
IT help desk analyst Tier 1 interview



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    IsmaeljrpIsmaeljrp Member Posts: 480 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Chadius wrote: »
    I accepted the job an hour ago! Filling out paperwork online now. :P

    Glad you got it Chadius. Although I may add that I think if you had the CCNA maybe the MCSA, that might have gotten you a break months ago.
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yea I kind of figured that recently. Well I have that pretty soon anyhow. So maybe looking in a year would be better than the last year. Lol is it prudent to keep looking while at this new job?obviously not at first, but a few months in?
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    MeanDrunkR2D2MeanDrunkR2D2 Member Posts: 899 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Congrats man! It's great to get that offer and they did counter which was a nice bonus for you since you didn't just accept what they originally offered. Always keep in mind that everything is negotiable, especially pay when moving to a new job. So is your new start date Aug 10? Or is that still being ironed out? Background checks usually don't take too long if they rush and are in a big hurry to get that start date moved up to that day.

    I personally wouldn't really try looking too hard at anything else at this moment. Get into that new job and see what it offers you to learn and maybe in a few months take a look around. Some people are always looking, but in my case I want all of my attention focused on the new job so I can do the best that I can and learn as much as I can. After 6 months you could start looking if you really do not like the job, and that's what I've done in the past. If it were a contract that really didn't have a rock solid end date I'd keep looking, but this doesn't sound like that so you should be good to go on that end and not feel uneasy about a contract ending early or anything like that.
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    True. I will focus on the job, certs, school, and family. Having my CCNA should spice things up a bit, when I go back to looking again. :)

    The start day is in flux at the moment. Waiting to hear from them about starting my 2 weeks notice after the background check comes back.
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    IsmaeljrpIsmaeljrp Member Posts: 480 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Chadius wrote: »
    Yea I kind of figured that recently. Well I have that pretty soon anyhow. So maybe looking in a year would be better than the last year. Lol is it prudent to keep looking while at this new job?obviously not at first, but a few months in?

    I wouldn't commit the mistake of wasting too much time searching for another gig, going through interview and scheduling stress so soon.
    That's probably what delayed you from achieving CCNA in the first place. Instead of focusing so much on a new job, hammer out your certs and learn what you can at your new job. Really, CCNA shouldn't have taken more than 4-5 months. Finish 1 thing before going on to the next.
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    ImThe0neImThe0ne Member Posts: 143
    Chadius wrote: »
    I shouldn't do that during my first 6 months to a year, right? The way people leave and go to another job so soon after being hired, is way weird to me. I was always taught to stay forever somewhere. lol
    IT is a whole different playing field, quickest way to make more money is to jump jobs. Once you get somewhere you love, then you hang out until you are ready to move on. Don't think too much on it, about 6-8months into this new job, I'd start applying for other stuff, that is unless you fall in love with it.

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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the advice! The only thing I am shaky on, is what would I apply for after that time period? Go back to applying for Help Desk and Desktop Support jobs or go for other types? (ones that I haven't thought about before)
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    IsmaeljrpIsmaeljrp Member Posts: 480 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Really Chadius, don't worry too far ahead. Focus on the now and your responsibilities as an employee.

    It's great to ask yourself where you want to be in 5 years, and create a general plan to achieve that. Fill in the details as you go along. But constantly being on the fence of what to do next means there is a lack of focus... you did mention you went from studying a bit of MCSA then CCNA then VMware or something of the sort, yet no certs... don't shoot me, it's just an observation ;)

    Again, more focus on what you have to do now. Finishing bachelor's, getting the certs you are currently studying for.

    **Edit: Reading through my post, I come off as a know it all... trust me I'm far from it and need to fix myself even. Just putting my honest opinion out there since it may be something nobody else has noticed...also, it's happened to me.
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yea i understand. lol I have a network+ and A+. I was studying for the MCSA, because before I started at WGU, I thought that was the degree plan for me. They gave me a heads up on changes coming, so I decided to go security route, which brings me to taking the CCNA. I did the VMware thru Stanley, to get it cheap.

    So to sum up, CCNA is thru school, and is coming quickly. Bachelors is about 50 credits away. I'm trying to kill it in two more terms.

    Basically though, I was just asking what should I apply for? I've been asking that question for a year now. lol I am not under a 5 year plan, just swinging with the punches the best I can at the moment. The question was more for when I've gotten more experience under my belt with the CCNA in tow. Because it would be waters I haven't traveled in so far. Network + really hasn't opened any doors, not even close to the doors the A+ has opened for me. lol Kind of weird. More than anything, I was asking people far more experienced than me, to what kind of progression I should look for in jobs I'm applying for. Otherwise I have shown really good at getting help desk and desktop interviews. lol :P

    Your advice is the kind that I like to receive btw.
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I found out how to add certs to my left side thingy!
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    IsmaeljrpIsmaeljrp Member Posts: 480 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Awesome, I've heard good things of WGU.

