Western Governors University Questions and Answers / Threads related to WGU



  • erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Yup, what sgarza85 said. My project was the dissolution of sugar or something stupid like that....had to measure it in cold water, room-temp water and boiling hot water....

    I would think that the straighterline science class is a much better deal in terms of quality.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Yea but in the end I think it shouldn't make a difference after all everyone isn't attending WGU BSIT to become a chemist or anything along those lines.
  • erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    dmarcisco wrote: »
    Yea but in the end I think it shouldn't make a difference after all everyone isn't attending WGU BSIT to become a chemist or anything along those lines.

    I disagree. If it were like that, I could have just gone to ITT or Devry.

    One of the reasons I chose WGU to complete my BS was because it offered a general education component. I have always been a firm believer in a liberal arts component; it makes an individual more well-rounded and be able to discuss/analyze issues that are not a part of his/her major.

    I wasn't trying to be a chemist, but at the same time I don't want people looking at me like I'm an idiot, also, for doing work a 10 year old should be doing. That was really the only qualm I had with WGU in terms of coursework...INT1.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I myself don't have personal experience with WGU so I can't comment on the quality of any of the courses. I'm sure if I did I would share your pain with your example on the sugar I would think this class is laughable and ridiculous. Excellent point, I suppose for them to really legitimize themselves to stand with other schools perhaps they should raise their standards of quality with the classes.
  • erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Don't get me wrong, this was the only class that was like that. QBT1, by contrast (it was LAT1 when I was there) was a 2 CU course (now it's 3 CUs...rightfully so) that took several weeks for me to complete. A lot of work, but in the end, it helped me write a good Tech Writing/Capstone paper (and many grad. school papers as well.) The science course was just too dumbed down.

    The math courses was pretty much Algerbra/Trig. Pretty basic stuff for someone who's great at math, but someone like me that's not math-inclined, I had to really utilize the brain and actually do the homework. I only needed to use a course mentor for one stupid question on the last task for QLT1. Once she answered it, everything fell into place. I got dinged on the task for writing the wrong word, but when I wrote the right answer she gave it to me, but dinged me pretty bad.....I didn't care though as I got a pass, but it did sting a bit.
  • ScamcenoScamceno Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
    kgb wrote: »
    If WGU is indeed your end goal, I don't understand the logic behind waiting to finish the A.S. A motivated student with above average intelligence can complete more than 1 semester of classes from a traditional school in 1 month at WGU. Obviously, I don't know all your goals, other than a BS from WGU. Like mentioned above, I'd call WGU, it costs nothing(free referral) to get an application started and see where you stand exactly.

    I'm motivated but I don't want to apply yet in fear of overwhelming myself. I work full time and its hard enough for me to to focus on the 3 classes I currently have at my community college. At the very least I would prefer to wait until I at least get these courses done before taking on more. Its not a matter of time I suppose, I know a lot of people work full time or even two jobs, raise kids, and still get their courses done with good grades. For me its the management, I'm still working on managing my time as it is, I just really don't wanna take on to much and screw myself up(as I have in the past).

    My other fear is my transcript looking less then desirable. I have a 2.0 right now and I gotta figure out how those W's will be calculated. Also not having any online course experience, I know you can complete things much faster but I don't know exactly how it works just yet. So I need to do some more prep with gathering information regarding WGU(this thread should do me well). Depending on what I find out and if I am indeed capable i'll probably pick WGU over the B&M colleges I have in mind. Thanks for the tips.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    If you are not sure about online classes take one from straighterline its a cheap way to find out if the self study is for you.
  • ScamcenoScamceno Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Don't worry im on my phone too. I just realized I slightly misunderstood the other post. He wasn't implying I stay at my B&M while I do WGU so it was silly of me to think that. My phone isn't allowing me to quote so I apologize for forgetting your usernames.
  • ratchokeratchoke Member Posts: 47 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Most Graduate programs require a GPA of 3.0 or 3-5 yrs exp in a specific field -Looking into MIS-. So was curious if WGU provided a GPA/Grades for the program? If not how does that actually effect people (like me) w/ not many years exp but want to go directly into a graduate program?

