Student Experiences at Western Governors University (WGU)



  • erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    petedude wrote: »
    Joke all you like about CIW certs, but wait till you get to that Java course. :D

    I'm in NDM, so I will continue to joke all I want about CIW certs (well, maybe not so much Javascript....but definitely Web Associates v5.) icon_razz.gificon_wink.gif

    No, seriously, I know Java @ WGU is pretty intense and goes much more in detail than what is taught at Brick and Mortars.
  • shecklersheckler Member Posts: 201
    I'm not sure what to do with all these CompTIA/CIW books once I'm done with them. I'd hate to throw them away, there's got to be a place to donate them to.
  • earweedearweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
    The leg on my couch broke and they came in hady to hold it up til I fixed it
    No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives.
  • PishofPishof Member Posts: 193
    sheckler wrote: »
    I'm not sure what to do with all these CompTIA/CIW books once I'm done with them. I'd hate to throw them away, there's got to be a place to donate them to.

    If you have the Darril Gibson's Get Certified Get Ahead for Security+ study guide I would be interesting in it.

    (I'm assuming I'll need it to purchase it for TSV1 next month)
    Courses Left for WGU BS - IT: NA:

    On to VCAP!
  • PishofPishof Member Posts: 193
    erpadmin wrote: »
    You can do ORC1/MGC1 either in one day (wish I'd have known that....grrrrr....) or take ORC1/MGC1 in the same weekend like I did. No need to break that up.

    Other than that, sounds doable.

    Interesting, both in the same weekend? I'll have to alter my completion calendar then.

    How about IWC1 and IWT1? I intend on doing them back-to-back any estimate on how long they may take? Thanks for the continued insight!
    Courses Left for WGU BS - IT: NA:

    On to VCAP!
  • Excellent1Excellent1 Member Posts: 462 ■■■■■■■□□□
    erpadmin wrote: »
    You can do ORC1/MGC1 either in one day (wish I'd have known that....grrrrr....)

    I posted on 12/23 that I had just finished the two exams in one day. I took them back to back via OLP. There was some dead time in between because they give you like 10 times the amount of time you actually need to take the exam.
  • themagiconethemagicone Member Posts: 674
    Pishof wrote: »
    Interesting, both in the same weekend? I'll have to alter my completion calendar then.

    How about IWC1 and IWT1? I intend on doing them back-to-back any estimate on how long they may take? Thanks for the continued insight!

    Those cover a lot of ground, like a lot of WGU exams. Inch deep but mile wide. Don't really need the book, they are very very dry. The resources provided give enough info to pass. The 'T1 task's aren't too bad but do require some research and thought. Probably 2-3 weeks for both if you have free time. I finished SSC1/SST1/IWC1/IWT1 in 4 weeks.
    Courses Completed at WGU: JIT2, LYT2, TFT2, SJT2, BFC2, TGT2, FXT2
    Courses Required For Me To Graduate WGU in MS: IT Network Managment: MCT2, LZT2, MBT1, MDT2, MNT2
    CU Done this term: 16 Total CU Done: 19
    Currently working on: Nothing Graduation Goal: 5/2013
  • petedudepetedude Member Posts: 1,510
    sheckler wrote: »
    I'm not sure what to do with all these CompTIA/CIW books once I'm done with them. I'd hate to throw them away, there's got to be a place to donate them to.

    Drop 'em off at a local Goodwill. Maybe the local library can sell them through their Friends of the Library store.

    They'd be fine for boosting your monitor on your desk at work. :)

    Seriously, I'm lucky in that I know a few people into web design, so I have homes for some of the CIW books. Gave the Project+ book to someone a few days ago (but I am KEEPING that PMP book I used to study with, doggone it! ).
    Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
    --Will Rogers
  • erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Excellent1 wrote: »
    I posted on 12/23 that I had just finished the two exams in one day. I took them back to back via OLP. There was some dead time in between because they give you like 10 times the amount of time you actually need to take the exam.

    Maybe I should have wrote *remembered*, then. The only reminder I have from that time is the mountains of snow we still have that started three days after 12/23. It was inconsequential as to whether or not I took those exams back-to-back or in the same day. In truth, I was done with both exams, had I taken them in the same day, in less than one hour. (~25-30 minutes per exam)

    It was ok.
  • shecklersheckler Member Posts: 201
    Pishof wrote: »
    If you have the Darril Gibson's Get Certified Get Ahead for Security+ study guide I would be interesting in it.

