Non-certification related discussions of IoT, Cloud security, offensive security and more.
Category List
19 discussions 123 comments Most recent: Tool Library For Security Assessments by SteveLavoie May 2023
12 discussions 45 comments Most recent: New Google Cloud Security Certifications by UnixGuy July 2023
39 discussions 258 comments Most recent: Building A Cybersecurity Program From Scratch - Thoughts? by UnixGuy January 13
9 discussions 48 comments Most recent: Besides NIST 800-86 and D4I is their another known Framework for Forensics by egrizzly February 10
8 discussions 33 comments Most recent: how to scan for vulnerabilities in devices which only has serial ports, no ethernet ports. by kamilshaik July 2022
33 discussions 146 comments Most recent: Minimum Threshold for Malicious Flags on VirusTotal by JDMurray July 2023
Best practices and employee education resources.41 discussions 219 comments Most recent: Could Someone Give me Guidance for Implementing a Security Awareness Program? by clausesalvatorr August 27
9 discussions 60 comments Most recent: What is better, VMware Fusion or Parallels? by OllyBe October 22