    Also, what is the Math class equivalent that they provide. I have probability and statistics under my belt, but put off Calculus and Linear Algebra. I'm hoping the math classes that WGU are providing is similar to that? Otherwise I might take them at my community college to get them out of the way when pursuing a graduate degree.
  • HypntickHypntick Member Posts: 1,451 ■■■■■■□□□□
    sgarza85 wrote: »
    Nope, my final project (for the science classes) was using a wifi analyzer from android market to compare wireless signals at baseline(no interference), with 2.4 GhZ cordless phone being used, and with an old microwave running. Other examples I saw were to grow 2 seeds, water one (or give 1 sun and not the other) and see which grows faster..... Pretty rediculously easy class. Hoping the MS ISA program's classes are a little more challenging (and I hear it definately is).

    The MS:ISA classes are more difficult than just about anything in the BS degree tracks. With the exception of the Microsoft certs of course. However I have yet to do the eccouncil or SANS certs at this time. Now from a standpoint of difficulty for the MS:ISA classes, i'm finding them to be easier because i'm more interested in the subject matter. It's also subject matter that I would be studying if it were not for the degree.

    For example I found the math classes in the BS difficult, not because they were by any stretch of the imagination, but because I despise math. If you don't care for the subject, it makes it more difficult to do the work.
    WGU BS:IT Completed June 30th 2012.
    WGU MS:ISA Completed October 30th 2013.
  • ScamcenoScamceno Member Posts: 30 ■■□□□□□□□□
    dmarcisco wrote: »
    If you are not sure about online classes take one from straighterline its a cheap way to find out if the self study is for you.

    I'll look into that, thanks
  • DPGDPG Member Posts: 780 ■■■■■□□□□□
    So I decided to take the plunge and give WGU a try. After transfer credit and my CCNP, I have 71 CU's to complete. Does this seem doable in two terms? The only non-technical classes that I need to take are BNC1, IWC1, and IWT1.

    Are you able to pick and choose which classes you want to attempt each term?

  • PsoasmanPsoasman Member Posts: 2,687 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Yes, you can choose your classes. Your mentor may have an order in mind for you, but you are ultimately in charge of the order. Those 3 non-technical classes can be done in about 2 weeks or so.
  • kgbkgb Member Posts: 380
    Definitely doable in 12 months. I'm on track to complete 96 in 8months total time.
    DPG wrote: »
    So I decided to take the plunge and give WGU a try. After transfer credit and my CCNP, I have 71 CU's to complete. Does this seem doable in two terms? The only non-technical classes that I need to take are BNC1, IWC1, and IWT1.

    Are you able to pick and choose which classes you want to attempt each term?

    Bachelor of Science, Information Technology (Software) - WGU
  • KronesKrones Member Posts: 164
    KGB forgot to mention he is a beast ;p

    It is definitely doable. A few forum members finished 70 CU's in 1 term. You will definitely want to plan out which classes you want to take in order. On my own WGU update, I plan on taking the 701 on October 1st. I am debating taking the 702 portion the same day but will decide later next week if I finish the Labsim material in time. Not as fast as I hoped, but a lot of the material might be outdated... but is new to me! haha.
    WGU - Security
    Current: Start date Sept 1. Remaining:
    CUV1, BOV1, CJV1, CVV1, KET1, KFT1, DFV1, TPV1, BNC1, RIT1, DHV1, CSV1, COV1, CQV1, CNV1, SBT1, RGT1 Completed:
    AXV1, CPV1, CTV1 Transferred: AGC1, BBC1, LAE1, QBT1, LUT1, GAC1/HHT1, QLT1, IWC1, IWT1, INC1, INT1, BVC1, CLC1, WFV1, DJV1
  • BMOBMO Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    As far as general education classes go, you will get out of it what you put into it. Whether this is from WGU or some other school. One of the biggest lessons I've learned in both school and working in IT for the past 10 years is becoming responsible for my own learning.