    (I'm assuming I'll need it to purchase it for TSV1 next month)

    I actually got the eBook of that from Amazon, it's only $9.99
  • erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    sheckler wrote: »
    I actually got the eBook of that from Amazon, it's only $9.99

    This was not my case, because I didn't believe it, but Security+ is probably the only legitimate certification where you can spend $9.99, study/read the book in its entirety, take the exam, and pass. Mind you, I used multiple sources for this exam, but after I took it, I realized much of it was from "the good book." I come from the school of having more than one source, but for just doesn't apply. One need only visit the Security+ forum and read all those passed threads from all of 2010 to believe. LOL.
  • nrsnrs Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I'm currently slated to start March 1 - but very much thinking of pushing to April 1 or maybe May 1. I've had a few very specific and very important (to me) questions that I've asked my enrollment counselor and the answers he's giving me seem to be contrary to what I've been reading here.

    I'm looking at either the BS: IT Networks Design and Management or BS: IT Security track. I currently have MCITP: SA and just need to take the Win 7 exam to get MCITP: EA. I've always wanted to get my CCNA though.. so maybe WGU would be a good way to do it. Here are my questions:
    1. I understand that I can not transfer in certifications AFTER I start - personally this is probably the biggest issue. I'm a consultant and on any one day my employer may come to me and say "we need you to go take .. Security+, heres a book, heres a credit card to schedule the test, have it done in two weeks." I'm still waiting to get a confirmation of my transcripts but I might need to take A+, Network+ etc etc - and I'm fairly sure that I could go take those right now and pass both. Heres what I'm being told by my enrollment guy "You have access to all classes at all times - if you need to go take Security+ you can just access that content and then contact your mentor to schedule the exam. For something like the Security+ exam where the cert exam is the assessment there are no papers you need to write, no other check offs to perform just go pass the exam." Heres what I'm hearing from you guys "Your mentor, as a matter of their personal discretion, can make you take a pre-assessment before blessing you with the ability to take the exam. They could require you to run through it up to 3 times getting at least a 90 on the final pass before 'allowing' you to go take the exam."

      This is a bit of an issue for me - 1) It seems to vary from mentor to mentor - I don't want to commit to this deal and plop down my cash and then find out that I've got one of the hardnosers for a mentor and I've got to jump through a bunch of extra hoops. 2) I'm sort of independent - I don't really want to get permission before I go do something. My employer pays for any certification test I want to take - I've seen posts where people are waiting for a week for a voucher. It makes no sense for me to waste a week when I can go spend $125 or whatever and take the exam. Has anyone done this? I mean ... they say they won't accept transfer credits after you start but can they really enforce this?? Meaning.. if we're talking about a Microsoft exam - you can only take them until you pass. If I'm supposed to go take 70-642 for a class coming up next term and I decide one week I want to go do it so I cram and take it and pass it... what recourse do they have? They can't make me take it again if I've already passed - MS won't even allow it, Prometric won't even accept my registration, WGU would HAVE to allow it.

      EDIT: I understand it's likely easier to just finish up these certs before I even start and avoid this whole mess. With the Network+, A+, foundations I probably will - hence the push of the start date a bit farther. However when you talk about the CCNA CCNA:Security and Sec+ there is just not enough time to get those and the others finished before enrolling. Due to tuition reimbursement and having to refile my FASFA (I'd then be utilizing my 2010 tax returns which paint a different picture than 2009 and is likely going to affect my financial aid situation strongly) I really need to enroll before May 1. If it's going to be this big of a deal with it all I'll more strongly consider the IT: Networks Des and Man which uses the MCITP: EA as a back plane (which I'm much closer to obtaining) as opposed to the IT: Security which uses CCNA / CCNA:Security / Sec+ as a back plane which I don't have any of

    2. Whats the deal with the books. Specifically I asked my mentor "are they (books) included in the cost of tuition and if not are you going to ship me a bunch of books and then charge me for them with out me asking for them." He says "No, they're not included in the cost of tuition. Some classes have ebooks you can access free of charge, others will require you to purchase the book. We don't have a book store and you're free to buy from amazon or something like that. At no time will we ever just send you books." This seems to be contradicted by posts in this thread. Can some one please clarify? Also.. I see reference to using ExamForce as a 'pre-assesment' for the exams, are those included with the cost of tuition? I'm going to REALLY be upset if I get into this .. and want to take the cert exam and my mentor says no.. you you have to go do 3 trips through ExamForce, which you have to BUY, and then I'll give you the voucher. I also see reference to items being received in the mail.. not sure if these were items you all purchased yourselves online or something of if they were auto-shipped to you.
  • Excellent1Excellent1 Member Posts: 462 ■■■■■■■□□□

