Western Governors University Questions and Answers / Threads related to WGU



  • Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    If you've already been with the same mentor for 2 terms and everything has been fine I'd just try to reach out to them again. Maybe they got sick, emergency, etc.
  • zerothzeroth Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Danielm7 wrote: »
    If you've already been with the same mentor for 2 terms and everything has been fine I'd just try to reach out to them again. Maybe they got sick, emergency, etc.

    Yeah, that's true. Taking the test this weekend is a lost cause anyway. I guess I'll just wait until our weekly call on Monday and finish up the labs and assessments in BOV1 in the meantime.
  • SephStormSephStorm Member Posts: 1,731 ■■■■■■■□□□
    The solution for me was browser settings the prevented display of non secure content over a secure session. apparently FF and Chrome dont notify, just block...
  • zerothzeroth Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I wasn't as diligent as you in finding the issue, I just downloaded and moved on. It was likely the same thing though. I rarely watch the videos anyway, I retain information better when I read it.
  • NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    they put up an announcement that this is a known issue and they are working to get a solution in place. fixes for each browser is available.
  • tescosamoatescosamoa Member Posts: 15 ■■■□□□□□□□
    One week in. I hit 20 hours on studying. Too much stuff going on in life outside of schooling to get any additional hours in. Goal this week is to get to 30 hours and schedule the first test for the CIW exam. No issues so far and the mentor is really good. It has been very smooth for this old IT tech to get going on this.
  • ThexzenoThexzeno Member Posts: 44 ■■■□□□□□□□
    how long does it take for wgu to make its admissions decision?

    sorry if this has been asked before
  • NemowolfNemowolf Member Posts: 319 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thexzeno wrote: »
    how long does it take for wgu to make its admissions decision?

    sorry if this has been asked before

    That is arbitrary. Took me maybe 3 weeks or so to get through the initial transcripts, interview and placement tests. It will take longer if you have a hard time getting these things done.
  • rcpmultiversalrcpmultiversal Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Does the Referral program still work and if so, are any current students here providing the forms to potential new students that are requesting them in the "Referral Thread"? I have seen several requests but do not see any recent postings that would indicate whether or not anyone is providing the requested information. Thank you in advance for any replies. I'm eager to get enrolled asap.
  • tehreettehreet Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hello all,

    I was just wondering:

    I graduated high school in 2009. I got a job in IT (being very skilled with various aspects of technology) as soon as i graduated, and have been working ever since (i'm now a Sys Admin a a fortune 100 company). I'm currently at my ceiling without a degree, and i was just wondering if WGU would be a good fit for me? I'm fairly independent, i havent taken any college courses before, but i'm extremely self-motivated and i have time during the week to put aside for school 15-25 hours, more if needed. I have my A+, Security+, Networking+. My GPA in High school was a cumulative 3.5.

    tl;dr, Would i get in?
  • ratbuddyratbuddy Member Posts: 665
    Sounds perfect for you, tehreet. See if work'll pay for it :)
  • Blessmewithgrace1Blessmewithgrace1 Registered Users Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hello everyone. I am filling out the admission form and I really need a referral to waive the processing fee. Would anyone be interested in providing me with their first and last name and email address? WGU will send you a gift certificate to Amazon for your referral. Please :)
  • TomkoTechTomkoTech Member Posts: 438
    NOV13 is a code that waives the application fee for this month.
  • Blessmewithgrace1Blessmewithgrace1 Registered Users Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Oh my! it worked! Thank you so much! :D
  • acv987acv987 Member Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I have a question for some people who have completed the Cisco courses at WGU. My mentor and I are planning my next term and she is suggestion I take the CCENT the CCNA and the CCNA security, all in the same term. I have hear the Cisco stuff is pretty challenging. Has anyone completed these in one term and if not, is it doable? I will also have to take at least one more course that term to have enough CU. Thanks for your input.
  • Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    acv987 wrote: »
    I have a question for some people who have completed the Cisco courses at WGU. My mentor and I are planning my next term and she is suggestion I take the CCENT the CCNA and the CCNA security, all in the same term. I have hear the Cisco stuff is pretty challenging. Has anyone completed these in one term and if not, is it doable? I will also have to take at least one more course that term to have enough CU. Thanks for your input.

    I'd say it's best to do them together as you're already in the Cisco mode. Really depends on how much work you put into it and your background. I did all 3 in a term but I have a background in networking and did the CCNA like 10 years ago, just didn't use Cisco gear in between so for most commands and such I felt like I was learning it fresh.
  • slatkinslatkin Member Posts: 23 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I'm really interested in WGU but have a few questions (like everyone else).
    I'm looking at the BS:IT, and see 5 proctored exams besides A+,net+, sec+ (I'll have sec+ before I enroll). All of these are at Prometric testing sites, correct? I workMon-Fri, and will most likely have to take days off work to test, wondering if anyone has any tips besides PTO, or are Prometric sites open 7 days? I know the Pearson Vue sites are Mon-Fri around here.

    Also, I know certs are good for 5 years to transfer, what about normal college courses? I started taking classes in 2000, and have a scattered collegiate resume but would love to get as much checked off as possible. How far back does WGU accept normal college courses to transfer in? Most of my credits are general ed/AA type classes.

