSP and a "gold standard" in the industry. I'm really going to have a hard time trusting the credential going forward. Especially hearing that our exams are being re-scored by a new set of standards. I have no idea what to do next. Do I keep studying and get ready for another exam in 3-6 weeks when I can get a PV seat again or just sit idle and wait? Terrible customer service all around. I would have lost my job by now with this kind of data protection and customer service. I do think we have to look at our contacts with PV when we signed up for the exam. Which party is responsible? ISC2 or PV?
  • renacidorenacido Member Posts: 387 ■■■■□□□□□□
    If I was a betting man...PV will not be able to deliver exam results for some if not all of us even if they take another month. I'm studying again. This sucks.
  • TrustedguyTrustedguy Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
    gutbrodj wrote: »
    I need something to break right now, I am trying to hold my temper, but this is just so absolutely frustrating. Once I get my results 7 weeks late I can begin the attestation and endorsement which will take another 7 weeks. I have a facial tick that won't stop now, and I just want to move on, but I am just so angry.

    To see my manager every morning and have to answer the question "have you passed yet?" with "No, they still haven't release the results". It's getting to the point that he seems to not believe me any more. My job depends on this, and in the unlikely event that i failed, I needed to retake the exam already. But nope, I'm just stuck here in limbo, spinning my wheels, my manager losing faith in me that I am not as skilled and competent as I have said I am.

    I don't know whether to go to a bar get drunk and beat someone up, check myself into a mental hospital, or just curl up and cry until the results come out.

    Exactly my feeling. Can ISC2 screw this up any further? I am not happy with blame game between them and the VUE. Infact, I don't even care to know what exactly happened. Please let's not talk about the VUE anymore. Give us our damn results.
  • SansSans Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I don't know what I'm doing here..! If I tell you that I'm checking the forum and the PV site every hour, you should believe me. I have no reasons to lie to you icon_lol.gif

    I've a presentation to work on for next week but I can't get it done... can't read, can't go out, can't workout, can't wait no more. I think I'm gonna schedule another exam just in case. You know what! that wouldn't work too. I don't know...

    I need to be pulled in to one of those meetings where other teams point to your team as the cause of the problem.. I think that would be the only distraction that I need right now... icon_cheers.gificon_lol.gificon_bounce.gifcrash.gif
  • abelamoralesabelamorales Member Posts: 54 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Let's see what happens tomorrow, I hope that this is resolved - I just need to know I passed as failure is not an option. They should provide us with a minimum 5 year maintenance waiver and expedited endorsement process (3 week maximum) in the event we passed.

    In the event one of us have failed, this is what I expect ISC2 to do for us:

    1. Provide FREE online training - Had I received my results immediately and was aware that I failed, I would've been studying for the next 30 days until I could resit for the exam. They should be responsible to provide us with some retraining at their expense.

    2. Free resit - They should be responsible to pay for the exam in the event we need to resit.

    This has been a huge Charlie Foxtrot between both PV and ISC2. I quite frankly do not care who's to blame for this mess. What I care about is how this is being handled - unacceptable. I would much rather receive an email that truthfully details what happened and a date that is hard set on when we will receive the results. I am quite tired of these politically correct emails that's full of fluff.
  • mtbjaminmtbjamin Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I see our customer service representative has gone dark & stopped responding. I don't think he should have jumped into this forum representing ISC2 if he could not come through on ISC2 promises. It just further made them look incompetent.
    Passed: CISSP, Security+, Network+, A+Working on: CCNA, C|EH
  • vurohegevurohege Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Thank you for contacting Pearson VUE.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]To inquire about your scores that have been held for psychometric analysis, you will need to contact ISC2. You can reach ISC2 by calling 1-866-331-4722 or by accessing their website:[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]If you have any further questions or inquiries, please contact us again. [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Thank you,[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot] [/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]Customer Service[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Americas Region [/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Pearson VUE[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Pearson [/FONT]
  • LevithanLevithan Member Posts: 72 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Im suprised this isn't becoming a big story in the tech industry... Ive thought for a while now about taking the cissp but reading about this situation really makes me think that they may have lost their credibility when it comes to the test. I certainly hope you guys get your test results soon, 7 weeks is an awful long time to wait. I can only imagine what would happen if cisco did this...
  • SansSans Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I think it's time to hashtag ISC2 lol

    Thread will be posted on Twitter on this hashtag:

    The CISSP story:

    #frustration #iPassCISSP
  • jvrlopezjvrlopez Member Posts: 913 ■■■■□□□□□□
    My testing and endorsement process last year (even while getting audited) was handled very professionally and efficiently.

    I am surprised to see this happening. The fact that individuals have tested after this populace and received their scores already leads me to believe that something may have happened to the results.