    With regards to your question about books, some courses have books that you can request as a learning resource. These are then sent to your house free of charge (covered as part of your tuition). Also, there is nothing you have to buy to satisfy any mentor preconditions for requesting a test or certification. Examforce is given at no cost to you for the items it's used with.

    As for your first question, you can request a mentor change if you have a mentor that will not work with you. I would not let this concern keep you from pursuing WGU as an option. Once you demonstrate to your mentor that you know what you're doing, they are typically more than happy to get out of your way and assist in any way they can.

    With regards to your question about taking the certs on your own, if I recall correctly, Road posted that he took a retake of the 70-680 on his own dime the day after failing it the first time because he didn't want to wait for the 2nd voucher. This apparently caused no problems because he's still trucking (hell, he's probably completing a 6 CU course as I type this :D). I'm sure others can clarify further.
  • eansdadeansdad Member Posts: 775 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Why would you take an exam your B.S. track has on your dime while enrolled (they are included in your tuition)? That would be my question. I would imagine that IF you did take an exam for your major that they did not provide the voucher for that they would take it. I don't think they would accept say an SSCP for TSV1 (Security+) after you start though even if the SSCP is a higher exam. As for the books, some classes do come with books (A+, Sec+, Prjoect+, CIW Foundations were delivered to me and the MS Press Book for Windows 7 is in Skillsofts Books 24x7). The gen-eds don't come with books as far as I've seen. Take the pre-assessment if you need the book get it if not take the exam or finish the work. Also I haven't read of too many mentors being as strict as requiring a 90% 3x on a pre-assessment. With your cert history I don't think you'll have a problem with your mentor.

    So far I only talk to my mentor once a week (still 1st semester) and I haven't had any problems. The only issue I had was accidently signing up for Project+ 2003 instead of 2009 and that pushing me back 4 days. I sent him a copy of my resume outlining my decade of experience so he knows (more or less) that I am able to obtain the certs. I know it sounds like this person is in control of your classes but they really aren't. You pick which classes you want to do and when. Also remember if you don't like your mentor or feel they aren't getting it done for you then you can get a new one. I'm sure if you ask some of use we would recommend ours.

    GL and Welcome (eventually) to WGU.
  • waves_riderwaves_rider Registered Users Posts: 3 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hey nrs, hope I can answer some questions for you.

    1) You pretty much answered this one yourself --- wait until YOU are ready and enroll; don't worry about the FAFSA. I have 10+ years of IT experience and still learned something from the books and study guides WGU requires of me before I could take the objective assessments. I'm sure you can pass all the CompTIA tests with your present knowledge, but I can also guarantee you will pick up some thing new and perhaps useful, especially if you're a consultant/contractor.

    From your notes in #1, I don't think you're ready to enroll until you can conform to WGU's ways. That's not a bad thing --- perhaps you can change the system later when you're a mentor yourself. Remember that you're entering a large institution, and like all other institutions, you have to follow the rules first. The nice thing about WGU, is, no one is forcing you, so it'd be best if you wait a few more months.

    2) The CIW and CompTIA texts are sent to you free, as are Labsim, ExamForce CramMaster, and vCampus. However, as others have noted there, some of those are extremely useful, others are not. It depends on your style. Do you like reading from text books, watching videos, or taking (and memorizing) answers from exams?

    That said, I'm not entirely happy with my mentor at first. I felt I could do 12+ CU per week and he was holding me back; but after 7 weeks and 34 units later, I can tell you that 1) it's not entirely his decision --- make sure you can pass the practice tests first (if you're confident, it shouldn't be a problem), and 2) it's to pace and keep you from failing.

    I have taken 6 objective assessments in the past 7 weeks --- I felt my pace was perfect because I actually had time to "savor" the accomplishment of passing each exam. I wasn't racing with anyone but myself, but I'm also not out to blow some steam at the expense of actually learning something new.

    Hope that answers your question --- good luck!
  • michaelcoxmichaelcox Member Posts: 105
    got back my transfer transcript.