    Im looking to start in February, how much time should I plan the whole process to take to enroll? I had an EC already speak with me a few months ago but that was a basic phone call, I haven't applied or submitted anything else. Does the place slowdown/shutdown with enrollment during the holidays much?
  • IvanjamIvanjam Member Posts: 978 ■■■■□□□□□□
    @slatkin - WGU provides online proctoring for in-house assessments via Kryterion: Online Degree Program | Taking Proctored Tests Online
    Fall 2014: Start MA in Mathematics [X]
    Fall 2016: Start PhD in Mathematics [X]
  • Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    slatkin, college courses can be pretty old, mine were from the 90s and they were fine. As long as they aren't IT courses, then they have to be within 5 years like the certs.

    As Ivanjam pointed out, the non-cert exams can be taken via webcam at home. If you mean other ones like Cisco exams, CIW exams, etc, then you'll need to search for local centers and take them there. I have a few local ones, one is always booked, one is farther away but always open on weekends so I just do those exams on Saturdays. It really just depends on what degree you are working on, what tests you need and what is available to you locally.

    The whole process takes a month or so as far as I remember. I think it was that all financial aid, transcripts, etc, all had to be in at least 15 days before the start of the next term/month to give you enough time. If you're looking for Feb you should be fine, just don't wait until the last minute to submit anything.
  • YFZbluYFZblu Member Posts: 1,462 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Question - If I transfer in my CCNA and CCNA/Sec, but still have to take the networking classes and their associated assessments at home, what should I expect from those assessments? Are they as difficult as the Cisco exams? Would it be like studying for the CCNA all over again?
  • Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    YFZblu wrote: »
    Question - If I transfer in my CCNA and CCNA/Sec, but still have to take the networking classes and their associated assessments at home, what should I expect from those assessments? Are they as difficult as the Cisco exams? Would it be like studying for the CCNA all over again?

    If you are doing the security track those classes would be waived. There isn't a class and test otherwise, it's study material for the cert and the cert exam itself, which you've already done.
  • YFZbluYFZblu Member Posts: 1,462 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Yeah, I'm looking at BSIT: Sec - Thanks for the info!
  • bobloblawbobloblaw Member Posts: 228
    Could I go to WGU abroad as long as there is a Prometric site there (being a citizen and a resident of a WGU location)?
  • manifest3rmanifest3r Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    bobloblaw wrote: »
    Could I go to WGU abroad as long as there is a Prometric site there (being a citizen and a resident of a WGU location)?

    I'm not sure about being abroad, but I asked a similar question to the Enrollment Counselor. He basically said you need Prometric, Certiport, and PearsonVue testing centers around your location, at least within driving distance, because you will need to take the certification exams to pass certain classes.
  • kaneohe7kaneohe7 Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I think it would depend but I am in Seoul, South Korea and they have multiple locations that I can take both CIW exams and regular exam locations at as well.
  • Tremie24Tremie24 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I'm sure this has been asked before, but does anybody know how much you normally get for the pell grant? Is it enough to cover tutition? I don't want to take out anymore student loans.
  • ratbuddyratbuddy Member Posts: 665
    If you get the maximum amount, it covers all but $200 of the tuition.
  • Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Tremie24 wrote: »
    I'm sure this has been asked before, but does anybody know how much you normally get for the pell grant? Is it enough to cover tutition? I don't want to take out anymore student loans.

    There is no "normal amount" it is based on your need so you really just have to see what they offer you.
  • brfitzpbrfitzp Member Posts: 41 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Hi, I'm looking into the masters in IT management from WGU and was a little curious as to how it works.
    When you pay and start do you login and it gives you a list of all courses you need to complete and you can click through all of them and complete assignments at your leisure?
    Or do they make you go in a certain order?
    Could i potentially complete one assignment from each course right off the bat if i wanted to?

    Also does anyone have any experience with this degree? How long did it take you? How difficult was it? What prior knowlege/experience did you have going into it?
  • Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    brfitzp wrote: »
    Hi, I'm looking into the masters in IT management from WGU and was a little curious as to how it works.
    When you pay and start do you login and it gives you a list of all courses you need to complete and you can click through all of them and complete assignments at your leisure?
    Or do they make you go in a certain order?
    Could i potentially complete one assignment from each course right off the bat if i wanted to?

    You can click through them and take them as you please, as long as you are doing the courses that are assigned for that term. Some mentors will ask you for specific goal dates for each class, meaning if you pick 6 classes for the term they might say "OK class 1 should go from 1/1 to 2/1, class 2 from 2/1 to 3/1" etc. But you aren't really bound to those either, all the 6 classes will be opened up for you to take them.

    Personally I like to take 1 at a time, it allows me to really focus on my specific topic and I find it faster and easier than trying to learn 6 different things at once. I just tell my mentor at the start of the term to open up the classes and make each one open the whole term, but like I said before, the time frame within the term itself isn't really that important.

    I'm in a different major so I can't comment on yours. But, in general, the difficulty, speed, etc are all going to be completely specific to you, and any input anyone else gives about hours they spent, or how easy are not really going to be a valid comparison to your learning style, intelligence, past experience, take taking ability, etc. I know everyone wants a guideline and a goal date, but just start and do the best you can, then you'll know what you're capable of.
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