    There was a sort of Salary/career thread here that had really great examples of people's career progression, I tried searching it but can't find it now.

    Give it some more time, to see what you end up liking a bit more. I suppose a lot of network guys start in NOCs, Systems start at help desk/desktop support. That can lead into so many other things.

    I work in a NOC as a Network Specialist. The first 2 months was more answering calls for downed, T1s bad voice quality on their voice service, and monitoring. I'd do basic troubleshooting and monitoring, pings, traceroutes, show logs reseting ports. I was a CCNA when starting this job, the next 2 months or so I was allowed to do more configuring of branch routers, troubleshooting a bit further as I became comfortable.

    Fast foward I'm 14 months in. I've worked all kinds of shifts, even worked 48 hour weeks for 2 months straight. I work on all levels of the VoIP network, from Number Plans to VoIP gateway configs, to Carrier Class VoIP switches. Routing and Switching on all levels of the network, with the exception of our Edge routers, I do work all levels of our switching fabric. I work on MPLS tunnels, vSphere cluster hosting IP PBX systems...

    On paper, I do a ton of stuff, which has been a great opportunity for me. The reality is I work in an understaffed NOC at an ISP/telecom, so as we learn we are given more responsibilities. I may hang around till I finish my bachelor's and a couple more certs. I get hands on almost everything, but it's difficult to really master specific technologies... right now I'm a JOAT but I'm not even intermediate level in any single tech.

    My point is after all this exposure, I'm leaning towards focusing more on Datacenter technologies like Storage, Virtualization and Networking.

    Hopefully I can get the CCNP, VCP5 and Storage + certs within the next year, finish my degree and search abroad for new opportunities.
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Sounds like the route I'd like to go. I'm only aware of two noc's in my area. But I'm not sure what to search for when looking for a noc actually. Our network admin said I should go work for a consultant place because you get a lot of experience in different tech. What are the options for a network career if now's aren't around here?
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    IsmaeljrpIsmaeljrp Member Posts: 480 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Chadius wrote: »
    Sounds like the route I'd like to go. I'm only aware of two noc's in my area. But I'm not sure what to search for when looking for a noc actually. Our network admin said I should go work for a consultant place because you get a lot of experience in different tech. What are the options for a network career if now's aren't around here?

    Perhaps smaller environments can give you more exposure to different tech. The smaller the environment the bigger your workload will be in some cases.

    I'm in Puerto Rico, and really the economy is so bad almost everyone has to know about everything, when they need experts they contact consultants.
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    So the lady came back from vacation, the one who would ok the change in start date. They have a training session that starts on the 10th, and would like me to be there if I can. I can't. I told them I was waiting to give my 2 weeks notice when she got back and said ok to starting later in the month. (they knew this) So now it looks like a start date of September 16th.

    I'm still looking just in case. But nothing or no one has contacted me recently.
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    IT-FNGIT-FNG Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Chadius wrote: »
    So the lady came back from vacation, the one who would ok the change in start date. They have a training session that starts on the 10th, and would like me to be there if I can. I can't. I told them I was waiting to give my 2 weeks notice when she got back and said ok to starting later in the month. (they knew this) So now it looks like a start date of September 16th.

    I'm still looking just in case. But nothing or no one has contacted me recently.

    Right on, Chadius you're steaming ahead. I think you'll excel with your attitude and eagerness.icon_study.gif I better get cracking on those books!
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    scaredoftestsscaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 Mod
    Who hasn't contacted you lately? Another job?
    Never let your fear decide your fate....
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    @IT-FNG: thanks! I will achieve my goals in IT.

    @scaredoftests: I was meaning any of the applications I have sent out over the last month. I have received 3 emails saying that jobs I have applied for, were going with other candidates. Those jobs I haven't even talked to or interviewed with. Just keeping any options open, while waiting for this job's start date. :P
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    btw, on a totally unrelated note, why would you want to do DHCP reservations? My study guide is pretty vague on the topic.
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    rhinotxrhinotx Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
    usually if you are using static IPs for devices in a range that is using DHCP you will put a reservation on those used IP addresses. It keeps them from being assigned and have a conflict.
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    SpetsRepairSpetsRepair Member Posts: 210 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Chadius wrote: »
    btw, on a totally unrelated note, why would you want to do DHCP reservations? My study guide is pretty vague on the topic.