    I only have 9-classes to take:
    Education wthout borders (EWB?)

    Courses Completed at WGU ( 8 ):
    Term 1 (April 2011): EWB2, WSV1, BRV1, BSV1 | Term 2 (October 2011): LET1, ORC1 | Term 3 (April 2012): MGC1, TPV1
    Courses Required Graduate WGU with BS - IT: SEC ( 8 ):
    BOV1, KET1, WDV1, KFT1, ABV1, TWA1, BLV1, CPW4
  • RoadwarriorsLiveRoadwarriorsLive Member Posts: 104
    petedude wrote: »
    Found out something interesting today.

    I dare you, just dare you, to find a first semester course in a B&M school that requires as much as WGU does for their introductory Java course. A few, very few might go into Initiators or some other advanced OOP implementation but most stop at barely drawing your first GUI application after teaching you-- wait for it-- arrays.

    Joke all you like about CIW certs, but wait till you get to that Java course. :D

    I agree about the Java Script Course. It was by far the hardest CIW test. The Java Course was a PIA too. Spent some long hours on that with lots of swearing and coffee. You dont HAVE to do a GUI for anything except the first one. I really like both of those witch is much easier to say after they are done.
    WGU Graduate - Bachelors of Science: Information Technology Security

    Started MS ISA on April 1st
  • RoadwarriorsLiveRoadwarriorsLive Member Posts: 104
    earweed wrote: »
    One bad thing about getting those APA courses out of the way early is that you'll have to do some reviewing of the APA stuff when you get to the end and have to do your Technical Writing and Capstone.

    Once you know how its laid out its not as big a deal. I used my first one as a template for all the rest. I always end up back at the APA site anyway to make sure my references are formatted correctly. Multiple authors on one source always trips me up.
    WGU Graduate - Bachelors of Science: Information Technology Security

    Started MS ISA on April 1st
  • RoadwarriorsLiveRoadwarriorsLive Member Posts: 104
    Pishof wrote: »
    If you have the Darril Gibson's Get Certified Get Ahead for Security+ study guide I would be interesting in it.

    (I'm assuming I'll need it to purchase it for TSV1 next month)

    Thats the book I used. Great book.
    WGU Graduate - Bachelors of Science: Information Technology Security

    Started MS ISA on April 1st
  • RoadwarriorsLiveRoadwarriorsLive Member Posts: 104
    sheckler wrote: »
    I'm not sure what to do with all these CompTIA/CIW books once I'm done with them. I'd hate to throw them away, there's got to be a place to donate them to.

    I am keeping mine for reference. My 8 year old has been watching the A+ video series from professor messer. If he keeps going I will paraphase some chapters for him. Hope its not child abuse to geek him out this young LOL
    WGU Graduate - Bachelors of Science: Information Technology Security

    Started MS ISA on April 1st
  • RoadwarriorsLiveRoadwarriorsLive Member Posts: 104
    Excellent1 wrote: »

    With regards to your question about taking the certs on your own, if I recall correctly, Road posted that he took a retake of the 70-680 on his own dime the day after failing it the first time because he didn't want to wait for the 2nd voucher. This apparently caused no problems because he's still trucking (hell, he's probably completing a 6 CU course as I type this :D). I'm sure others can clarify further.

    LMAO I read that and almost woke up the house laughing.

    Yes I retook Win7 on my own dime and they didnt say a word BUT I didnt turn in the fail sheet from the day before so I dont know if it would have been a problem or not. My mentor knew and was going to try and get my money back but I told her it was my fault I failed and I need to pay for it. I know its wierd but I didnt want to ever take a test that lightly again. A little money out of pocket just drives the point home.

    I think if you talk to your mentor and tell them your situation they will be more than happy to make things work (at least mine is). If your responsible with what you want to open and get it done on time your mentor will work with you more and more. If they cant go at your pace then ask for a new mentor.

    One suggestion if your going to move that fast. Make sure you look ahead at whats coming next and get the resources from the COS. I always try to have the book in my hand before I ask my mentor to open the class for me.