    And kitchen science is still science. It's not like atoms behave differently if you buy them from Walmart. And introductory courses are never going to go into any depth. I took my science classes at reputable brick and mortar schools and they covered the same stuff that's covered in high school. Think of Intro to Computers where you're shown what a printer is and how to use the internet. If you want to delve in deeper then your gonna have to do that on your own. Don't blame the school or profs when introductory material is easy.
  • theanimaltheanimal Member Posts: 77 ■■□□□□□□□□
    kgb wrote: »
    Definitely doable in 12 months. I'm on track to complete 96 in 8months total time.

    Seeing as how so many people are doing so much in such a small amount of time makes me want to just dive right into WGU without worrying about CLEP or Straighterline. Though I may be able to slide by on some of the tests and transfer some credits in, I feel as if I don't fully know a lot of the material, even the gen ed classes. I actually want to learn a lot of this. Does 122 CU's in 18 months (3 terms) sound acheivable? Or am I just talking out of my ass lol?

    Though I only have one cert, my wasted ITT "A.S.", I have been working in a NOC position (with a decent amount of responsibility) for a little over a year now, and went through the Cisco Academy while I was at MOS school for the USMC. So I feel like most of the basic classes wouldn't be too hard and the gen ed stuff I could learn fairly quickly.
  • kgbkgb Member Posts: 380
    If you put forth the effort and stay focused it's achievable.

    I work full time, have a 19month old daughter, house, wife, etc. Depending on the week and the exact class (I only work on 1 class at a time so I don't cloud my mind with anything else non-related) I'm working on I'm putting anywhere from 20-40hrs a week into my studies.

    I totally hear you on "you want to actually learn a lot of this stuff". Am I retaining everything? Nope, I am not. I'm retaining what I know is important for my job and future goals though. That's why even though when I'm done, I will have 18 different certifications, more than likely only 5-6 of those will go on my resume.

    If you want to go at an extreme accelerated pace the trick is you have to efficiently study for the exams, and if it's not on subjects you are interested in pursuing any further, well you don't need to spend the time to be an expert on it.

    My goal from the onset was to learn as much as I can, while going as fast as I can and graduate with my accredited BS IT degree. Every week I'm enrolled in WGU is costing me around $115. I want to get done ASAP, then I can revisit topics that I need to dive deeper into. Difference is when I do that, it's not costing me any $.

    My 2cents.
    theanimal wrote: »
    Seeing as how so many people are doing so much in such a small amount of time makes me want to just dive right into WGU without worrying about CLEP or Straighterline. Though I may be able to slide by on some of the tests and transfer some credits in, I feel as if I don't fully know a lot of the material, even the gen ed classes. I actually want to learn a lot of this. Does 122 CU's in 18 months (3 terms) sound acheivable? Or am I just talking out of my ass lol?

    Though I only have one cert, my wasted ITT "A.S.", I have been working in a NOC position (with a decent amount of responsibility) for a little over a year now, and went through the Cisco Academy while I was at MOS school for the USMC. So I feel like most of the basic classes wouldn't be too hard and the gen ed stuff I could learn fairly quickly.
    Bachelor of Science, Information Technology (Software) - WGU
  • theanimaltheanimal Member Posts: 77 ■■□□□□□□□□
    kgb wrote: »
    If you put forth the effort and stay focused it's achievable.

    I work full time, have a 19month old daughter, house, wife, etc. Depending on the week and the exact class (I only work on 1 class at a time so I don't cloud my mind with anything else non-related) I'm working on I'm putting anywhere from 20-40hrs a week into my studies.

    I totally hear you on "you want to actually learn a lot of this stuff". Am I retaining everything? Nope, I am not. I'm retaining what I know is important for my job and future goals though. That's why even though when I'm done, I will have 18 different certifications, more than likely only 5-6 of those will go on my resume.