    So there wouldn't be an ip address conflict
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    scaredoftestsscaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 Mod
    It is summertime..calls for interviews are scarce around this time of year and then, all of the sudden the clouds burst with phonecalls and emails.
    Never let your fear decide your fate....
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yea it was like that late April and most of May. Meandrunkr2d2 said wait until first of June. Then all of a sudden, BAM! I had like 7 interviews in a month. Then dead again. lol
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    MeanDrunkR2D2MeanDrunkR2D2 Member Posts: 899 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Chadius wrote: »
    Yea it was like that late April and most of May. Meandrunkr2d2 said wait until first of June. Then all of a sudden, BAM! I had like 7 interviews in a month. Then dead again. lol

    LOL... Not my first rodeo in job hunting. :) I've seen similar trends in various metro areas and there are "dead" times, and then times when the floodgates open up again. August is one of those "slow" times for new positions, but once September hits, and interns/PT students go back to school and cannot work it seems that it opens up again. Then slow again once mid-nov until the 1st of the new year.
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□

    To recap: So, I accepted the position at WK. (Systems Support) With all the counter offers etc, we missed my original hire date. They moved the start date to September 16th. I am coming up on the time to put my notice in, and life throws the curve ball at ya. Short cliff notes story, I have no vehicle anymore. It's gone and I can't get it back.

    So my conumdrum is this: no car now, getting rides from a guy at my current employer. Not sure how I could make it work, going to a new job with no car at the moment and not knowing anyone. When I leave my current job, I get paid my vacation and stocks. So I will be fine getting another vehicle. In order to give a 2 week notice, I would have to do the notice by end of day Tuesday.

    So the job I have been waiting for all year, might be put on hold (maybe indefinitely). So should I call or email WK and explain the situation?
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Final update to this thread!

    I start work as Senior Desktop Support on the 14th. I gave my notice last Wednesday.

    It is mainly like what I do now with more users, I'll be doing it full time, and I have more responsibility. :)

    Here is the job description:

    Provides end-user support including the installation, maintenance, security, and troubleshooting of hardware, software and telecommunication systems. Ensures the continuous and efficient operation of computer and telecommunications systems.
    • Responds to trouble tickets and requests in a timely manner. Documents all issue resolutions through trouble ticket tracking system. Escalates complex issues to the supervisor and keeps the supervisor abreast of progress.
    • Assists in the coordination of IT deployments within an assigned office. Images existing and new hardware needing deployment. Ensures standardization of configurations and provides hardware and software updates.
    • Maintains security patches, software functionality, and active operation of network computers.
    • Keeps abreast of industry best practices in desktop support technology.
    Bachelors Degree in a related technical discipline is a plus, or the equivalent combination of education, technical certifications or training, or work experience.
    • Minimum 4+ years of experience in desktop server, or network support, preferably in a contact center environment
    • Lean Six Sigma (LSS) a plus
    • Familiarity with Genesys Suite of Products a plus
    • Ability to communicate orally and in writing at a level sufficient to provide technical information to non-technical people
    • Knowledge of basic security principles (anti-virus/anti- spam/firewall/patching/network access)
    • Experience with servicing and programming VoIP devices
    • Ability to troubleshoot and provide technical support for computer and telephone systems and related peripheral equipment
    • Knowledge of desktop and laptop computers and related peripheral equipment.
    • Basic understanding of information systems used to manage trouble tickets, requests, and control inventory.
    • Ability to use Microsoft Office suite of applications (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).
    • Ability to configure hardware and software to maintain standard system designs
    • Ability to troubleshoot and resolve problems in a timely manner
    • Strong interpersonal skills and a friendly, approachable demeanor
    • Must be able to work some overtime as needed and/or without advance notice
    • Able to work Saturdays and Shifts as needed

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    scaredoftestsscaredoftests Mod Posts: 2,780 Mod
    Good luck.
    Never let your fear decide your fate....
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    Dakinggamer87Dakinggamer87 Member Posts: 4,016 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Congrats!! So glad to hear :)
    *Associate's of Applied Sciences degree in Information Technology-Network Systems Administration
    *Bachelor's of Science: Information Technology - Security, Master's of Science: Information Technology - Management
    Matthew 6:33 - "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."

    Certs/Business Licenses In Progress: AWS Solutions Architect, Series 6, Series 63
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    ChadiusChadius Member Posts: 313 ■■■□□□□□□□
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    nascar_paulnascar_paul Member Posts: 288 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Great job! Congratulations!
    2017 Goals: 70-411 [X], 74-409 [X], 70-533 [X], VCP5-DCV [], LX0-103 [], LX0-104 []
    "I PLAN to fail!" - No One Ever
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    coffeeluvrcoffeeluvr Member Posts: 734 ■■■■■□□□□□
    "Something feels funny, I must be thinking too hard. - Pooh"
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