    Also make sure you work out with your mentor to approve the voucher ASAP. You dont have to schedule a date for it when you make the request. Sometimes it takes a day or two for it to get the email after its approved and its good for 6 weeks I think. Since you have the voucher you can schedule when your ready. Works out very well if your prepared. Sometime you just dont know until you get into the material but you know how it goes.
    WGU Graduate - Bachelors of Science: Information Technology Security

    Started MS ISA on April 1st
  • earweedearweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
    They recommend (actually they say it's policy) to take it within 6 weeks but I've personally used a voucher more than 6 weeks old and it was still valid. I "floated" a second shot voucher that would have expired using my WGU vouchers and have used 2 or3 vouchers past their 6 week point.
    No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives.
  • Jack2Jack2 Member Posts: 153
    Wish me luck on the 2nd try at the AKV1 Java script test this morning!
    WGU Courses Completed at WGU: CPW3, EWB2, WFV1, TEV1, TTV1, AKV1, TNV1| TSV1, LET1, ORC1, MGC1, TPV1, TWA1, CVV1, DHV1, DIV1, DJV1, TXP1, TYP1, CUV1, TXC1, TYC1, CJV1
    Classes Transferred: BAC1, BBC1, LAE1, LAT1, LUT1 ,1LC1, 1MC1, QLT1, IWC1, IWT1, INC1, INT1, SSC1, SST1, CLC1
    WGU Graduate - BSIT 2014
  • erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Once you know how its laid out its not as big a deal. I used my first one as a template for all the rest. I always end up back at the APA site anyway to make sure my references are formatted correctly. Multiple authors on one source always trips me up.

    That is exactly what I did for my LET1 papers. The word document I uploaded was the product of that endeavor.

    I'm not sure of the technical writing or capstone, but I know that for most APA papers you do at WGU, you are not required to write an abstract. Everything else though flies, and with 2007+, APA writing truly isn't a big deal.
  • earweedearweed Member Posts: 5,192 ■■■■■■■■■□
    The tech writing/capstone don't require abstracts either. They are just way longer and more complex.
    No longer work in IT. Play around with stuff sometimes still and fix stuff for friends and relatives.
  • Jack2Jack2 Member Posts: 153
    Jack2 wrote: »
    Wish me luck on the 2nd try at the AKV1 Java script test this morning!

    PASSED the CIW Java script 44/50! AKV1 done and end of the courses required for this term! Nice to have 100% SAP. I will add Network plus next .. term end April 31st..
    WGU Courses Completed at WGU: CPW3, EWB2, WFV1, TEV1, TTV1, AKV1, TNV1| TSV1, LET1, ORC1, MGC1, TPV1, TWA1, CVV1, DHV1, DIV1, DJV1, TXP1, TYP1, CUV1, TXC1, TYC1, CJV1
    Classes Transferred: BAC1, BBC1, LAE1, LAT1, LUT1 ,1LC1, 1MC1, QLT1, IWC1, IWT1, INC1, INT1, SSC1, SST1, CLC1
    WGU Graduate - BSIT 2014
  • shecklersheckler Member Posts: 201
    Jack2 wrote: »
    PASSED the CIW Java script 44/50! AKV1 done and end of the courses required for this term! Nice to have 100% SAP. I will add Network plus next .. term end April 31st..

    You can probably finish TNV1, TSV1, LET1, ORC1, and MGC1 by April 31st if you want.
  • Excellent1Excellent1 Member Posts: 462 ■■■■■■■□□□
    Jack2 wrote: »
    PASSED the CIW Java script 44/50! AKV1 done and end of the courses required for this term! Nice to have 100% SAP. I will add Network plus next .. term end April 31st..

    Nice work, congratulations. icon_cheers.gif
  • RoadwarriorsLiveRoadwarriorsLive Member Posts: 104
    Jack2 wrote: »
    PASSED the CIW Java script 44/50! AKV1 done and end of the courses required for this term! Nice to have 100% SAP. I will add Network plus next .. term end April 31st..

    Congrats on the PASS!!!!! GREAT JOB!
    WGU Graduate - Bachelors of Science: Information Technology Security

    Started MS ISA on April 1st
  • erpadminerpadmin Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Jack2 wrote: »
    PASSED the CIW Java script 44/50! AKV1 done and end of the courses required for this term! Nice to have 100% SAP. I will add Network plus next .. term end April 31st..

    CONGRATS! Sheckler is probably can knock TNV1 and TSV1 in three weeks tops, plus one week of LET1/MGC1/ORC1. Network+ with your credentials is not rocket science. :) (Even without them, it isn't.......) TSV1....well you know the resource to use. :)
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