    If you want to go at an extreme accelerated pace the trick is you have to efficiently study for the exams, and if it's not on subjects you are interested in pursuing any further, well you don't need to spend the time to be an expert on it.

    My goal from the onset was to learn as much as I can, while going as fast as I can and graduate with my accredited BS IT degree. Every week I'm enrolled in WGU is costing me around $115. I want to get done ASAP, then I can revisit topics that I need to dive deeper into. Difference is when I do that, it's not costing me any $.

    My 2cents.

    Thanks a lot for the reply, and good luck with your goals :)

    I don't have any kids yet. Just a job, apartment, and fiance.

    I would like to go as fast as I can, but at the same time, I don't want to go so fast that I'm just memorizing it for a test and then forgetting it. Don't get me wrong, I know I won't remember everything but I know I've had an interview or 2 in the past where they ask, "How does this work..?" and it should be a basic fundamental and I'm just drawing a blank. Just feels horrible and always ends in failure. So I definitely want to have a good foundation.

    For me, $9000 for a 3 term finish and coming out with multiple certifications, a B.S., lots of actual knowledge, and the confidence of knowing that I did it seems like a great deal. Considering I paid 40k for the worthless ITT degree which I'm just now getting out of debt from.

    Now, I'm still confused on class scheduling and all that. I've been to a community college, and I've been to ITT. Both of those, I selected the courses I wanted to take for that term, and then took them. You're saying that you just take one class at a time to stay focused and not get lost in other material. Maybe I'm not understanding correctly, but it seems like at WGU you can continously add new courses throughout the term. Like lets say I start out at WGU and I schedule a science, english, and a math. I finish them all in 3-4 weeks. Can I then add 3 new courses, finish those in a month, and add 3 more? So on and so on, obviously not all on the 1 month time frame though.

    Once again, thanks. And sorry for some of the stupid questions.
  • paulgswansonpaulgswanson Member Posts: 311
    Yes you can. In fact once I finish my INC1 and INT1 next week that is exactly what I'm going to do. Just don't bite off more than you can chew. If you add more you still need to be able to finish the extra classes during that same term
    WGU Progress: B.S. Network Management & Design <- I quit (got bored)
  • theanimaltheanimal Member Posts: 77 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Yes you can. In fact once I finish my INC1 and INT1 next week that is exactly what I'm going to do. Just don't bite off more than you can chew. If you add more you still need to be able to finish the extra classes during that same term

    Thanks a lot for clarifying that for me.

    Another question, have any military reservist gone to WGU and used the Selected Reserve GI Bill or Tuition Assistance?
  • ValsacarValsacar Member Posts: 336
    theanimal wrote: »
    Thanks a lot for clarifying that for me.

    Another question, have any military reservist gone to WGU and used the Selected Reserve GI Bill or Tuition Assistance?

    As paul said, start off with picking the classes you NEED to do in one term (min credits). Once you're just about done (waiting on grading) for the last one ask for the next few. You can see everything before you start a class (read the books, tasks, etc) before you're officially in the class (I completed 2 courses in the 2 week dead time before my official start date, just turned in everything on day 1). Right now I'm almost done with my first term (MSISA) and probably won't start a new class this term (end of next month), I'll just start on the reading and work and turn in what I have on day 1 of the second term.

    As for GI Bill, I know it is possible (as is TA) just a little more difficult than normal. It should work similar to how it does for me (didn't use GI Bill, used company plan since it was cheap), I just divide the cost by number of courses that term and I get paid that much per class finished (company only does reimburse, so I pay up front). TA would probably be like that, but WGU will work with you (probably better than the TA people, I never liked them much).
    WGU MS:ISA Progress:
    Required: NOTHING!!!!!
    Current Course: NONE

    Completed: COV2, LKT2, LOT2, FNV2, VUT2, JFT2, TFT2, JIT2, FYT2, FMV2, FXT2, FYV2, LQT2
    Started 01 May 2012, Degree awarded 29 Oct 2013
  • ValsacarValsacar Member Posts: 336
    Hypntick wrote: »
    The MS:ISA classes are more difficult than just about anything in the BS degree tracks. With the exception of the Microsoft certs of course. However I have yet to do the eccouncil or SANS certs at this time. Now from a standpoint of difficulty for the MS:ISA classes, i'm finding them to be easier because i'm more interested in the subject matter. It's also subject matter that I would be studying if it were not for the degree.