    Hope this is resolved for everyone in a satisfactory manner.
    And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high. ~Ayrton Senna
  • mjsinhsvmjsinhsv Member Posts: 167
    Agree with lopez.
    Sounds like Pearson Vue screwed the pooch and failed to meet their SLA somehow.
    Whatever the problem is-was, I'm sure ISC will respond professionally.
    If the testing or results are contaminated, they will allow a free re-test.

    I'm thinking ISC2, Pearson Vue or even the test candidates don't want that option so they are exercising due care to insure they don't have to take that route.

    Keep in mind that just a few years ago, everybody that took the paper test had to wait a month or more to get their results back.
  • SansSans Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    mjsinhsv wrote: »
    Agree with lopez.
    Sounds like Pearson Vue screwed the pooch and failed to meet their SLA somehow.
    Whatever the problem is-was, I'm sure ISC will respond professionally.
    If the testing or results are contaminated, they will allow a free re-test.

    I'm thinking ISC2, Pearson Vue or even the test candidates don't want that option so they are exercising due care to insure they don't have to take that route.

    Keep in mind that just a few years ago, everybody that took the paper test had to wait a month or more to get their results back.

    If this was a paper test, i would understand because that expectation is being set before taking the test. But, now, it's 2015, and we have some tests take this long to release the result!! Give me a break please:)

    these tests are multiple choice tests. I still don't understand how isc2 are protecting the integrity of the test by doing the psychometric analysis (execuse my ignorance) but plz feel free to enlighten me.
  • mjsinhsvmjsinhsv Member Posts: 167
    If Person Vue mishandled the test or the results in some fashion, that would effect the integrity of the results.
    I don't know what happened and nobody on this board does.

    The point is, I'm sure ISC is exercising due care.
    I recall the last time the test was revised that something similar happened where some candidates were notified that they had passed where in fact they had not. Some candidates who actually passed were notified that they didn't pass.
    How would you like to be told that you passed and after you told your employer, get notified from ISC that you in fact did NOT pass?

    Consider yourself enlightened.
  • renacidorenacido Member Posts: 387 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Yes a few years ago it was a paper test and you had to wait.

    And you had to walk 14 miles barefoot through the snow to and from the testing center. And there were wolves chasing you.

    None of that soothes when we all know we should have gotten our results weeks ago and none of us know if all this is leading up to ISC2 saying, "uhh, here's the thing...we kinda need you all to uhh...retest. whoops."
  • reaganhalfreaganhalf Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    If they are able to recover our test results, I think for those who pass move them to the front of the endorsement line, fast track endorsement and certification and waive 2016 maintenance fee. For those who failed a free retest plus first year maintenance fee waived once they pass.

    if they can't recover our test results I think, at a minimum, one free boot camp, free copy of official study guide, unlimited free retests until we pass and lifetime membership with no maintenance fees (continuing Ed still required though) - this is at a minimum depending on how much longer it is before they come clean and tell us what is really going on.
  • SansSans Member Posts: 18 ■□□□□□□□□□
    mjsinhsv wrote: »
    If Person Vue mishandled the test or the results in some fashion, that would effect the integrity of the results.
    I don't know what happened and nobody on this board does.

    The point is, I'm sure ISC is exercising due care.
    I recall the last time the test was revised that something similar happened where some candidates were notified that they had passed where in fact they had not. Some candidates who actually passed were notified that they didn't pass.
    How would you like to be told that you passed and after you told your employer, get notified from ISC that you in fact did NOT pass?

    Consider yourself enlightened.


    That's just messed up if I get notified that I passed while I didnt!! I'de rather wait for another week than to have that happening to me icon_lol.gificon_lol.gif

    I should take tomorrow off and knock myself out with 1000mg chill pill.
  • pgupta101pgupta101 Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I think they are doing some "psycho analysis" with Emails too !!icon_redface.gif
  • mtbjaminmtbjamin Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    So I called isc2 & they said some people are slowly getting their results... I hope this is not a lie. She also said no one would have to retest unless they failed. She also said an email will go out to those who have suffered. No telling how they will compensate or remediate the issue.
    Passed: CISSP, Security+, Network+, A+Working on: CCNA, C|EH
  • cn15cn15 Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hello everyone - I have not posted on this thread but I have been monitoring it, and just joined to tell you all that my results just appeared in my Pearson account - I took the exam early May. A few other people I know who took it the same day say that their's are showing as well! Check your Pearson account!
  • mtbjaminmtbjamin Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check now check now
    Passed: CISSP, Security+, Network+, A+Working on: CCNA, C|EH
  • renacidorenacido Member Posts: 387 ■■■■□□□□□□

    Good luck to everyone still waiting.
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