    For example I found the math classes in the BS difficult, not because they were by any stretch of the imagination, but because I despise math. If you don't care for the subject, it makes it more difficult to do the work.

    There's been a few that are a bit more painful, depending on your background. The first few courses I found pretty easy, JIT2 I just turned in last night and it wasn't too hard but not fun at all. The CEH exam wasn't too bad, but you do have to actually know how to use some of the tools, my non-tech (ie more Policy side) friends that took it complained about it more than any other cert. I haven't done the GIAC one (next term), but I've heard it's quite difficult, good notes and understanding needed (even my previous mentor suggested doing the practical course before the exam, opposite of the standard order).
    WGU MS:ISA Progress:
    Required: NOTHING!!!!!
    Current Course: NONE

    Completed: COV2, LKT2, LOT2, FNV2, VUT2, JFT2, TFT2, JIT2, FYT2, FMV2, FXT2, FYV2, LQT2
    Started 01 May 2012, Degree awarded 29 Oct 2013
  • theanimaltheanimal Member Posts: 77 ■■□□□□□□□□
    So I am contacting my unit and the VA about getting benefits. I noticed that there's 3 choices for schools:

    WGU - Indiana
    WGU - Texas

    Which one would I be "attending"? Are there actual campuses in Indiana and Texas? Just trying to figure out what state I would be technically "attending" in because I have to submit paper work to the VA in that particular state.
  • Cisc0kiddCisc0kidd Member Posts: 250
    Also WGU-Washington I believe.
  • AyrichAyrich Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    YEs, most of the courses are viewable as soon as your degree ouline populates. Even classes listed as "not Attempted" can be viewd and the rubrics are available.
  • ValsacarValsacar Member Posts: 336
    theanimal wrote: »
    So I am contacting my unit and the VA about getting benefits. I noticed that there's 3 choices for schools:

    WGU - Indiana
    WGU - Texas

    Which one would I be "attending"? Are there actual campuses in Indiana and Texas? Just trying to figure out what state I would be technically "attending" in because I have to submit paper work to the VA in that particular state.

    Just go with WGU, unless you live in those other states. From my understanding they are all the same, just some state ones set up for... better publicity? I didn't see any real difference when looking at their different sites. If you want details on them, best bet is call WGU and ask.
    WGU MS:ISA Progress:
    Required: NOTHING!!!!!
    Current Course: NONE

    Completed: COV2, LKT2, LOT2, FNV2, VUT2, JFT2, TFT2, JIT2, FYT2, FMV2, FXT2, FYV2, LQT2
    Started 01 May 2012, Degree awarded 29 Oct 2013
  • ClevernamehereClevernamehere Member Posts: 34 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I'm still just hoping to get accepted. So, what's the deal with this readiness assessment? Difficult at all?
  • spiderjerichospiderjericho Registered Users, Member Posts: 896 ■■■■■□□□□□
    No. Just do it. Don't stress. It's pretty easy and straightforward.

    I had a more difficult time with the ASVAB. As long as you've either done college or high school algebra, it shouldn't be a problem.
  • theanimaltheanimal Member Posts: 77 ■■□□□□□□□□
    So I submitted my application, got my login/pass, now I just have to do the readiness assessment. I also need to get in touch with my unit and try to get the ball rolling for the GI bill. I don't want to start any classes/financial aid until I get the GI bill stuff straightened out.
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